Moonlit Santa Muerte

Glorious and somewhat fleshy Santa Muerte stands in a dark robe in silvery moonlight.

Santa Muerte by Aleksandra Marchocka. This image was commissioned by Iago Faustus and is presented here by agreement between Faustus and the artist.

I have featured work by Aleksandra Marchocka, both her own and work I have commissioned, here at Erotic Mad Science. It is with great pleasure that I can here feature the latest commission I have placed with her. Her we feature Santa Muerte, a divine personification of death worshipped primarily in Mexico, and whose protection and intercession are often sought by the socially marginal and otherwise hopeless, including drug dealers, sex workers, and LGBT people. She and her imagery have long occupied a place of honor over at Infernal Wonders. (If you have a hundred or so bucks to drop or access to a university research library, you can read this scholarly account of Our Lady of Holy Death and her worship.)

You can download the whole image in its full resolution by right-clicking and saving.

Aleksandra Marchocka has both a DeviantArt and a professional site, and can be reached on Instagram and Facebook as well.

More brides of the Grote Opdracht

Damsels writh and struggle with a hungry maritime vore-tentacle monster.

Presented here by agreement between Faustus and the artist.

As President’s Day special (many of our U.S. readers have a day off work, hooray!) I am presenting a big commission by the artist Silverado, whose work has been featured here before at Erotic Mad Science. This is another Brides of the Grote Opdracht illustration, a theme on which we have seen work before by Rafael Suzarte, Lucy Fidelis, and Dark Vanessa. For those of you who might have missed them, the backstory for all of these illustrations is the following pseudo-news story, a part of the Bait continuity.

Crews operating a submersible salvage robot near the Southwest Pacific island of Motofupo made an unexpected discovery last week of the nameplate and other debris believed to have belonged to a Dutch sailing ship lost over a century ago. The Grote Opdracht had sailed from Rotterdam in early 1886 taking various cargo and passengers to the Dutch East Indies. She had made her last port of call at Singapore before sailing east with an intended destination in the Molucca Islands. She was never heard from again. That her nameplate was found so far from any plausible course she might have followed suggests that she might have been caught in a freak tropical storm and driven a long distance before finally foundering near Motofupo. The loss of the Grote Opdracht was made especially poignant by the fact that her passenger consist included several young unmarried Dutch and Flemish women, who were traveling east to be brides of Dutch colonial civil servants working in the Moluccas. This tragedy was the subject of a popular if mournful late nineteenth-century Dutch ballad “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee.” (“My beloved girl sleeps in the southern sea.”).

I think Silverado really lavished a great deal of attention on this illustration, so it would be worth your while to right-click on the picture in the post and download the high-resolution version. If you like his work generally, I can strongly recommend his DeviantArt gallery.

Grote Opdracht brides in tentacles

Brides they will be, but not of human grooms.

Image presented by agreement between Faustus and Dark Vanessa.

We have here a version of the same commission done by Rafael Suzarte and Lucy Fidelis, this time by another longtime contributor to Erotic Mad Science, Dark Vanessa. Her artistic inspiration of the story interesting fits neatly into an advancing narrative.

Naturally, there is a version of the same fictional news story in Spanish:

La tripulación que operaba un robot sumergible de salvamento cerca de la isla de Motofupo, en el Pacífico sudoccidental, descubrió la semana pasada la placa de identificación y otros escombros que supuestamente pertenecieron a un barco de vela holandés que naufragó hace más de un siglo. A principios de 1886, el Grote Opdracht zarpó de Rotterdam con varios cargamentos y pasajeros hacia las Indias Orientales holandesas. Hizo su última escala en el puerto de Singapur antes de navegar hacia el este con destino a las Islas Molucas. Nunca más se supo del barco. El hecho de que su placa de identificación se encontrase tan lejos de cualquier rumbo plausible que pudiera haber seguido, sugiere que pudo haber sido atrapado en una extraña tormenta tropical y arrastrado a una larga distancia antes de hundirse cerca de Motofupo. La pérdida del Grote Opdracht fue especialmente conmovedora, ya que entre sus pasajeros se encontraban varias jóvenes solteras holandesas y flamencas que viajaban al este para casarse con funcionarios coloniales holandeses que trabajaban en las Molucas. Esta tragedia fue el tema de una popular, aunque triste, balada holandesa de finales del siglo XIX, “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee” (“Mi amada niña duerme en el mar del sur”).

Dark Vanessa publishes her work at DeviantArt and you can also support her on Patreon.

As is general with this series, you can right-click and download to get the image in high resolution.

Grote Opdracht Brides in the Sea

Longtime Erotic Mad Science artist Lucy Fidelis was given the same fictional news story as the other artists and came up with this dynamic illustration which advances the plot. From above, the would-be brides have tumbled into the sea from the storm. From below, something far more ominous appears to be rising…

Does the fictional news story exist in Portuguese as well as in English? But of course!

Na semana passada, equipes controlando um robô de resgate submersível perto da ilha de Motofupo, no sudoeste do Pacífico, fizeram uma descoberta inesperada da placa de identificação e outros destroços que teriam pertencido a um veleiro holandês perdido há mais de um século. O Grote Opdracht partiu de Roterdã no início de 1886, levando um grande quantidade de carga e passageiros para as Índias Orientais Holandesas. Ele fez sua última escala em Cingapura antes de partir para o leste, rumo às ilhas Molucas. Nunca mais se tinha tido notícias dele. O fato de sua placa de identificação ter sido encontrada tão longe de qualquer rota plausível que possa ter seguido sugere que ele talvez tenha sido pego por uma estranha tempestade tropical e percorrido uma longa distância antes de finalmente afundar perto de Motofupo. A perda do Grote Opdracht foi especialmente triste pelo fato de que seus passageiros incluíam diversas mulheres holandesas e flamengas solteiras, que viajavam para o leste para se casarem com colonos holandeses que trabalhavam nas Molucas. Essa tragédia foi tema de uma balada popular holandesa do fim do século 19: “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee.” (“Minha amada dorme no mar do sul.”)

Lucy can be found on DeviantArt and also maintains a professional site. She is normally open for commissions.

As with the other illustrations, I have made this one available in its full resolution.

Brides on the Grote Opdracht

As a little celebration of the appearance of a Portuguese-language version of Bait I gave the two Brazilian artists in my regular rotation the first crack at coming up with an illustration to match the following fictional news story:

Crews operating a submersible salvage robot near the Southwest Pacific island of Motofupo made an unexpected discovery last week of the nameplate and other debris believed to have belonged to a Dutch sailing ship lost over a century ago. The Grote Opdracht had sailed from Rotterdam in early 1886 taking various cargo and passengers to the Dutch East Indies. She had made her last port of call at Singapore before sailing east with an intended destination in the Molucca Islands. She was never heard from again. That her nameplate was found so far from any plausible course she might have followed suggests that she might have been caught in a freak tropical storm and driven a long distance before finally foundering near Motofupo. The loss of the Grote Opdracht was made especially poignant by the fact that her passenger consist included several young unmarried Dutch and Flemish women, who were traveling east to be brides of Dutch colonial civil servants working in the Moluccas. This tragedy was the subject of a popular if mournful late nineteenth-century Dutch ballad “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee.” (“My beloved girl sleeps in the southern sea.”).

Rafael Suzarte went first, and came up with the illustration above. Our young lovelies are still on shipboard, but there is clearly trouble brewing. He put considerable attention into the detail of this one, and I encourage you to download it for more detailed viewing.

Rafael has a professional website and can be found on Instagram. If you like his work, I encourage you to support him on Patreon, as I do.

Death and a peculiar Maiden

Or perhaps, Death and the Tooth Fairy

Death and the Maiden by Aleksandra Marchocka. Image presented here by agreement between myself and the artist.

We’ve presented work by Polish artist Aleksandra Marchocka on this site before. This illustration is the first work she has done specifically commissioned for Erotic Mad Science. It should be more-or-less instantly recognizable as a “Death and the Maiden,” illustration (a theme to which I’ve devoted sustained attention on another of my sites), but if you look a second time, you can see that the artist has given it a whimsical twist.

Aleksandra Marchocka has both a DeviantArt and a professional site, and can be reached on Instagram and Facebook as well.

South Seas Lola

If Lola can hold her breath for just a little bit longer, it will all be over.

“Deep Sea Lola” commissioned by Faustus and created by Sketchwork. Please do not republish or alter without permission of the creators.

A second commission by Sketchwork, again with his cutie vore-girl Lola, this time making a lovely meal for the tentacle monster from my graphic novella Bait. I guess she just chose to go skinny-dipping in the wrong ocean, poor girl.

If you like this sort of work you can support Sketchwork on Patreon as I do.

You can get in touch with Sketchwork at Eka’s Portal. The artist also maintains a stream at Picarto TV as well as pages at Hentai Foundry and DeviantArt.

Bubbling Lola

She sure looks cheerful for a girl about to be bubbled away.

“Bubble Tube Lola” commissioned by Faustus and created by Sketchwork. Please do not republish or alter without permission of the creators.

A merry little bit of bespoke art for your Labor Day enjoyment. Our heroine for today is Lola, a character created by an artist who works under the name Sketchwork, creating among other things a fair amount of fetish and vore art. Lola has a cheery attitude toward life, an apparent distaste for clothes, and a tendency to give into erotic temptations that gets her into some very problematic circumstances: the poor girl just can’t help herself, it seems. Here Lola has been lured into a bubble tube, of the mad science sort pioneered by Zoltan Odbol in my polyglot story “Bubbles: A Tale of Soapy Mad Science.” She seems to be enjoying the experience, just like all the others…

If you like this sort of work you can support Sketchwork on Patreon as I do.

You can get in touch with Sketchwork at Eka’s Portal. The artist also maintains a stream at Picarto TV as well as pages at Hentai Foundry and DeviantArt.

Bait now has a really permanent home

I am pleased to announce that my (very) graphic novella Bait has a permanent Internet Archive home:

Here is the link to the archive page, where you can download the whole graphic novel and all of its pendant art in either CBZ (a comic book archive format similar to ZIP) or as a single big PDF document. You can also read the comic in a nifty screen reader the archive provides (also embedded in small size above). The archive has also auto-converted my uploads into a variety of other formats. The completeness or reliability of these versions is a bit uncertain, but I would welcome reports from anyone who wants to look at them.

At 113 pages and with no fewer than five contributing artists, the assembly and uploading of this version of the comic was an unusual challenge, and it pleases me no end that this particular phase of the Bait project is now complete!