Impariamo l’italiano LV: Esca 056

Tempo per Daphne per fare il sacrificio.

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PAGE 56 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine at the head of the table, looking grumpy.

Turpentine (1): Yes. That may well be.

Translation (1): Sì. È possibile.

Panel 2: Hiram, with a crooked grin.

Hiram (2): Well, we could always set it higher and try again.

Translation (2): Bene, potremmo sempre impostarla più in alta e riprovare.

Panel 3: Daphne, who is sitting at the table, with a wide-eyed expression.

Panel 4: Daphne again, with a slightly calmer expression.

Daphne (3): So, I guess I’m going in after all.

Translation (3): Quindi, suppongo che entrerò dopo tutto.

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Impariamo l’italiano XLV: Esca 046

Eliza è quella scelta.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 46 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine has lifted away his right hand and is now looking down at the back of his left, where the coin is now resting.

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting next to one another, both wide-eyed in anticipation.

Panel 3: Extreme close-up of the coin resting on the back of Turpentine’s hand. It is Lady Liberty-side up.


Translation (1): È Lady Liberty.


Translation (2): È Eliza.

Panel 4: Daphne and Eliza leaning over, giving each other a hug.

Daphne (3): Congratulations!

Translation (3): Complimenti!

Eliza (4): Thank you!

Translation (4): Grazie!

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Impariamo l’italiano XLI: Esca 042

La tanto attesa partenza per i Mari del Sud.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 42 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Eliza standing at the boarding counter for an international flight, with Daphne behind her. A GATE AGENT is checking Eliza’s documents prior to her boarding.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): At long last the preparations were made. The volunteers boarded a flight for Southeast Asia…

Translation (1): Finalmente sono i preparative sono pronti. I volontari si sono imbarcati su un volo per l’Asia sud-orientale…

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting side-by-side in large, first-class seats in a first-class cabin. Eliza is holding a flute of champagne and Daphne is reading a book.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): The benefactor behind the exhibition arranged for them to travel first class.

Translation (2): Il benefattore dietro l’evento ha organizzato per loro un viaggio in prima classe.

Panel 3: Claudia in coach class, crammed into the middle seat of three between Hiram and another passenger. Hiram looks like he’s trying to get Claudia’s attention, perhaps even hitting on her. The other passenger, a FAT MAN, has gone to sleep. Claudia stares forward with Stoic resignation.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): Most of the other specialists on the exhibition had to travel in coach.

Translation (3): La maggior parte degli altri specialisti dell’evento dovranno viaggiare in seconda classe.

Panel 4: Eliza, followed by Daphne, followed by Claudia, walking up the gangway to the RV Seagoon. Eliza is wearing her typical thin cotton shirt and skirt, Daphne is in denim shorts and a T-shirt, and Claudia is in a conservative white button-down short-sleeved shirt and a dark skirt. All three are carrying bags, with Claudia’s being by far the largest.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (4): After arriving in Singapore, volunteers and crew board the research vessel RV Seagoon for their venture in the South Seas.

Translation (4): Dopo l’arrivo a Singapore, volontari e membri dell’equipaggio si sono imbarcati sulla nave da ricerca RV Seagoon per la loro avventura nei mari del sud.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Impariamo l’italiano XL: Esca 041

Eliza ama stare sott'acqua; Daphne rimane risoluta.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 41 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Eliza, about half climbed out of the tank, water dripping off her. A TECHNICIAN is pulling off one of her sensors. Eliza is smiling broadly.

Eliza (1): That’s just the most amazing thing, being underwater for all that time. I’ve never felt anything so peaceful.

Translation (1): Questa è solo la cosa più incredibile, essere sott’acqua per tutto quel tempo. Non ho mai provato nulla di così pacifico.

Panel 2: Eliza standing outside the tank, all of her sensors now removed, toweling off but still wearing her one-piece suit.

Eliza (2): I can’t wait to do that naked in the open ocean.

Translation (2): Non vedo l’ora di farlo nuda nell’oceano aperto.

Panel 3: Daphne, back being interviewed in the coffeehouse.

Daphne (3): Back out? No way.

Translation (3): Sei tornata? Non c’è modo.


Translation (4): Ma…

Daphne (5): But what? But I’m going to be immortal if I don’t go through with this?

Translation (5): Ma cosa? Ma diventerò immorale se non mi sottopongo a questo?

Panel 4: Closer-in view of Daphne’s face. She looks deadly serious.

Daphne (6): None of us has the choice as to whether to die. We can only make it sooner, or maybe just a little later.

Translation (7): Nessuna di noi ha la possibilità di decidere se morire. Possiamo soltanto farlo prima, o forse solo un po’ più tardi.

Daphne (7): And we can try to attach meaning to death. That’s what I’m doing here.

Translation (7): E possiamo provare ad attribuire un significato alla morte. Ecco cosa sto facendo qui.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Impariamo l’italiano XXXV: Esca 036

Claudia Honeywood crea robot molto intelligenti.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 36 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia, in coveralls and wearing goggles, sitting at a high-tech workbench making adjustments to a tiny (about the size of a toaster) submersible drone.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Ethical objections aside, preparations for an expedition are laid in.

Translation (1): A parte le obiezioni etiche, sono in corso i preparativi per una spedizione.

Panel 2: Claudia now being interviewed in the lab. She has pushed her goggles up on her forehead, and her face has some sooty smudges on it.

SUBTITLE (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Project Robotics Engineer.

Translation (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Ingegnere del Progetto di Robotica.

Claudia (3): The creature will probably be able to block communications with our expedition ship, but we think a tightly focused beam from our subjects to a submersible might be possible. We can capture and retrieve data from it later.

Translation (3): Probabilmente la creatura sarà in grado di bloccare le comunicazioni con la nostra nave di spedizione, ma pensiamo che sia possibile un raggio strettamente focalizzato dai nostri soggetti a un sommergibile. Da questo, in seguito, potremo acquisire e recuperare i dati.

Panel 3: A somewhat cleaned-up Claudia showing the submersible to Daphne and Eliza. Daphne seems interested, Eliza almost enchanted.

Claudia (4): Okay, ladies. So, one of you at least is going to be talking to this.

Translation (4): Ok, signore. Quindi, almeno una di voi parlerà con questo.

Eliza (5): Ooh, it’s so cute!

Translation (5): Ooh, è così carino!

Panel 4: Claudia fitting something behind Eliza’s ear.

Claudia (6): This sensor will transmit biometrics. It will also scan your brain’s speech center and allow you to provide some narration of your experiences.

Translation (6): Questo sensore trasmetterà dati biometrici. Eseguirà anche la scansione del centro del discorso del tuo cervello e ti consentirà di fornire una narrazione delle tue esperienze.

Eliza (7): I really want to try that…

Translation (7): Voglio davvero provarlo…

Claudia (8): You will. We need testing.

Translation (8): Lo proverai. Abbiamo bisogno di testarlo.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Impariamo l’italiano XXXII: Esca 033

Le due "vincitrici" del concorso per esche si incontrano.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 33 (Two panels)

Panel 1: Probably smaller inset above. Eliza and Daphne meeting in an office somewhere, shaking hands somewhat tentatively.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (1): Eventually, we were down to two candidates, one to serve in the principal attempt and the second as an alternate.

Translation (1): Alla fine, eravamo scesi a due candidate, una da utilizzare nel tentativo principale e la seconda come sostituta.

Eliza (2): Uh, hi!

Translation (2): Uh, ciao!

Daphne (3): How do you do.

Comment (3): The English phrase “how do you do” is often conflated with “how are you?” but this is incorrect. “How do you do” is not an inquiry after someone’s health or metnal state the way “how are you?” might be. Rather, it is a form of greeting used by someone of formal manners or high social status when introduced to someone for the first time. One responds to “how do you do” with “how do you do.” It should be translated accordingly.

Translation (3): Salve.

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting at a table in a richly-appointed conference room of a major law firm. Across from them sit some serious-looking lawyers. Eliza is signing something.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): We had them sign agreements of various kinds: consents to the procedure, agreements to prominent mention in all publications related to the project, and also contracts with compensation of a sort: a charity of each’s choosing would get a contribution of $1,000,000 upon each’s completion of her…contribution.

Translation (4): Gli abbiamo fatto firmare accordi di vario genere: consensi alla procedura, accordi ad essere menzionate in modo preminente in tutte le pubblicazioni relative al progetto e anche contratti con un tipo di compenso: un ente di beneficenza per ciascuna prescelta otterrebbe un contributo di $ 1,000,000 dopo il completamento del suo… contributo.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Impariamo l’italiano XXVIII: Esca 029

Una vita breve e gloriosa, o una vita lunga e banale?

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 29 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne, in the interview, now looking serious and pensive.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): But that means the end of you!

Translation (1): Ma questo significa la tua fine!

Daphne (2): It is a choice between κλέος and νόστος.

Comment (2): The Greek text above (κλέος, νόστος) should, if possible, be left untranslated and untransliterated.

Translation (2): È una scelta tra κλέος e νόστος.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (3): What?

Translation (3): Che cosa?

Panel 2: View of a vase painting showing the Greek hero Achilles.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): In the Iliad, the hero Achilles faces a choice between either going home and living a long life – that’s νόστος – or staying to fight and living a short but glorious life – that’s κλέος.

Comment (4): See Comment (2) above for how to treat the Greek text.

Translation (4): Nell’Iliade, l’eroe Achille affronta una scelta tra andare a casa e vivere una lunga vita – questo è νόστος – o restare a combattere e vivere una vita breve ma gloriosa – questo è κλέος.

Panel 3: Daphne, leaning forward to engage more closely her unseen interviewer.

Daphne (5): Given the choice between a either a lifetime as a corporate drone after which I shall be forgotten or being part of something that will be in history books for centuries, the right answer seems obvious.

Translation (5): Dovendo scegliere tra una vita come drone aziendale dopo la quale sarò dimenticata o far parte di qualcosa che resterà nei libri di storia per secoli, la risposta giusta sembra ovvia.

Panel 4: Daphne sitting back, taking a sip from her cup of coffee.

Daphne (6): Or at least, the right answer is obvious to me.

Translation (6): O almeno, la risposta giusta per me è ovvia.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Impariamo l’italiano XXVII: Esca 028

Daphne Bosselseg vuole far parte della storia della scienza.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 28 (Four panels)

Panel 1: DAPHNE BOSSELSEG (“Daphne”) sits in a coffeehouse, being interviewed. There is coffee on the table in front of her. Daphne is a dark-haired, dark-eyed, intense-looking youngish woman who wears a dark cable sweater and blue jeans.

Daphne (1): The bitter truth is, I’m facing a lifetime of asking “Do you want fries with that?”

Comment (1): “Do you want fries with that? Is a stock phrase in American English, the question asked by a fast-food counter worker. By extension, to have to ask the question means having a poorly-paid, unenjoyable, and low-status job. It can be translated either literally or with an equivalent phrase in the target language.

Translation (1): L’amara verità è che sto passando una vita intera chiedendo “Ci vuoi anche le patatine?”

SUBTITLE (2): Daphne Bosselseg, prospective subject.

Translation (2): Daphne Bosselseg, soggetto prospettico.

Panel 2: Front panel of the first edition of Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems, over which are layered the captions of Daphne speaking.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (3): I wrote an award-winning Ph.D. dissertation in the history of science. “One of the best of your generation,” my advisors told me.

Translation (3): Ho scritto una dissertazione per il Ph.D. premiato in storia della scienza. “Una delle migliori della tua generazione”, mi hanno detto i miei consulenti.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): But thanks to yahoo state legislators and asshole STEM billionaires, there’s no funding for humanistic research like that anymore.

Comment (4): “Yahoo” is an American colloquial expression for a crude, ill-educated, and unsophisticated person, usually one of rural or small-town origins. “STEM” is an acronym for “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,” and in this context might refer to someone who got rich making technology, but who is ignorant and also likely contemptuous of humanistic learning.

Translation (4): Ma grazie ai rozzi legislatori statali e agli stronzi miliardari della Scienza, Tecnologia, Ingegneria e Matematica, non c’è più alcun finanziamento per una ricerca umanistica del genere.

Panel 3: Daphne back in interview position. She looks glum and pensive.

Daphne (5): No one with money wants to fund knowledge anymore. They all want universities that do nothing but make a compliant corporate workforce.

Translation (5): Chi possiede fondi non vuole più finanziare la conoscenza. Tutti vogliono delle università che creino solo una forza lavoro aziendale accondiscendente.

Panel 4: Daphne being interviewed. She has brightened up, just a little.

Daphne (6): But now I have a chance at something.

Translation (6): Ma ora ho la possibilità di fare qualcosa.

Daphne (7): If I can’t write part of the history of science, then perhaps I can be part of the history of science.

Translation (7): Se non posso scrivere una parte della storia della scienza, allora forse posso essere parte della storia della scienza.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Aprenda português LX: A Isca 061

Já no fundo do mar, algo dá errado.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 61 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne floating in the ocean.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (1): ZZT…here I am, out here wondering…rzznnn… what it will be like…kap-tik…

Translation (1): ZZT…estou aqui, do lado de fora, imaginando… rzznnn… como seria… kap-tik…

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (2): SUBTITLE (2): Filmagem dos drones restabelecida.

Panel 2: Daphne floating in a slightly different position in the ocean.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (3): nrrg…shltz…for Eliza, it looked awesome…but…kirraza…just find it disgusting…sllzzz…

Translation (3): CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (3): nrrg… shltz… para Eliza, parecia sensacional… mas… krrzeu… estou achando simplesmente nojento… sllzzz…

SUBTITLE (4): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (4): Filmagem dos drones restabelecida.

Panel 3: Daphne floating in yet another position in the ocean.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (5): zzzltslx…gives me butterflies in my stomach…kkrrr…zot

Translation (5): zzzltslx… está me dando um frio na barriga… kkrrr… bzzot

SUBTITLE (6): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (6): Filmagem dos drones restabelecida.

Panel 4: Close-up on Daphne’s face, which suddenly appears contorted.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (7): …rrrg…hey, I don’t feel so good…blll

Translation (7): rrrg… ei, eu não estou me sentindo muito bem…brlll

SUBTITLE (8): Magnified and enhanced drone footage.

Translation (8): Filmagem dos drones ampliada e otimizada.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprenda português LVI: A Isca 057

Quando homens se sacrificam, chamam de heroísmo.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 57 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne, sitting in a cabin on the RV Seagoon (porthole visible behind her), being interviewed.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): You have to know that there’s been a lot of mail, and a lot of chatter on social media, to the effect that you’re crazy, that you’re unstable, that you’re suicidal, that someone should stop you, and so on.

Translation (1): Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): Você precisa saber que há muitos e-mails, muita conversa nas redes sociais, no sentido de que você está louca, que está instável, que é uma suicida, que alguém deveria impedir isto, e por aí vai.

Daphne (2): Yes, I know about all that. And I have something to say.

Translation (2): Sim, estou ciente de tudo isto. E eu tenho mais algo a dizer.

Panel 2: Adapted photograph of the Scott Antarctic party. A version can be found at (Accessed March 5, 2017)

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (3): For centuries, men have set out on expeditions to advance human knowledge.

Translation (3): Por séculos, os homens têm se empenhado em expedições para o avanço do conhecimento humano.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): Some of these expeditions were extraordinarily dangerous. They had to know in some cases that the odds that they would survive were quite poor.

Translation (4): Algumas dessas expedições foram extraordinariamente perigosas. Eles precisavam saber que em alguns casos as probabilidades de sobrevivência são muito baixas.

Panel 3: Adapted photograph of the crew of Apollo 1. A version can be found at (Accessed March 5, 2017).

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (5): Even in more modern times, men have undertaken exploratory ventures that they knew posed a lethal risk.

Translation (5): Mesmo nos tempos modernos, homens assumem missões exploratórias cientes dos riscos mortais que elas representam.

Panel 4: Daphne leaning forward, intently.

Daphne (6): And do you know what? No one wrote about how these men were crazy unstable bitches who needed to be stopped for their own good.

Translation (6): E sabe do que mais? Ninguém escreveu sobre o quanto esses homens eram cretinos, loucos e instáveis que deveriam ser impedidos de agir para o seu próprio bem.

Daphne (7): Instead, they were celebrated as heroes.

Translation (7): Na verdade, foram homenageados como heróis.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)