Aprenda português XLI: A Isca 042

A esperada partida para os mares do sul.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 42 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Eliza standing at the boarding counter for an international flight, with Daphne behind her. A GATE AGENT is checking Eliza’s documents prior to her boarding.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): At long last the preparations were made. The volunteers boarded a flight for Southeast Asia…

Translation (1): Os preparos levaram um longo tempo. As voluntárias embarcaram em um voo para o sudeste da Ásia…

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting side-by-side in large, first-class seats in a first-class cabin. Eliza is holding a flute of champagne and Daphne is reading a book.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): The benefactor behind the exhibition arranged for them to travel first class.

Translation (2): O benfeitor nos bastidores providenciou passagens de primeira classe para elas.

Panel 3: Claudia in coach class, crammed into the middle seat of three between Hiram and another passenger. Hiram looks like he’s trying to get Claudia’s attention, perhaps even hitting on her. The other passenger, a FAT MAN, has gone to sleep. Claudia stares forward with Stoic resignation.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): Most of the other specialists on the exhibition had to travel in coach.

Comment (3): “in coach” as an idiomatic way of expressing something like “second (or lower) class” in air travel – the part of the aircraft with smaller, more-crowded seats and inferior service.

Translation (3): CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): A maioria dos outros especialistas do projeto viajaram na classe econômica.

Panel 4: Eliza, followed by Daphne, followed by Claudia, walking up the gangway to the RV Seagoon. Eliza is wearing her typical thin cotton shirt and skirt, Daphne is in denim shorts and a T-shirt, and Claudia is in a conservative white button-down short-sleeved shirt and a dark skirt. All three are carrying bags, with Claudia’s being by far the largest.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (4): After arriving in Singapore, volunteers and crew board the research vessel RV Seagoon for their venture in the South Seas.

Translation (4): Ao chegarem em Cingapura, as voluntárias e a tripulação de bordo do navio de pesquisa, o RV Seagoon, partiram para sua missão nos mares do sul.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprenda português XXXV: A Isca 036

Claudia Honeywood fabrica robôs inteligentes.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 36 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia, in coveralls and wearing goggles, sitting at a high-tech workbench making adjustments to a tiny (about the size of a toaster) submersible drone.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Ethical objections aside, preparations for an expedition are laid in.

Translation (1): Deixando de lado as objeções éticas, a preparação para uma expedição está em andamento.

Panel 2: Claudia now being interviewed in the lab. She has pushed her goggles up on her forehead, and her face has some sooty smudges on it.

SUBTITLE (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Project Robotics Engineer.

Translation (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Engenharia de Projetos de Robótica.

Claudia (3): The creature will probably be able to block communications with our expedition ship, but we think a tightly focused beam from our subjects to a submersible might be possible. We can capture and retrieve data from it later.

Translation (3): A criatura provavelmente vai conseguir bloquear as comunicações com o nosso navio de expedição, mas acreditamos que um foco bem concentrado nas voluntárias pode ser possível em um veículo submersível. Podemos capturar e recuperar dados dele posteriormente.

Panel 3: A somewhat cleaned-up Claudia showing the submersible to Daphne and Eliza. Daphne seems interested, Eliza almost enchanted.

,span class=”comelement”>Claudia (4): Okay, ladies. So, one of you at least is going to be talking to this.

Translation (4): OK, senhoras. Pelo menos uma de vocês vai usar isto aqui para falar conosco.

Eliza (5): Ooh, it’s so cute!

Translation (5): Ai, que bonitinho!

Panel 4: Claudia fitting something behind Eliza’s ear.

Claudia (6): This sensor will transmit biometrics. It will also scan your brain’s speech center and allow you to provide some narration of your experiences.

Translation (6): Este sensor vai transmitir seus dados biométricos. E também fará uma varredura do seu centro da fala no cérebro e permitir que você para narre parte da sua experiência.

Eliza (7): I really want to try that…

Translation (7): Eu realmente quero experimentar…

Caudia (8): You will. We need testing.

Translation (8): Claudia (8): Você vai. Precisamos fazer testes.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprenda português XXXII: A Isca 033

O primeiro encontro com os tentáculos.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 33 (Two panels)

Panel 1: Probably smaller inset above. Eliza and Daphne meeting in an office somewhere, shaking hands somewhat tentatively.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (1): Eventually, we were down to two candidates, one to serve in the principal attempt and the second as an alternate.

Translation (1): Em algum tempo, reduzimos o grupo a duas candidatas, uma para servir como isca principal e a outra como alternativa.

Eliza (2): Uh, hi!

Translation (2): Oi!

Daphne (3): How do you do?

Comment (3): The English phrase “how do you do” is often conflated with “how are you?” but this is incorrect. “How do you do” is not an inquiry after someone’s health or mental state the way “how are you?” might be. Rather, it is a form of greeting used by someone of formal manners or high social status when introduced to someone for the first time. One responds to “how do you do” with “how do you do.” It should be translated accordingly.

Daphne (3): Como vai?

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting at a table in a richly-appointed conference room of a major law firm. Across from them sit some serious-looking lawyers. Eliza is signing something.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): We had them sign agreements of various kinds: consents to the procedure, agreements to prominent mention in all publications related to the project, and also contracts with compensation of a sort: a charity of each’s choosing would get a contribution of $1,000,000 upon each’s completion of her…contribution.

Translation (4): Pedimos que assinassem vários tipos de contratos: sua anuência em relação aos procedimentos, autorização para citação em todas as publicações relativas ao projeto, e contratos de remuneração de uma única natureza: uma doação a uma instituição filantrópica escolhida pela própria voluntária, que receberia o valor de US$ 1.000.000,00 mediante realização da… contribuição da voluntária.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprenda português XXVIII: A Isca 029

Uma vida curta e gloriosa ou uma vida longa sem destaque?

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 29 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne, in the interview, now looking serious and pensive.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): But that means the end of you!

Translation (1):: Mas isto será o seu fim!

Daphne (2): It is a choice between κλέος and νόστος.

Comment (2): The Greek text above (κλέος, νόστος) should, if possible, be left untranslated and untransliterated.

Translation (2): É uma escolha entre κλέος e νόστος.

Comment (2): The Greek text above (κλέος, νόστος) should, if possible, be left untranslated and untransliterated.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (3): What?

Translation (3): O que?

Panel 2: View of a vase painting showing the Greek hero Achilles.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): In the Iliad, the hero Achilles faces a choice between either going home and living a long life – that’s νόστος – or staying to fight and living a short but glorious life – that’s κλέος.

Comment (4): See Comment (2) above for how to treat the Greek text.

Translation (4): Na Ilíada, o herói Aquiles encara uma escolha entre voltar para casa e viver uma vida longa – é o νόστος – ou se manter na luta e ter uma vida curta, porém gloriosa – é o κλέος.

Panel 3: Daphne, leaning forward to engage more closely her unseen interviewer.

Daphne (5): Given the choice between a either a lifetime as a corporate drone after which I shall be forgotten or being part of something that will be in history books for centuries, the right answer seems obvious.

Translation (5): Diante da opção de uma vida de drone corporativo e ser esquecida depois ou fazer parte de algo que estará nos livros de história por séculos a fio, a resposta correta me parece óbvia.

Panel 4: Daphne sitting back, taking a sip from her cup of coffee.

Daphne (6): Or at least, the right answer is obvious to me.

Translation (6): Ou pelo menos, a resposta correta é óbvia para mim.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprenda português XXVII: A Isca 028

Daphne Bosselseg quer fazer parte da história da ciência.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 28 (Four panels)

Panel 1: DAPHNE BOSSELSEG (“Daphne”) sits in a coffeehouse, being interviewed. There is coffee on the table in front of her. Daphne is a dark-haired, dark-eyed, intense-looking youngish woman who wears a dark cable sweater and blue jeans.

Daphne (1): The bitter truth is, I’m facing a lifetime of asking “Do you want fries with that?”

Comment (1): “Do you want fries with that? Is a stock phrase in American English, the question asked by a fast-food counter worker. By extension, to have to ask the question means having a poorly-paid, unenjoyable, and low-status job. It can be translated either literally or with an equivalent phrase in the target language.

Translation (1): A dura realidade é que estou diante de uma vida inteira perguntando “você quer suas fritas com o quê?”

SUBTITLE (2): Daphne Bosselseg, prospective subject.

Translation (2): Daphne Bosselseg, possível voluntária.

Panel 2: Front panel of the first edition of Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems, over which are layered the captions of Daphne speaking.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (3): I wrote an award-winning Ph.D. dissertation in the history of science. “One of the best of your generation,” my advisors told me.

Translation (2): Redigi uma tese acadêmica premiada para o meu doutorado sobre a história da ciência. “Uma das melhores da sua geração” – disse meu orientador.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): But thanks to yahoo state legislators and asshole STEM billionaires, there’s no funding for humanistic research like that anymore.

Comment (3): “Yahoo” is an American colloquial expression for a crude, ill-educated, and unsophisticated person, usually one of rural or small-town origins. “STEM” is an acronym for “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,” and in this context might refer to someone who got rich making technology, but who is ignorant and also likely contemptuous of humanistic learning.

Translation (3): Mas graças àquele Grosso, os legisladores do estado e os bilionários babacas do STEM, não existem mais fundos para a pesquisa humanitária do gênero.

Panel 3: Daphne back in interview position. She looks glum and pensive.

Daphne (5): No one with money wants to fund knowledge anymore. They all want universities that do nothing but make a compliant corporate workforce.

Translation (5): Ninguém que tem dinheiro quer mais financiar o conhecimento. Todos querem universidades que apenas atendam às demandas de mão de obra das empresas e nada mais.

Panel 4: Daphne being interviewed. She has brightened up, just a little.

Daphne (6): But now I have a chance at something.

Translation (6): Mas agora, eu tenho a chance de realizar algo.

Daphne (7): If I can’t write part of the history of science, then perhaps I can be part of the history of science.

Translation (7): Se não consegui escrever parte da história da ciência, então talvez eu possa ser parte da história da ciência.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprender español LXXX: Carnada 084

Un llamado a honrar el sacrificio.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 84 (Three panels, long one across the top).

Panel 1: Long view showing the table set out with the portraits of the three women Eliza, Daphne, and Claudia, with other arrangements.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (1): Let us think of the women we commemorate today as our Praxithea, Theope, and Eubule.

Translation (1): Pensemos en las mujeres que conmemoramos hoy como nuestras Praxitea, Teope y Eubule.

Panel 2: Close-up of a particular mourner, showing signs of grief. The details are at the artist’s discretion.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (2): Let us honor and not disdain their sacrifices.

Translation (2): Honremos y no despreciemos sus sacrificios.

Panel 3: Close-up view on the UU Minister again. Her head is bent forward and her eyes are closed.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (3): For is that not what human decency really requires?

Translation (3): Porque, ¿no es eso lo que requiere la decencia humana realmente?

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXIII: Carnada 062

Daphne explota en el momento equivocado

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 62 (Three panels. The first two should appear across the top of the page, the third a long panel across the bottom)

Panel 1: View of Daphne in the water, her midsection dominated by an explosive effect – BOOM! – as her capsule explodes.

SUBTITLE (1): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (1): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 2: A large white sphere pops up on the surface of the ocean.


Translation (2): ¡Plic!

SUBTITLE (3): Aerial drone surveillance footage.

Translation (3): Imágenes aéreas de drones de vigilancia.

Panel 3: A line of spectators along the rail of the RV Seagoon: Hiram, Turpentine, Claudia, and Captain Drummingdale. Hiram is stroking his chin with a “well, that’s interesting” look. Turpentine is facepalming. Claudia is registering shock. Drummingdale is leaning over the rail and retching.

SUBTITLE (4): Aerial drone surveillance footage.

Translation (4): Imágenes aéreas de drones de vigilancia.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXII: Carnada 061

Afuera, en el agua, algo sale mal.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 61 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne floating in the ocean.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (1): ZZT…here I am, out here wondering…rzznnn… what it will be like…kap-tik…

Translation (1): ZZT… aquí estoy, preguntándome… rzznnn… cómo será… kap-tik…

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (2): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 2: Daphne floating in a slightly different position in the ocean.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (3): nrrg…shltz…for Eliza, it looked awesome…but…kirraza…just find it disgusting…sllzzz…

Translation (3): Nrrg… shltz… para Eliza, parecía maravilloso… pero… kirraza… a mí me parece asqueroso no más… sllzzz…

SUBTITLE (4): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (4): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 3: Daphne floating in yet another position in the ocean.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (5): zzzltslx…gives me butterflies in my stomach…kkrrr…zot

Translation (5): Zzzltslx… me revuelve el estómago… kkrrr… zot

SUBTITLE (6): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (6): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 4: Close-up on Daphne’s face, which suddenly appears contorted.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (7): …rrrg…hey, I don’t feel so good…blll

Translation (7): … Rrrg… ay, no me siento muy bien… blll.

SUBTITLE (8): Magnified and enhanced drone footage.

Translation (8): Imágenes ampliadas y mejoradas del dron.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LX: Carnada 059

Daphne se prepara y expresa la esperanza de explotar en el momento correcto.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 59 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne standing in a different cabin. She’s wearing a comparatively modest black one-piece swimsuit. She is wearing a pair of swimmer’s goggles, now dangling around her neck. She’s holding one of the capsules between her thumb and forefinger and examining it with a skeptical expression. Hiram stands to one side, his face wearing a bit of a smirk.

Daphne (1): So, this has been recalibrated, has it?

Translation (1): Entonces, recalibraron esto, ¿verdad?

Hiram (2): Yes. To much higher sensitivity settings.

Translation (2): Sí. El nivel de detección es mucho mayor ahora.

Panel 2: Daphne in the act of downing the capsule with a glass of water.

Daphne (3): Well, here’s hoping you got it right this time, Hiram.

Translation (3): Bueno, esperemos que lo hayas hecho bien esta vez, Hiram.

Panel 3: Daphne walking down a narrow ship’s corridor with Claudia.

Claudia (4): The drones will follow you and not be far away.

Translation (4): Los drones te seguirán y no estarán lejos.

Daphne (5): I’m glad of that.

Translation (5): Me alegra saberlo.

Panel 4: Claudia and Daphne walking on deck, past a number of men who look a little grimmer than they did before.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LIX: Carnada 058

Daphne teoriza su decisión.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 58 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne, leaning back a bit.

Daphne (1): So what gives? Is it that they were men and I’m a woman who should be staying home in the kitchen and popping out babies?

Comment (1): “So what gives?” Colloquial American English expression that means something like “What are you trying to say?” but with an edge of skepticism or even hostility.

Translation (1): Entonces, ¿cuál es? ¿Es porque eran hombres y yo soy una mujer que debería quedarse en casa en la cocina y parir bebés?

Daphne (2): If that’s what you think, go fuck yourself, you sexist piece of shit.

Translation (2): Si eso es lo que piensas, andá a cagar, sexista de mierda.

Panel 2: Daphne, with a finger raised.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (3): Perhaps there’s a difference between a chance of death and what looks like a certainty of…

Translation (3): Tal vez haya una diferencia entre la posibilidad de morir y lo que parece una certeza…

Daphne (4): Yes, well I have an answer to that as well.

Translation (4): Sí, bueno, también tengo una respuesta a eso.

Panel 3: An abstract representation showing Daphne, wearing a classical toga, holding a line in space which is labeled at its endpoints “0” and “1.”

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (5): “Certainty” isn’t metaphysically special. It’s just the endpoint of a continuum of probabilities.

Translation (5): La “certeza” no es metafísicamente especial. Es sólo el punto final de una continuidad de probabilidades.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (6): So where does “insanity” begin? At p = 0.5? 0.7? 0.999? Can you defend any principled answer to that question?

Translation (6): Entonces, ¿dónde comienza la “locura”? En p = ¿0.5? ¿0.7? ¿0.999? ¿Puedes defender alguna respuesta fundamentada a esa pregunta?

Panel 4: Close-in on Daphne’s determined-looking face.

Daphne (7): If not, then shut up and let me get on with what I need to do.

Translation (7): Si la respuesta es no, entonces cállate y déjame continuar con lo que debo hacer.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)