Squick or Squee Week 2013 II: Cross-Species Breeding Program

Our second entry for Squick or Squee Week this year is from longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor KristinF, who has contributed a scenario from her own imagination, complete with her own text.

A lady mad scientist conducts a breeding program between her assistant and an alien tentacle monster

Kristin also provide a no-text version. Shall I mention that our lady mad scientist is Kristin’s internet Alter Ego?

(Click on the images for larger size. Creative Commons License
Cross-Species Breeding Program Illustrations commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and created by Kristin is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Squick or Squee week 2013 I: Gnosis Chemistry

Halloween is approaching again, and that means that traditional feature here at EroticMadScience.com, Squick or Squee< Week, in which I try to come up with artwork that might be appealing, or very much not, depending on your predilections.

We’ll start this year with something rather mild, a possible scenario in a Gnosis College building, conceived and executed by longtime Erotic Mad Science illustrator Niceman. A laboratory assistant carries a tray of chemicals from one laboratory to another. Being perhaps a bit slack, he’s neglected to properly cover his flasks, which are giving off vapor that have rather strange effects on the women students he’s passing by. (I note that Gnosis College women students do not normally wear uniforms of any kind, but there’s always the possibility of a visiting delegation from St. Mary Magdalene across the way!)

A student chemist's formulae have strange effects on nearby coeds.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Niceman’s Gnosis Chemistry commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Niceman is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Tumblr favorite #345: Running the panel

Original post here.

Sourced to You Know.

Additional image provenance by Bacchus

The source image in your tumblr stream is this tumblr-watermarked and heavily-Instagram-filtered image of French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis:


More information about Vanessa Paradis is available on Wikipedia:


There is a much larger version (with cleaner colors) of your subject photograph here:


That’s from a page that has many other photos of Vanessa, including several of her running a similar soundboard without glasses:


More photos of Vanessa are available here:


Unfortunately I was not able to identify the photographer or media-origin of your photograph.

Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.