My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 073 – Brainwashing In Progress.” Here is what Bacchus found.
This animation consists of frames from the 1977 sexploitation movie Ilsa, The Tigress of Siberia. The scene is included in sets of stills at three different websites, although neither of two detailed summaries of the movie’s plot explains what specifically is happening (or to whom) in the scene with the wired-up girl (not Ilsa). Here is a larger still image of the scene:
A probably-temporary copy of the movie dubbed in Spanish exists on YouTube, where the scene in question starts at about 52:15. Although it’s not entirely clear what’s going on, the scene appears to depict a sort of electronic brainwashing or mind-control project, that leaves its victim huddled in a barren cell while imagining that she is trapped in a tropical bog being bitten by snakes. Here’s another captured still of the brainwashing equipment in use: