I originally blogged this image in this 14 March 2016 post at Infernal Wonders. It’s an orphaned image, as far as my searches have been able to determine.
I originally blogged this image in this 14 March 2016 post at Infernal Wonders. It’s an orphaned image, as far as my searches have been able to determine.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
PAGE 21 (Single panel page)
(Note : footage)
Single panel: View into the water. We see Phoebe underwater, naked and surrounded by a roiling mass of tentacles, some of which appear to be penetrating all of her primary orifices. “Voices” can be heard suggesting the chaos on the Yellow Rose.
CAPTIONS AT VARIOUS POINTS AROUND THE PANEL (1): “Oh God, oh God!” “Kill that thing!” “Get it!” “Yes, Mr. Petrobux!” “I’m getting my gun!”
Translation (1): « Oh mon Dieu, oh mon Dieu ! » « Tuez cette chose ! » « Attrapez-le ! » « Oui, monsieur Petrobux ! » « Je vais prendre mon arme ! »
PAGE 22 (Four panels)
Panel 1: Yacht Crewman #1 and Yacht Crewman #2 in the boat by the side of the Yellow Rose, as if viewed through Barron Jr.’s camera. Yacht Crewman #1 has a harpoon raised and aimed, presumably at the tentacle beast. One small tentacle is reaching over the side of the boat. Yacht Crewman #2 is sitting in the back of the boat steering an outboard motor.
Yacht Crewman #1 (1): I’ll get you, you motherfucker!
Translation (1): Je vais te niquer enfoiré !
Panel 2: Yacht Crewman #1 and Yacht Crewman #2 appear as blackened silhouettes as some sort of massive electrical discharge hits their boat. The whole craft is surrounded by a flash as if of lightning.
Translation (2): KZZZ-ZOT !
Panel 3: Phoebe’s head resurfaces just a bit. A tentacle covers a triangular region around her mother and nose, rather like a medical breathing mask. Her eyes are closed, and her expression looks almost blissful.
Panel 4: Ripples in the region of water where Phoebe’s head has been pulled underneath for one last time.
PAGE 23 (Four panels)
Panel 1: Barron Sr. putting his hand on the barrel of an assault rifle that Wealth Friend is pointing at the sea, a gesture meant to stop him from shooting into the water.
Barron Sr. (1): No, you idiot.
Translation (1): Non, fais pas l’idiot.
Panel 2: A view into the boat, showing the now-charred corpses of Yacht Crewman #1 and Yacht Crewman #2.
Panel 3: A view of Peony, now standing some distance away on deck, her head buried in her hands in shock and grief.
Peony (2): No…
Translation (2): Non…
Panel 4: A view downward, indicating that Barron Jr. is pointing his camera down but is still filming. (Note that he is about 11 years old at this time.) We see the swimming trunks he’s wearing, his legs and feet and beneath them the planking of the deck. We can also see through the fabric of his swimming trunks that he is having a marked erection.
Appât (Français/Version longue page)
Appât (Français/Version slider)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
PAGE 18 (Four panels)
(Note: More Super 8 camera “footage.”)
Panel 1: Barron Jr. has zoomed in on something (possibly make it clearer with a little “ZOOM” in one corner of the panel). It is one of Phoebe’s ankles. The tip of a tentacle has wrapped itself around the ankle.
Panel 2: Phoebe in the middle of being yanked off her feet and dragged under the rail by the pull of the tentacle. Her hands are splayed out forward as she is falling, her sunglasses gone askew.
Phoebe (jagged, panicked balloon) (1): WHOOP!
Translation (1): OUP !
Panel 3: View over the rail. Phoebe has been pulled into the sea, her fall throwing up a column of water.
SFX – Phoebe hitting the water (2): SPLASH!
Translation (2): SPLASH!
Panel 4: Phoebe’s head resurfacing briefly as she pulls herself back up above water.
Phoebe (3): Akhhh!
Translation (3): Arghhhh !
PAGE 19 (Four panels)
(Note : footage)
Panel 1: Another, smaller column of water on the surface of the sea as Phoebe is jerked back underwater.
SFX – SUBMERGING (1): Fwoosh!
Translation (1): Fwoosh !
Panel 2: A tentacle has emerged above the same surface of the water as in Panel 1. It is swinging around Phoebe’s bikini top, which the beast below has presumable stripped off her. (Indicate with motion lines.)
Panel 3: A spot on the deck of the Yellow Rose, close-up. Phoebe’s bikini top landing on the deck, presumably tossed there by the beast below.
Translation (2): Splut !
Panel 4: Same as Panel 2, but now it’s the bikini bottom landing next to the top.
Translation (3): Plop !
PAGE 20 (Single panel page)
(Note : footage)
Single panel: Wide “shot” showing a certain amount of pandemonium on deck. Barron Sr. and Peony are leaning over the rail, looking horrified at what they see in the water. A little further on, YACHT CREWMAN #1, an African-American man and YACHT CREWMAN #2, a Latino man, both neatly attired in pseudo-naval uniforms, are lowering themselves in a boat over the side as part of a rescue attempt.
Peony (1): My baby! My baby!
Translation (1): Mon bébé ! Mon bébé !
Barron Sr. (2): God dammit!
Translation (2): Mon dieu !
Appât (Français/Version longue page)
Appât (Français/Version slider)
I originally blogged this illustration, “Cross Species Breeding Program 1,” by longtime friend of the site KristinF in this 14 March 2016 post at Infernal Wonders. This version, kindly provided by the artist herself, is the extra-explicit version that could not appear at Tumblr even before Tumblr went prude or even at the artist’s DeviantArt site. Thanks for the art, KristinF!
You can click and download to see the image in all its icky goodness.
This animation of unknown provenance is reblogged from this 13 March 2016 post at Infernal Wonders.
Эта работа распространяется на условиях международной некоммерческой лицензии Creative Commons с указанием авторства и сохранением условий 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License).
We have here a version of the same commission done by Rafael Suzarte and Lucy Fidelis, this time by another longtime contributor to Erotic Mad Science, Dark Vanessa. Her artistic inspiration of the story interesting fits neatly into an advancing narrative.
Naturally, there is a version of the same fictional news story in Spanish:
La tripulación que operaba un robot sumergible de salvamento cerca de la isla de Motofupo, en el Pacífico sudoccidental, descubrió la semana pasada la placa de identificación y otros escombros que supuestamente pertenecieron a un barco de vela holandés que naufragó hace más de un siglo. A principios de 1886, el Grote Opdracht zarpó de Rotterdam con varios cargamentos y pasajeros hacia las Indias Orientales holandesas. Hizo su última escala en el puerto de Singapur antes de navegar hacia el este con destino a las Islas Molucas. Nunca más se supo del barco. El hecho de que su placa de identificación se encontrase tan lejos de cualquier rumbo plausible que pudiera haber seguido, sugiere que pudo haber sido atrapado en una extraña tormenta tropical y arrastrado a una larga distancia antes de hundirse cerca de Motofupo. La pérdida del Grote Opdracht fue especialmente conmovedora, ya que entre sus pasajeros se encontraban varias jóvenes solteras holandesas y flamencas que viajaban al este para casarse con funcionarios coloniales holandeses que trabajaban en las Molucas. Esta tragedia fue el tema de una popular, aunque triste, balada holandesa de finales del siglo XIX, “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee” (“Mi amada niña duerme en el mar del sur”).
Dark Vanessa publishes her work at DeviantArt and you can also support her on Patreon.
As is general with this series, you can right-click and download to get the image in high resolution.
This work is licensed under a Creati11ve Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Longtime Erotic Mad Science artist Lucy Fidelis was given the same fictional news story as the other artists and came up with this dynamic illustration which advances the plot. From above, the would-be brides have tumbled into the sea from the storm. From below, something far more ominous appears to be rising…
Does the fictional news story exist in Portuguese as well as in English? But of course!
Na semana passada, equipes controlando um robô de resgate submersível perto da ilha de Motofupo, no sudoeste do Pacífico, fizeram uma descoberta inesperada da placa de identificação e outros destroços que teriam pertencido a um veleiro holandês perdido há mais de um século. O Grote Opdracht partiu de Roterdã no início de 1886, levando um grande quantidade de carga e passageiros para as Índias Orientais Holandesas. Ele fez sua última escala em Cingapura antes de partir para o leste, rumo às ilhas Molucas. Nunca mais se tinha tido notícias dele. O fato de sua placa de identificação ter sido encontrada tão longe de qualquer rota plausível que possa ter seguido sugere que ele talvez tenha sido pego por uma estranha tempestade tropical e percorrido uma longa distância antes de finalmente afundar perto de Motofupo. A perda do Grote Opdracht foi especialmente triste pelo fato de que seus passageiros incluíam diversas mulheres holandesas e flamengas solteiras, que viajavam para o leste para se casarem com colonos holandeses que trabalhavam nas Molucas. Essa tragédia foi tema de uma balada popular holandesa do fim do século 19: “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee.” (“Minha amada dorme no mar do sul.”)
Lucy can be found on DeviantArt and also maintains a professional site. She is normally open for commissions.
As with the other illustrations, I have made this one available in its full resolution.
Esse trabalho é licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional.
Resumo da licença em português.
A paginação para o carrossel segue a convenção para quadrinhos em língua Inglesa. Você pode usar o ícone de seta para a direita para avançar no quadrinho, e a seta para a esquerda para voltar.
Ir para a página inicial do Erotic Mad Science.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Same Fabulae Atroces Fausti logo as appeared on “She’s the Ransom,” over another bit of neo-pulp, in this case a young woman swimmer in a 1940s-style swimsuit and hairstyle being menaced underwater by tentacles coming up from the deep. There should be if feasible some bubbles to emphasize the underwater setting.
CAPTION (title) (1): “Bait”
Translation (1): « Appât »
CAPTION (author) (2): Written and produced by Iago Faustus
Comment (2): “Produced” in this context means that Faustus paid an artist’s commission to Erosarts for his services in doing the illustration and also arranged for the publication of the webcomic.
Translation (2): Écrit et produit par Iago Faustus
CAPTION (artist) (3): Illustrated by Erosarts
Translation (3): Illustré par Erosarts
Appât (Français/Version longue page)
Appât (Français/Version slider)