Tumblr favorite #197: Metamorphosis comic

I wish I knew more about the story that this panel would have originally been a part of. Original post here.

Sourced to Cold Rare Steak Sandwich, via capsep.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

The originating post in the tumblr stream for your image tagged it “Sukia #15”:


“Sukia 15” appears to be the name and issue number of an 1978 Italian “fumetto per adulti” comic published by Edifumetto:


A cover for the same issue number in a Spanish language edition (different cover image, cover says “comic para adultos”) can be found here, along with a different sample image from your “insect woman” storyline:


Here is another link attributing your image to Sukia #15:


I was able to find an apparently well-seeded but exceedingly sluggish torrent file that includes the Spanish-language version of Sukia #15. (File name is: Sukia 015_Esp_AdComic.pdf) That allowed me to conclusively confirm that your image is indeed from Sukia #15:


In the Spanish edition, the story your image is from is called “La Devoradorah de Cerebros” which Google Translate renders as “Brain-Eater”. And indeed, after waking up in her insect state after eating some sort of insect-egg contaminated fish, our heroine does indeed eat the brains of at least three different people, starting with her mother…

Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #152: Conjoinment

Original post here.

Sourced to For all your /d/ needs.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

I have not been able to identify an artist for this image but the earliest appearances I could find on the Internet date to 2010 and 2011.

Let us start (for interest) at the home of the Multiple Breast Galleries:


Among many other interesting things, that page contains links to five pages of something called “the Dunno Gallery”. The fourth gallery (with a 2010 date) contains your image:


These galleries date from 2001 to 2013 and the images in them are a wild mixture of photomanipulations, manga, anime, and computer art of all kinds. I’d say this Dunno character has been collecting for a long time, but it was at first unclear whether he did all (or any) of the image creation or manipulations. Here are several other examples of conjoined (two heads, three breasts) from the Dunno galleries:


Moving on, your image also appears on Gelbooru, showing as uploader (you guessed it!) “TheDunno” in 2011:


The “conjoined” tag there offers access to a considerable variety of art of similar theme:


Seeing “Dunno” associated with this image a second time engaged my suspicions, and sure enough, it turns out this character has a DeviantArt profile:


Here he showcases a great many “conjoined” artworks which he presents as “photomanipulations” and “P’shop drawings”. His album contains many of the same images shown at the “Dunno Galleries”, but does *not* include any of the older, more primitive photoshop works from there. It also doesn’t seem to include your image, so I’m not sure whether it should be attributed to him, or not. I suppose one could ask him…

Finally, I’ll offer one more online gallery where your image appears in company with other “conjoined” artworks:


My reason for including it: this three-breasted, two-headed “goo girl”:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #151: Loving octopus girl

Do go into the water! Original post here.

Sourced to FUCK YEAH MONSTER GIRLS via dmaestro. Original text:


Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

This image stream on Tumblr originated here:


Surprisingly for Tumblr, at that location there is a rare “source” attribution to this URL:


That .png is 20 pixels wider than all the tumblr versions, and is the highest-resolution image on the net. With a little exploring of directories, we learn that it’s at the “Monster-Girls Uploader” site:


It’s actually linked from this page, where we can see it was uploaded in 2007:


It’s identified (captioned?) there with these characters: [Editor’s note: unfortunately the characters didn’t survive transmission]

Google translate identifies this as the Japanese word for Dagon, which I’m taking for the image title (lacking any other candidates). The English-language Wikpedia entry for “Dagon” identifies an ancient (~2500 BC) Mesopatomian god of both fish and fertility, sometimes drawn as a mer-man in more modern sources:


The autotranslated Japanese wikipedia entry for Dagon offers us the additional tidbit — likely relevant to this image — that Dagon features in the Cthulu mythos as the founder of a half-fish, half-human deep sea cult. It’s no great leap to imagine that your friendly Dagon-girl is recruiting!


Searching further, I discover your image on Danbooru (uploaded in 2008 or prior) with a tag for the artist name of “ze (sawakihein)”:


That tag is a hyperlink that takes us to several pages of additional artwork with the same nametag:


Notable and potentially of interest among these is a frog girl and tadpole sidekick:


I was unable to develop any English-language information about this artist, but I was able to turn up two similar galleries that substantially overlap the content for this artist at Danbooru:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.