Tag Archives: Dark Vanessa
Grote Opdracht brides in tentacles
We have here a version of the same commission done by Rafael Suzarte and Lucy Fidelis, this time by another longtime contributor to Erotic Mad Science, Dark Vanessa. Her artistic inspiration of the story interesting fits neatly into an advancing narrative.
Naturally, there is a version of the same fictional news story in Spanish:
La tripulación que operaba un robot sumergible de salvamento cerca de la isla de Motofupo, en el Pacífico sudoccidental, descubrió la semana pasada la placa de identificación y otros escombros que supuestamente pertenecieron a un barco de vela holandés que naufragó hace más de un siglo. A principios de 1886, el Grote Opdracht zarpó de Rotterdam con varios cargamentos y pasajeros hacia las Indias Orientales holandesas. Hizo su última escala en el puerto de Singapur antes de navegar hacia el este con destino a las Islas Molucas. Nunca más se supo del barco. El hecho de que su placa de identificación se encontrase tan lejos de cualquier rumbo plausible que pudiera haber seguido, sugiere que pudo haber sido atrapado en una extraña tormenta tropical y arrastrado a una larga distancia antes de hundirse cerca de Motofupo. La pérdida del Grote Opdracht fue especialmente conmovedora, ya que entre sus pasajeros se encontraban varias jóvenes solteras holandesas y flamencas que viajaban al este para casarse con funcionarios coloniales holandeses que trabajaban en las Molucas. Esta tragedia fue el tema de una popular, aunque triste, balada holandesa de finales del siglo XIX, “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee” (“Mi amada niña duerme en el mar del sur”).
Dark Vanessa publishes her work at DeviantArt and you can also support her on Patreon.
As is general with this series, you can right-click and download to get the image in high resolution.
Wheel of Misfortune, Page 1

This comics page appears here under a license agreement between Faustus and the artist. The artist retains the right to the image. Please do not alter or reproduce it without permission.
We now begin our second mini-comic, Wheel of Misfortue, another television parody illustrated by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa.
Bait now has a really permanent home
I am pleased to announce that my (very) graphic novella Bait has a permanent Internet Archive home:
Here is the link to the archive page, where you can download the whole graphic novel and all of its pendant art in either CBZ (a comic book archive format similar to ZIP) or as a single big PDF document. You can also read the comic in a nifty screen reader the archive provides (also embedded in small size above). The archive has also auto-converted my uploads into a variety of other formats. The completeness or reliability of these versions is a bit uncertain, but I would welcome reports from anyone who wants to look at them.
At 113 pages and with no fewer than five contributing artists, the assembly and uploading of this version of the comic was an unusual challenge, and it pleases me no end that this particular phase of the Bait project is now complete!
Chiba Consumed

This is Chiba Consumed realized by Dark Vanessa, in connection with the graphic novella Bait just published on this site. Please do not use or alter this image without the consent of the creators. I have made it available in full resolution: click through or right-click and download if you are interested.
The Ecstasy of the Deep

This is The Ecstasy of the Deep realized by Dark Vanessa, in connection with the graphic novella Bait just published on this site. Please do not use or alter this image without the consent of the creators. I have made it available in full resolution: click through or right-click and download if you are interested.
The Bride Goes to Her Wedding

This image is The Bride Goes to Her Wedding, realized by Dark Vanessa in conjunction with the graphic novella Bait, which has just appeared on this site. Please do not use or alter the image without the consent of its creators. I have made it available in full resolution: click through or right-click and save if you are interested.
Another Noel Toy by Dark Vanessa

Another just-gorgeous image of the Chinese-American exotic dancer Noel Toy (1918-2003) done by my friend Dark Vanessa (you can see her first illustration here. A nice transition between chapters of Visiting Faculty! If you’re feeling generous, Vanessa has a Patreon page as well.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that the Creative Commons license does not impair the moral rights of the artist, so feel free to copy and share the work, or write sexy stories based on the work, but don’t mutilate it.
Dark Vanessa imagines Noel Toy

This image is a bit of a change of pace from Erotic Mad Science, but seems appropriate for Valentine’s Day, somehow. It’s Dark Vanessa’s re-imagining of the mid-century exotic dancer Noel Toy (1918-2003). Doesn’t she look just gorgeous? Dark Vanessa has another of her in the works…
You can follow Dark Vanessa’s work at DeviantArt or, better yet, support her on Patreon.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Pulp Art recreation XVII: Reaching for the stars
A very precise recreation in her own style by Dark Vanessa.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Provenance can be found in the original post where I blogged this image, “Reaching for the Stars”, at Hedonix
The Artist
Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here. You can support her on Patreon here.