Impariamo l’italiano LXVIII: Esca 069

Impariamo l'italiano LXVII: Esca 068
Impariamo l'italiano LXIX: Esca 070
Claudia esce di cattivo umore.

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PAGE 69 (Four pages)

Panel 1: Claudia sitting back in her cabin writing a letter at a tiny desk.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Within a few hours, the arrangements are made.

Translation (1): Entro poche ore, si prendono gli accordi.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): Claudia writes one last letter to her academic advisor, thanking her for her support.

Translation (2): Claudia scrive un’ultima lettera al suo consulente accademico, ringraziandolo per il suo sostegno.

Panel 2: Claudia taking a capsule from Hiram in his shipboard lab.

Hiram (3): It has been recalibrated…

Translation (3): È stato ricalibrato…

Claudia (4): And if you got it wrong this time, I swear I will return from my watery grave and drag you back down with me.

Translation (4): E se hai sbagliato questa volta, giuro che tornerò dalla mia tomba d’acqua e ti trascinerò giù con me.

Panel 3: Claudia walking down a narrow ship’s corridor, with Turpentine behind her.

Turpentine (5): We cannot emphasize enough how much your sacrifice is appreciated, Dr. Honeywood…

Translation (5): Non possiamo sottolineare abbastanza quanto il tuo sacrificio sia apprezzato, Dott.ssa. Honeywood…

Claudia (6): Kindly go fuck yourself, Eustace.

Translation (6): Gentilmente vai a farti fottere, Eustace.

Panel 4: Claudia walking out on deck. She’s fully clothed, wearing the same skirt and button-down blouse combination she was wearing when she came aboard the RV Seagoon. A few sailors with hang-dog expressions look on.

Claudia (7): You all are going to have to get your peep-show somewhere else today.

Translation (7): Oggi dovresti fare il tuo peep-show da qualche altra parte.

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