Gel Girl Pamela Rei Genesis III

Pamela Rei signs the final consent before undergoing the procedure to be transformed into a gel girl.

Pamela signs the final consent.

The overall action in this illustration series is described in a fragment of draft screenplay, which you are welcome to download if you are interested in such things. This image is available in a much larger size. Right-click to download.

ICUdhara has a DeviantArt site here, and you can also support the artist on Patreon, as I do.

Kindly do not alter or republish this art without our permission.

Grindbin Appearance: Bare Behind Bars

The depraved warden in Bare Behind Bars enjoys a new prisoner.
Bare Behind Bars illustration by Lucy Fidelis

It was my pleasure to have appeared on another episode of the Grindbin Podcast. Mike and the McCollum boys and I take a deep dive into what may well be the most depraved women-in-prison movie of all time, Bare Behind Bars. (Seriously, it makes Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS look like an arthouse movie.) You can download the episode here or subscribe to ‘Bin on your podcast app of choice. As with most of my appearances on the ‘Bin, I am making my notes on the episode available for download.

Our cover art for the episode is again by the lovely and talented Lucy Fidelis.

Learning from Elders: Chapter 7, Page 22

Delta Psi's Erotopylon committee salutes justice and science.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

If you want or need to, you can catch up on the entire story to date by either going to the first page and navigating through page-by-page using the arrows at the top, or you can read the story ten pages at a time by opening the Learning from Elders category on this site.

Aprenda português LXXXV: A Isca 094

Chiba sente pena do pobre monstro dos tentáculos faminto.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 94 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Close-up of Chiba’s bare legs dangling in the tank.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (1): 何ヶ月もずっと彼の近くにいると、彼の気持ちがわかってくるのです。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (2): Having been close to him for all these months, I feel that I can feel what he feels.

Translation (2): SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (2): Com a minha proximidade da criatura por tantos meses, acabo sentindo o que ela sente.

Panel 2: Chiba’s legs in the tank again. A tentacle has come up and is playing among her toes.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (4): 彼は悲しい、とてもお腹が空いたと思っています。私のことを食い尽くしたいと思っているのです。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (5): And what he feels is sad and very hungry. He wants to eat me so very badly.

Translation (5): SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (5): E o que ela sente é tristeza e muita fome. Ele deseja ardentemente me devorar.

Panel 3: Same as Panel 2, except that now the tentacle has wrapped around her ankle.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (6): 彼には本当に申し訳なく思っています。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (7): I feel so sorry for him.

Translation (7): Eu tenho muita pena dela.

Panel 4: Same as Panel 3, except that here the tentacle was wrapped around a little way up Chiba’s leg.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (8): 彼に自分を食べさせてやりたい、もし許されるなら、彼に食べてもらいたいと思います。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (9): I would let him eat me, if they would let me let him eat me.

Translation (9): SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (9): Eu a deixaria me comer, se eles permitissem.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Gel Girl Pamela Rei Genesis II

Pamela Rei, here pre-transformation and ordinary human, enters the lecture theater.

Pamela Rei, looking like the ordinary university student that she currently is, enters the lecture theater.

The overall action in this illustration series is described in a fragment of draft screenplay, which you are welcome to download if you are interested in such things. This image is available in a much larger size. Right-click to download.

ICUdhara has a DeviantArt site here, and you can also support the artist on Patreon, as I do.

Kindly do not alter or republish this art without our permission.

Aprenda português LXXXIV: A Isca 093

O monstro foi estrangulado; ele não pode mais devorar mulheres.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 93 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Another interview segment. Here Chiba sits on the lip of the tank. She has changed from her white swimsuit to a tank-top and shorts. She is dangling her bare feet in the tank’s water.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): 食べられないかと、怖くなりませんか?

Chiba (2): いいえ、その対策はされています。

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (3): You’re not afraid of being eaten?

Translation (3): Você não tem medo de ser devorada?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): No, they’ve taken care of that.

Translation (4): Não, já tomaram as providências para isto não acontecer.

Panel 2: An underwater robot, with grabbers, two holding on to the Creature’s feeding siphon and another pair holding some sort of giant cuff-ring.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (5): 何ヶ月もずっと彼の近くにいると、彼の気持ちがわかってくるのです。

CAPTION – CHIBA TRANSLATION (6): They put some sort of collar on his feeding siphon. No more girls for him.

Translation (6): Eles implantaram uma espécie de coleira na cavidade digestiva da criatura. Ela não pode mais comer mulheres.

Panel 3: Chiba being interviewed.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (7): それは安心ですね。

Chiba (8): 実際には、悲しい気持ちになります。

Panel 3: Chiba being interviewed.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (7): それは安心ですね。

Chiba (8): 実際には、悲しい気持ちになります。

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (9): That must make you feel relieved.

Translation (9): Isto deve ser um alívio e tanto.

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (10): Actually, it makes me feel sad.

Translation (10): Na verdade, isto me deixa triste.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Gel Girl Pamela Rei Genesis I

Dr. Verwandlung lectures a group of skeptical-looking colleagues about the possibility of turning human flesh and organs into living gel.

We’re beginning a new series today, this one illustrated by ICUDhara, a Russian artist whose work we have already seen here at Erotic Mad Science. We’re still with Gel Girl Pamela Rei here, turning back to her origins story. At the beginning, Dr. Verwandlung is address a group of his skeptical colleagues.

The overall action in this illustration series is described in a fragment of draft screenplay, which you are welcome to download if you are interested in such things. This image is available in a much larger size. Right-click to download.

ICUdhara has a DeviantArt site here, and you can also support the artist on Patreon, as I do.

Kindly do not alter or republish this art without our permission.

Aprenda português LXXXIII: A Isca 092

E para Chiba, o sexo com os tentáculos é incrivelmente inspirador.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 90 (Single panel page – color)

Single panel: Chiba, all tentacled up in the tank, her eyes closed and her head tilted back in ecstasy.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (1): 私からは観客が見えないので、例えプライベートなものでなくても、そんな風に感じます。それにセックスは本当に最高です。男性のことなど、ほとんど忘れてしまっていました。

SUBTITLE (2): I can’t see the audience, so it feels private even if it isn’t. And the sex is truly amazing. I’ve almost forgotten about men.

Translation (2): Não consigo ver o público, então, é como se fossem privativos, mesmo não sendo de fato. E o sexo é realmente incrível. Praticamente me esqueci dos homens.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)