Grindbin Appearance: Bare Behind Bars

Gel Girl Pamela Rei Genesis I
Visitor from Venus by Penerotic
The depraved warden in Bare Behind Bars enjoys a new prisoner.
Bare Behind Bars illustration by Lucy Fidelis

It was my pleasure to have appeared on another episode of the Grindbin Podcast. Mike and the McCollum boys and I take a deep dive into what may well be the most depraved women-in-prison movie of all time, Bare Behind Bars. (Seriously, it makes Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS look like an arthouse movie.) You can download the episode here or subscribe to ‘Bin on your podcast app of choice. As with most of my appearances on the ‘Bin, I am making my notes on the episode available for download.

Our cover art for the episode is again by the lovely and talented Lucy Fidelis.