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PAGE 57 (Four panels)
Panel 1: Daphne, sitting in a cabin on the RV Seagoon (porthole visible behind her), being interviewed.
Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): You have to know that there’s been a lot of mail, and a lot of chatter on social media, to the effect that you’re crazy, that you’re unstable, that you’re suicidal, that someone should stop you, and so on.
Translation (1): Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): Você precisa saber que há muitos e-mails, muita conversa nas redes sociais, no sentido de que você está louca, que está instável, que é uma suicida, que alguém deveria impedir isto, e por aí vai.
Daphne (2): Yes, I know about all that. And I have something to say.
Translation (2): Sim, estou ciente de tudo isto. E eu tenho mais algo a dizer.
Panel 2: Adapted photograph of the Scott Antarctic party. A version can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terra_Nova_Expedition#/media/File:Scottgroup.jpg (Accessed March 5, 2017)
CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (3): For centuries, men have set out on expeditions to advance human knowledge.
Translation (3): Por séculos, os homens têm se empenhado em expedições para o avanço do conhecimento humano.
CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): Some of these expeditions were extraordinarily dangerous. They had to know in some cases that the odds that they would survive were quite poor.
Translation (4): Algumas dessas expedições foram extraordinariamente perigosas. Eles precisavam saber que em alguns casos as probabilidades de sobrevivência são muito baixas.
Panel 3: Adapted photograph of the crew of Apollo 1. A version can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_1#/media/File:Apollo1_Crew_im_Simulator.jpg (Accessed March 5, 2017).
CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (5): Even in more modern times, men have undertaken exploratory ventures that they knew posed a lethal risk.
Translation (5): Mesmo nos tempos modernos, homens assumem missões exploratórias cientes dos riscos mortais que elas representam.
Panel 4: Daphne leaning forward, intently.
Daphne (6): And do you know what? No one wrote about how these men were crazy unstable bitches who needed to be stopped for their own good.
Translation (6): E sabe do que mais? Ninguém escreveu sobre o quanto esses homens eram cretinos, loucos e instáveis que deveriam ser impedidos de agir para o seu próprio bem.
Daphne (7): Instead, they were celebrated as heroes.
Translation (7): Na verdade, foram homenageados como heróis.

A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)