Apprendre le français LVI: Appât Page 59

PAGE 59 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne standing in a different cabin. She’s wearing a comparatively modest black one-piece swimsuit. She is wearing a pair of swimmer’s goggles, now dangling around her neck. She’s holding one of the capsules between her thumb and forefinger and examining it with a skeptical expression. Hiram stands to one side, his face wearing a bit of a smirk.

Daphne (1): So, this has been recalibrated, has it?

Translation (1): Cela a donc été recalibré, pas vrai ?

Hiram (2): Yes. To much higher sensitivity settings.

Translation (2): Oui. La sensibilité est bien plus élevée maintenant.

Panel 2: Daphne in the act of downing the capsule with a glass of water.

Daphne (3): Well, here’s hoping you got it right this time, Hiram.

Translation (3): Eh bien, j’espère que vous avez procédé au bon réglage cette fois, Hiram.

Panel 3: Daphne walking down a narrow ship’s corridor with Claudia.

Claudia (4): The drones will follow you and not be far away.

Translation (4): Les drones vont vous suivre et ne seront pas loin.

Daphne (5): I’m glad of that.

Translation (5): Heureuse de l’apprendre.

Panel 4: Claudia and Daphne walking on deck, past a number of men who look a little grimmer than they did before.

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Apprendre le français LV: Appât Page 58

PAGE 58 (Four panels)

Daphne, leaning back a bit.

Daphne (1): So what gives? Is it that they were men and I’m a woman who should be staying home in the kitchen and popping out babies?

Comment (1): “So what gives?” Colloquial American English expression that means something like “What are you trying to say?” but with an edge of skepticism or even hostility.

Translation (1): Alors quoi ? Est-ce parce que c’étaient des hommes et que je suis une femme qui devrait rester à la maison pour cuisiner et pouponner les enfants ?

Daphne (2): If that’s what you think, go fuck yourself, you sexist piece of shit.

Translation (2): allez vous faire voir, enfoiré de machiste.

Panel 2: Daphne, with a finger raised.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (3): Perhaps there’s a difference between a chance of death and what looks like a certainty of…

Translation (3): Peut-être existe-t-il une différence entre le fait de risquer de mourir et de mourir certainement…

Daphne (4): Yes, well I have an answer to that as well.

Translation (4): Oui, j’ai une réponse à cette question également.

Panel 3: An abstract representation showing Daphne, wearing a classical toga, holding a line in space which is labeled at its endpoints “0” and “1.”

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (5): “Certainty” isn’t metaphysically special. It’s just the endpoint of a continuum of probabilities.

Translation (5): La « certitude » n’est pas métaphysiquement spéciale. C’est juste l’extrémité d’un continuum de probabilités.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (6): So where does “insanity” begin? At p = 0.5? 0.7? 0.999? Can you defend any principled answer to that question?

Translation (6): Alors, où commence la « folie » ? À p = 0,5 ? 0,7 ? 0,999 ? Pouvez-vous justifier toute réponse de principe à cette question ?

Panel 4: Close-in on Daphne’s determined-looking face.

Daphne (7): If not, then shut up and let me get on with what I need to do.

Translation (7): Si non, alors taisez-vous et laissez-moi faire ce que je dois faire.

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Apprendre le français LIV: Appât Page 57

PAGE 57 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne, sitting in a cabin on the RV Seagoon (porthole visible behind her), being interviewed.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): You have to know that there’s been a lot of mail, and a lot of chatter on social media, to the effect that you’re crazy, that you’re unstable, that you’re suicidal, that someone should stop you, and so on.

Translation (1): Vous devez savoir qu’il y a eu beaucoup de courrier, et beaucoup de discussions sur les médias sociaux disant que vous êtes folle, instable, suicidaire, que l’on devrait vous arrêter, etc.

Daphne (2): Yes, I know about all that. And I have something to say.

Translation (2): Oui, je suis au courant de tout cela. Et j’ai quelque chose à dire.

Panel 2: Adapted photograph of the Scott Antarctic party. A version can be found at (Accessed March 5, 2017)

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (3): For centuries, men have set out on expeditions to advance human knowledge.

Translation (3): Pendant des siècles, les hommes ont mené des expéditions pour faire progresser le savoir.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): Some of these expeditions were extraordinarily dangerous. They had to know in some cases that the odds that they would survive were quite poor.

Translation (4): Certaines de ces expéditions furent extrêmement dangereuses. Ils devaient savoir que dans certains cas leurs probabilités de survie étaient plutôt minces.

Panel 3: Adapted photograph of the crew of Apollo 1. A version can be found at (Accessed March 5, 2017).

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (5): Even in more modern times, men have undertaken exploratory ventures that they knew posed a lethal risk.

Translation (5): Même plus récemment, les hommes ont effectué des explorations qu’ils savaient potentiellement mortelles.

Panel 4: Daphne leaning forward, intently.

Daphne (6): And do you know what? No one wrote about how these men were crazy unstable bitches who needed to be stopped for their own good.

Translation (6): Et vous savez quoi ? Personne n’a dit de ces hommes qu’ils étaient des malades instables devant être arrêtés pour leur propre bien.

Daphne (7): Instead, they were celebrated as heroes.

Translation (7): Au lieu de cela, ils ont été célébrés comme des héros.

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Apprendre le français LIII: Appât Page 56

PAGE 56 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine at the head of the table, looking grumpy.

Turpentine (1): Yes. That may well be.

Translation (1): Oui. C’est peut-être le cas.

Panel 2: Hiram, with a crooked grin.

Hiram (2): Well, we could always set it higher and try again.

Translation (2): Eh bien, nous pouvons l’augmenter et essayer de nouveau.

Panel 3: Daphne, who is sitting at the table, with a wide-eyed expression.

Panel 4: Daphne again, with a slightly calmer expression.

Daphne (3): So, I guess I’m going in after all.

Translation (3): Je crois donc que cela va être mon tour.

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Apprendre le français XLIII: Appât Page 46

PAGE 46 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine has lifted away his right hand and is now looking down at the back of his left, where the coin is now resting.

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting next to one another, both wide-eyed in anticipation.

Panel 3: Extreme close-up of the coin resting on the back of Turpentine’s hand. It is Lady Liberty-side up.


Translation (1): C’est face.


Translation (2): C’est donc Eliza.

Panel 4: Daphne and Eliza leaning over, giving each other a hug.

Daphne (3): Congratulations!

Translation (3): Félicitations !

Eliza (4): Thank you!

Translation (4): Merci !

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Apprendre le français XXXIX: Appât Page 42

PAGE 42 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Eliza standing at the boarding counter for an international flight, with Daphne behind her. A GATE AGENT is checking Eliza’s documents prior to her boarding.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): At long last the preparations were made. The volunteers boarded a flight for Southeast Asia…

Translation (1): Les préparatifs ont été menés. Les volontaires se sont envolées pour l’Asie du Sud-Est…

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting side-by-side in large, first-class seats in a first-class cabin. Eliza is holding a flute of champagne and Daphne is reading a book.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): The benefactor behind the exhibition arranged for them to travel first class.

Translation (2): Le parrain de l’opération leur a payé des billets de première classe.

Panel 3: Claudia in coach class, crammed into the middle seat of three between Hiram and another passenger. Hiram looks like he’s trying to get Claudia’s attention, perhaps even hitting on her. The other passenger, a FAT MAN, has gone to sleep. Claudia stares forward with Stoic resignation.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): Most of the other specialists on the exhibition had to travel in coach.

Translation (3): La plupart des autres spécialistes ont dû voyager en classe touriste.

Panel 4: Eliza, followed by Daphne, followed by Claudia, walking up the gangway to the RV Seagoon. Eliza is wearing her typical thin cotton shirt and skirt, Daphne is in denim shorts and a T-shirt, and Claudia is in a conservative white button-down short-sleeved shirt and a dark skirt. All three are carrying bags, with Claudia’s being by far the largest.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (4): After arriving in Singapore, volunteers and crew board the research vessel RV Seagoon for their venture in the South Seas.

Translation (4): Après son arrivée à Singapour, les volontaires et l’équipe ont embarqué à bord du navire de recherche RV Seagoon pour se rendre dans les mers du Sud.

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Apprendre le français XXXVIII: Appât Page 41

PAGE 41 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Eliza, about half climbed out of the tank, water dripping off her. A TECHNICIAN is pulling off one of her sensors. Eliza is smiling broadly.

Eliza (1): That’s just the most amazing thing, being underwater for all that time. I’ve never felt anything so peaceful.

Translation (1): C’est vraiment étonnant de rester sous l’eau pendant tout ce temps. Je n’ai jamais rien ressenti de si paisible.

Panel 2: Eliza standing outside the tank, all of her sensors now removed, toweling off but still wearing her one-piece suit.

Eliza (2): I can’t wait to do that naked in the open ocean.

Translation (2): Je suis impatiente de vivre cette expérience nue dans l’océan.

Panel 3: Daphne, back being interviewed in the coffeehouse.

Daphne (3): Back out? No way.

Translation (3): Des craintes ? Ah non.


Translation (4): Mais…

Daphne (5): But what? But I’m going to be immortal if I don’t go through with this?

Translation (5): Mais quoi ? Mais j’atteindrais l’immortalité si je ne donne pas suite à cela ?

Panel 4: Closer-in view of Daphne’s face. She looks deadly serious.

Daphne (6): None of us has the choice as to whether to die. We can only make it sooner, or maybe just a little later.

Translation (6): Aucun de nous n’a la liberté de demander à mourir. Nous ne pouvons mourir plus tôt, ou peut-être juste un peu plus tard.

Daphne (7): And we can try to attach meaning to death. That’s what I’m doing here.

Translation (7): Et nous pouvons essayer de voir une signification dans la mort. C’est ce que je suis en train de faire.

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PAGE 36 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia, in coveralls and wearing goggles, sitting at a high-tech workbench making adjustments to a tiny (about the size of a toaster) submersible drone.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Ethical objections aside, preparations for an expedition are laid in.

Translation (1): Mis à part les objections éthiques, les préparatifs pour une expédition sont fixés.

Panel 2: Claudia now being interviewed in the lab. She has pushed her goggles up on her forehead, and her face has some sooty smudges on it.

SUBTITLE (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Project Robotics Engineer.

Translation (2): Claudia Honeywood, docteure, ingénieur en robotique du projet.

Claudia (3): The creature will probably be able to block communications with our expedition ship, but we think a tightly focused beam from our subjects to a submersible might be possible. We can capture and retrieve data from it later.

Translation (3): La créature sera probablement en mesure de bloquer les communications avec notre navire d’expédition, mais nous pensons qu’un faisceau très ciblé allant de nos sujets vers un submersible pourrait fonctionner. Nous pourrons en saisir et récupérer les données plus tard.

Panel 3: A somewhat cleaned-up Claudia showing the submersible to Daphne and Eliza. Daphne seems interested, Eliza almost enchanted.

Claudia (4): Okay, ladies. So, one of you at least is going to be talking to this.

Translation (4): D’accord, mesdames. L’une de vous va au moins parler à cette chose.

Eliza (5): Ooh, it’s so cute!

Translation (5): Ooh, c’est si mignon !

Panel 4: Claudia fitting something behind Eliza’s ear.

Claudia (6): This sensor will transmit biometrics. It will also scan your brain’s speech center and allow you to provide some narration of your experiences.

Translation (6): Ce capteur transmettra la biométrie. Il permettra également d’analyser le centre du langage de votre cerveau et vous permettra de commenter votre expérience.

Eliza (7): I really want to try that…

Translation (7): J’ai vraiment envie d’essayer.

Claudia (8): You will. We need testing.

Translation (8): Ce sera le cas. Nous avons besoin d’essais.

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Apprendre le français XXXI: Appât Page 34

PAGE 34 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne and Eliza sit next to one another on a comfortable-looking couch, being interviewed.

Daphne (1): The charitable contribution was a big thing for me.

Translation (1): La contribution à un organisme de bienfaisance était un argument intéressant à mes yeux.

Eliza (2): Yeah, me too!

Translation (2): Ouais, moi aussi !

Daphne (3): It’s really an issue of effective altruism.

Translation (3): C’est vraiment une question d’altruisme efficace.

Panel 2: A thin-but-healthy African child spooning something nourishing into her mouth while looking at the viewer with large and grateful eyes.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): Estimates vary depending on details of methodology, but a consensus view is that a million dollars well spent on hunger and disease relief could easily save thirty lives.

Translation (4): Les estimations varient selon les détails de la méthodologie, mais il est communément admis qu’un million de dollars bien dépensés pour combattre la faim et la maladie pourraient sauver trente vies.

Panel 3: Daphne and Eliza on the couch again.

Daphne (5): One for thirty seems like a pretty good trade to me, another way of living a life that matters.

Translation (5): Une vie pour en sauver trente me semble positif, une autre façon de vivre une existence qui vaille la peine.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (6): And what are you contributing to, Eliza?

Translation (6): Et quelle sera votre contribution, Eliza ?

Eliza (7): Well, I’ve always loved animals.

Translation (7): Eh bien, j’ai toujours aimé les animaux.

Panel 4: Eliza, dressed differently than she is for the interview, cradling a sad-looking little puppy in her arms, comforting it.

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (8): A million dollars in humane society relief goes a long way.

Comment (8): By “humane society relief,” Eliza means charity directed toward an organization like the American Humane Society, which devotes itself to promoting the welfare of non-human animals, so this phrase should be translated accordingly.

Translation (8): Un million de dollars versé à la société protectrice des animaux sera fort utile.

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Apprendre le français XXVI: Appât Page 29

PAGE 29 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne, in the interview, now looking serious and pensive.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): But that means the end of you!

Translation (1): Mais cela signifie ton anéantissement !

Daphne (2): It is a choice between κλέος and νόστος.

Comment (2): The Greek text above (κλέος, νόστος) should, if possible, be left untranslated and untransliterated.

Translation (2): C’est un choix entre κλέος et νόστος.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (3): What?

Translation (3): Quoi ?

Panel 2: View of a vase painting showing the Greek hero Achilles.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): In the Iliad, the hero Achilles faces a choice between either going home and living a long life – that’s νόστος – or staying to fight and living a short but glorious life – that’s κλέος.

Translation (4): Dans l’Iliade, le héros Achille fait face à un choix entre retourner chez lui et vivre longuement – c’est νόστος – ou rester pour se battre et vivre une vie courte, mais glorieuse – c’est κλέος.

Panel 3: Daphne, leaning forward to engage more closely her unseen interviewer.

Daphne (5): Given the choice between a either a lifetime as a corporate drone after which I shall be forgotten or being part of something that will be in history books for centuries, the right answer seems obvious.

Translation (5): Étant donné le choix entre devenir une employée servile vouée à l’oubli ou apparaitre dans les livres d’histoire pendant des siècles, la bonne réponse semble évidente.

Panel 4: Daphne sitting back, taking a sip from her cup of coffee.

Daphne (6): Or at least, the right answer is obvious to me.

Translation (6): Ou du moins, la bonne réponse est évidente pour moi.

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