Tumblr favorite #1818: Into the cosmos


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 050 – Into The Cosmos.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This is an illustration by French artist and cartoonist Jean Giraud, also known (especially for his comic book work) as Mœbius and sometimes as Gir. (His official website is here.) The illustration is titled (at least by art auctioneers) Les Robinsons du cosmos, and according to this site, it appeared in 1970 as the endpapers (“Pages de garde”) of a book by Francis Carsac called Ceux de nulle part – Les Robinsons du cosmos. (Machine translation makes something like “Those of nowhere – The Robinsons of the cosmos” out of that French-language title.) See also this page for more information. A close examination of the cover art and book description here suggests that this was perhaps a book club edition packaging together two novels by the same author, hence the oddly long dual name.

Tumblr favorite #1817: Drink me!


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “ΓΓ 047 – 049 – Drinkable Girls. Here is what Bacchus found.

This artwork appears on Pixiv with the title 私を飲んで (machine translation: Drink Me) and the subtitle 不思議の国のアリス中 (machine translation: Alice In Wonderland Medium). The artist is Loped, who has a blog here.


Although I was unable to locate the origin of this photoshopped dissolving-girl image, I did locate the porn model and photo from which it was constructed. The blonde is Stacy Silver, and the photoshop is based on this image from a gallery of wallpaper shots:




This last artwork is called Drink Me by artist 1loopypunkgirl (Sarah Ashley) on DeviantArt, who writes that it is an “Alice in Wonderland themed montage for my photography / photoshop class.”

2015 Squick or Squee Week IV: L’homme qui a tué la mort


Busy artist Lon Ryden tries his hand at horror. I think the scalpel is a nice touch.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



The Artist and a Note

Lon Ryden is the illustrator of, among many other things, the Tales of Gnosis College and We Must Boost the Signal. He has a DeviantArt site here and a professional site here.

A larger version of this art is expected to be published at the Internet Archive in November.

Tumblr favorite #1816: She’ll explode all the air on the moon!


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 046 – Lunar Air Exploder.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This comic book art is the top panel in the story A Nation Is Born in Avon’s Strange Worlds #4 (1952) which (according to the Wikipedia entry on Strange Worlds) featured a Wallace “Wally” Wood cover:


A post on Pulpcovers.com offers a link for downloading a .cbz-format download of the entire comic.

A blog post here features a differently-colored version of the page where this image appeared, along with the information that the story was illustrated by Rafael Astarita and was reprinted in Strange Planets #9 (1959):


The script for A Nation Is Born was adapted for Volume 1, No. 8 of a black-and-white comic series called Strange Galaxy, where it appeared in 1971 in black and white (supposedly to avoid Hayes Code rules applicable to color comics) as The Moon Is Red:


Tumblr favorite #1815: Spaceman dildo


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 045 Spaceman Dildo. Here is what Bacchus found.

This artwork is by Wallace “Wally” Wood, the famous comic artist. It originally appeared on the back cover of an erotica collection called Gangbang 3:


A blog post here offers some of the history of that publication:

The fact of the matter is that Woody was never afraid to draw a pretty girl, a naked girl or a girl having sex. Toward the end of his life, pornography became his main source of income, first from PURITAN (a pioneering hardcore newsstand mag), Al Goldstein’s SCREW newspaper and its magazine counterpart, NATIONAL SCREW. Wood’s WEIRD SEX FANTASY PORTFOLIO was the only commercial portfolio he ever released. His latter day move to the West Coast was facilitated by Barbara Friedman’s Nuance Publications which published three issues of (supposedly) all-Wood sex comics in magazine form.

The fact that Wally Wood would do a complete hardcore porn comic somehow seemed at the time not so much a comedown as a natural progression. Starting with his gorgeous EC women, then his fifties girlie cartoons, the clothing optional SALLY FORTH comic strip, the portfolio and the mid-seventies adult magazine work…it just made sense for him to do a full-on sex comic book. In fact, in the aftermath of early seventies”porno chic,” it was a pioneering move for a mainstream comic book artist of his caliber!

The problem, of course, was the circumstances. The times being what they were, GANG BANG could not have existed ten years earlier and yet THAT is when it might well have worked for Wood. By the time of its publication, his health was degenerating quickly and had been affecting his once-pristine art for several years. He was much slower, used more paste-ins and tracings than ever and had no assistants of the high quality he had used for years. As such, the first issue, although clearly Woodwork, is disappointing, the second is without a doubt the worst material he ever had published and the third, posthumous, issue consists of reprints of varying quality from other sources.

GANG BANG publisher Barbara Friedman was, by all accounts, the one to find Wallace Wood’s body after his late 1981 suicide. She had hired him and befriended him but that didn’t keep her from continuing to exploit his name even after his death. A year and a half later, Nuance released GANG BANG # 3, with a cover touting “Wood’s Women and Wit.” The art used on the cover was originally meant for an unrealized Wood project to have been called STRANGE SYMPHONIES.

This issue is actually much better than the previous effort as it deals completely with previously published work. We open with 24 black and white pages of MALICE IN WONDERLAND, the dirty but witty softcore strip the artist had originally published in color in France and in NATIONAL SCREW before his health had gotten too bad . This strip shows Wood at perhaps a peak for his erotic work. Although cut up, repasted and in some cases blown up way too big, the wit and skill show through even though the presentation is hardly the finest this material would see.

This is followed by some reprinted gag pages from SCREW and the SEX FANTASY PORTFOLIO as well as a page of sketches that include everything from SALLY FORTH to THE WIZARD KING! The reappearance of one of the badly drawn Sally pages from the last volume rears its ugly head but then we move on to FLESH FUCKER MEETS WOMEN’S LIB, a second FLASH GORDON parody in this series, this one being done in 1977 in a softcore MAD-style for, I believe, THE NATIONAL SCREW again. It’s not bad.

THE BLIZZARD OF OOZE, again cut up and repasted for some reason, originally appeared in PURITAN and is, as it sounds like, a hardcore WIZARD OF OZ parody. Although not as well-drawn as MALICE, it’s hard to tell just how many of the strip’s shortcomings are attributable to its less than stellar presentation here. Rounding out the issue are a few more extremely well done single panel bits from the Portfolio and SCREW.

For interest, all six of the front and back covers from the three issues of Gangbang can be seen here.

2015 Squick or Squee Week III: Le jardin des supplices


The Théâtre du Grand-Guignol, which existed in Paris from 1897 to 1962, provided a form of theatrical horror sufficiently impressive that its name lives on in the English language. (If someone tells you you’re in for a “grand-guignol experience,” expected to be scared, or at least shocked.) It also left behind some remarkable promotional art which strikes me as being ripe for re-creation, especially in our annual tradition of the Squick or Squee parade.

Our first entry in this part of the parade comes from CG artist KristinF, and involves suffering among the beauty of nature.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



The Artist and a Note

KristinF has a DeviantArt site here and an additional, possibly more explicit site here.

A larger version of her art is expected to be published at the Internet Archive in early November.

Tumblr favorite #1814: Bionic pin-up


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 044 – Bionic Pinup.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This pinup artwork is called Must Be Bunnies and it’s by German artist Simon Eckert (scebiqu on DeviantArt). The artist explains:

My collegue ~Odinoir is busy making a browser game called “Bionic Battle Mutants” formerly known as “Cyber Mutant Street Gangs” and asked me to do a Bionic-themed pinup for it which will appear somewhere in the game.

There’s a further hint of a possible companion “mutants” piece by another artist: “~NaRai is in for making the matching mutant-themed pinup!” However, no mutant-themed piece is visible in that artist’s DeviantArt gallery as yet.