My original tumblr post was here. This illustration is The Bomb TPB cover by rattlesnapper. It was originally shared on tumblr by stevemannion.
My original tumblr post was here. This illustration is The Bomb TPB cover by rattlesnapper. It was originally shared on tumblr by stevemannion.
My original tumblr post was here. This image comes to us via stevemannion. It was originally posted on tumblr by comicbookcovers with the following attribution:
It! the Terror From Beyond Space #3, September 2010, cover by Steve Mannion
My original tumblr post was here, sourced via erotiterrorist. Original text:
We’re super excited to officially announce the 2014 edition of Monsters & Dames, our charity art book! This artbook is an Emerald City Comicon exclusive, only available from the convention’s merchandise booth, and features artists that are attending the show. The cover art piece is by Arthur Adams, with colors by Nathan Fairbairn.
Here’s a complete list of this year’s contributors:
- Arthur Adams
- Brett Bean 2dbean
- Scott Blair scottblairart
- Kyle Burles
- Nidhi Chanani nidhiart
- Alina Chau
- Robin Childs robinofleylines
- Frank Cho apesandbabes
- Christine Choi
- Ken Christiansen
- Daisy Church daisychurch
- Richard P. Clark
- Comfort and Adam comfortandadam
- Aaron Conley
- Jason Copland
- Alex Cox
- Crayon Monsters
- Carlos D’Anda
- Daniel M. Davis
- Marty Davis
- Louie del Carmen louiedelcarmen
- Camilla d’Errico camilladerricoart
- Mark Dos Santos
- Lucas Elliott lucaselliottart
- Nathan Fairbairn nathanfairbairn
- Emily Fiegenschuh
- Ryan Fisher
- Michael Fleming tweedlebop
- Matthew J. Fletcher matthewjfletcher
- Phil Foglio
- James Franzen
- Autumn Frederickson
- Damon Gentry
- Steve Goupil
- Brandon Graham royalboiler
- Andrew Gregoire
- Travis Hanson
- Edwin Huang edwinhuang
- Heather Hudson
- Erin Humiston
- Lindsay Ishihiro chaoslindsay
- Robin Kaplan thegorgonist
- Suzanne Kaufmann suzannekaufman
- Kazu Kibuishi
- Scott Kurtz
- Ryan Lee whiskfishercat
- Jackie Lewis jackiemakescomics
- Billy Martinez billymartinez
- Mike Maydak
- Chris McFann
- Lorraine McLees
- Amy Mebberson amymebberson
- Jason Metcalf
- Mikeatron! mikeatron
- Eliot Min
- Sho Murase shomoo
- Terri Nelson terrinelson
- Molly Nemecek jakface
- Ryan Ottley ryanottley
- David Petersen davidpetersenart
- Project London
- Livio Ramondelli
- Drew Rausch
- Dustin Resch
- Simon Roy
- Tim Sale
- HaiNaNu “Nooligan” Saulque
- Rick Schmitz
- Tim Seeley
- Akio Segawa akiosegawa
- Chris Sheridan
- James Silvani silvaniart
- Nick Southam
- Super Ugly
- Durwin Talon
- Ken Taya kentaya
- Chris Uminga chrisuminga
- Cody Vrosh codyvrosh
- Adam Warren adamwarrencomics
- Rich Werner
- Freddie E Williams II
- Andrew Wilson
- Sam Wood
- Thom Zahler
- Chrissie Zullo chrissiezullo
My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 071 – Cave Girl, Serpent Undies.” Here is what Bacchus found.
According to this web page, the artwork above is by Robert Gibson Jones and it appeared on the cover of the September 1945 issue of Amazing Stories:
The artist’s signature is partly visible lower right in the image. Robert Gibson Jones was a prolific pulp artist of the 1940s and 1950s. A bibliography of his many science fiction magazine covers and interior illustrations is here.
My original tumblr post was here. Attentive readers of Erotic Mad Science will note that this particular illustration has also been the subject of a pulp art recreation. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 061 – Alien Experimenters.” Here is what Bacchus found.
This artwork is cropped and photoshopped from the cover of the November 1939 issue of Uncanny Tales magazine:
PulpArtists.com credits the art on this cover to J. W. Scott, a prolific pulp artist and magazine illustrator from Camden, New Jersey.
My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 035 Gill-Man Back From The War.” Here is what Bacchus found.
This image is a photoshopped alteration of the famous photograph from the end of World War II that was called V-J Day in Times Square, by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt for Life magazine. The distinctive scales on the arms and the fringed ruff at the back of the neck identify the ‘shopped-in monster as the Gill-man creature in the 1954 movie The Creature From The Black Lagoon.
Here is the image from which the kissing Gill-man portion of the collage was taken:
This would certainly appear to be a photo of behind-the-scenes shenanigans from the making of Creature. A blog post at the Film Noir Photos blog is in accord, offering additional light-hearted images of the Gill-man dancing and mopping, and captioning a version of this photo “The Gill Man steals a kiss from an unsuspecting (but apparently unresisting) stunt woman.” It seems likely enough. (There is however one blog post that suggests without explanation that the image is actually from the production of the sequel Revenge Of The Creature.)
No information about the artist who photoshopped these two photographs together could be discovered.
My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as Δ 034 One-Headed Space Hydra.” Here is what Bacchus found.
This artwork is cropped from the cover of Planet Comics #42 from May, 1946:
A gallery of additional Planet Comics covers is here. According to Wikipedia, all but three of the Planet Comics covers after issue #25 were drawn by Joe Doolin. It thus seems likely that Doolin was the cover artist for this issue #42. The ComicVine entry is in accord.
Squicky — runs below the fold.
Continue readingSquicky — runs below the fold.
Continue readingOriginal post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 032 – Aliens Need Teen Girls. Here is what Bacchus found.
This is a poster for Night Caller From Outer Space, a movie which (according to Wikipedia) was also released as The Night Caller and Blood Beast From Outer Space. This 1965 British movie is based on the novel The Night Callers by Frank Crisp. The plot features aliens from Ganymede who kidnap teen Earth girls for breeding purposes. There’s a detailed and sympathetic review of the movie here that offers comparative information on the different available DVD versions. Horrorpedia offers additional information, and another review here offers this view of the magazine the aliens placed bogus modeling ads in to lure the girls to their alien breeding doom:
Here’s a larger view of the similar artwork on the poster for the “Blood Beast” version, at least one of which is available for sale: