Köder 094

Chiba hat Mitleid mit dem armen, hungrigen Tentakelmonster.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 94 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Close-up of Chiba’s bare legs dangling in the tank.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (1): 何ヶ月もずっと彼の近くにいると、彼の気持ちがわかってくるのです。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (2): Having been close to him for all these months, I feel that I can feel what he feels.

Translation (2): Ich bin ihm seit Monaten so nah, dass ich fühlen kann, was er fühlt.

Panel 2: Chiba’s legs in the tank again. A tentacle has come up and is playing among her toes.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (3): 彼は悲しい、とてもお腹が空いたと思っています。私のことを食い尽くしたいと思っているのです。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (4): And what he feels is sad and very hungry. He wants to eat me so very badly.

Translation (4): Und er ist traurig und sehr hungrig. Er will mich unbedingt fressen.

Panel 3: Same as Panel 2, except that now the tentacle has wrapped around her ankle.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (5): 彼には本当に申し訳なく思っています。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (6): I feel so sorry for him.

Translation (7): Er tut mir wirklich leid.

Panel 4: Same as Panel 3, except that here the tentacle was wrapped around a little way up Chiba’s leg.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (8): 彼に自分を食べさせてやりたい、もし許されるなら、彼に食べてもらいたいと思います。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (9): I would let him eat me, if they would let me let him eat me.

Translation (9): Ich würde ihn mich fressen lassen, wenn Sie ihn mich fressen lassen würden.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 021

Rosalie tries to explain what's known about the gynophage to her colleagues.

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This room is situated such that it has windows that look down on the warehouse floor where the Gynophage lives. At one end there is a high-resolution video screen.

Harry, Joe, and ERNIE ALBERTSON sit at a chrome conference table while Rosalie. stands next to the video screen with a pointer/clicker device.


So what do we know, Dr. Quisp?


Well, the biochemistry is nothing special. The creature has chromosomes with DNA, uses RNA in the synthesis of proteins, makes use of many of the same chemicals invertebrate animal species use. Oxygen transport through its circulatory system appears to be mostly performed by hemocyanin rather than hemoglobin, which would make this creature seem to be related, if very distantly, to squids and octopuses.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Köder 093

Das Monster wurde erdrosselt; keine Mädchen mehr für ihn essen.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

AGE 93 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Another interview segment. Here Chiba sits on the lip of the tank. She has changed from her white swimsuit to a tank-top and shorts. She is dangling her bare feet in the tank’s water.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): 食べられないかと、怖くなりませんか?

Chiba (2): いいえ、その対策はされています。

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (3): You’re not afraid of being eaten?

Translation (3): Haben Sie keine Angst, gefressen zu werden?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): No, they’ve taken care of that.

Translation (4): Nein, darum haben Sie sich gekümmert.

Panel 2: An underwater robot, with grabbers, two holding on to the Creature’s feeding siphon and another pair holding some sort of giant cuff-ring.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (5): 何ヶ月もずっと彼の近くにいると、彼の気持ちがわかってくるのです。

CAPTION – CHIBA TRANSLATION (6): They put some sort of collar on his feeding siphon. No more girls for him.

Translation (6): Sie haben eine Art Manschette um seinen Schlund gelegt. Keine Mädels mehr für ihn.

Panel 3: Chiba being interviewed.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (7): それは安心ですね。

Chiba (8): 実際には、悲しい気持ちになります。

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (9): That must make you feel relieved.

Translation (9): Sie müssen erleichtert sein.

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (10): Actually, it makes me feel sad.

Translation (10): Tatsächlich macht es mich traurig.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 020

Toozie and Miranda stroll across campus on a nice day.

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Quite a throwdown you had with Chad there.


Well, Miranda, he’s religious and all. Not that he’s so bad, but…


Professor Lee looks at you like you’re future philosophy talent.


I don’t know. A lot of philosophy from Plato and his cave onward seems just to be a contest to see who can come up with the most compelling piece of fiction.

They walk in silence for a few steps.


Do you think you’d really pull the trigger on yourself?


I don’t know. Do you think it would make a compelling story?

Miranda half-snorts, half-laughs in response to Toozie.


Do you think you might go to the kegger at Quincy Hall tonight?


Oh, I don’t know. I have reading to do.


Lot of hunky guys there.


Yeah. Who want to bed an Asian girl because they think they won’t have to try too hard.




Seriously, a frat-boy trying to have sex makes me think of an orangutan trying to play the violin.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Köder 092

Und für Chiba ist das Tentakelsex atemberaubend.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 92 (Single panel page – color)

Single panel: Chiba, all tentacled up in the tank, her eyes closed and her head tilted back in ecstasy.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (1): 私からは観客が見えないので、例えプライベートなものでなくても、そんな風に感じます。それにセックスは本当に最高です。男性のことなど、ほとんど忘れてしまっていました。

SUBTITLE (2): I can’t see the audience, so it feels private even if it isn’t. And the sex is truly amazing. I’ve almost forgotten about men.

Translation (2): Ich kann die Zuschauer nicht sehen, deshalb fühlt es sich privat an. Und der Sex ist der Wahnsinn. Ich will bald keine Männer mehr.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 019

Terrorists take Professor Lee's ethics seminar hostage (not really).

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Okay. Scenario Two: Just like Scenario One except that this time the terrorist hands you a revolver.


Action follows Toozie’s narration of her scenario. Everyone has their hands on heads, watched over by subordinate terrorists. The TERRORIST hands Chad a revolver.


One chamber out of six is loaded, but you don’t know which one. Let’s assume further that our terrorist has well-armed confederates who have the drop on you so doing a macho-man stunt like, shooting him and rescuing everyone is out of the question. He demands that you play one round of Russian Roulette by spinning the cylinder, putting the revolver to your head, and pulling the trigger.

Chad spins the cylinder and puts the revolver to his own head.


If you don’t, he’ll kill everyone else in the seminar. If you give in, he lets everyone go.



Assume further you know that he is telling the truth — perhaps he is a world-famous terrorist who does this all the time and always keeps his word. Would you do it?




I’ll take the burden off you. Suppose that he gives me the revolver and demands that I play the round of Russian Roulette. Do I have the right to spin the cylinder and pull the trigger?


It seems pretty marginal to me.


It doesn’t to me. I would hope I could find in myself the courage to do exactly that.




Interesting. Just out of curiosity let’s see a show of hands. Who here thinks Toozie would have the right to pull that trigger?

Most of the seminar, Chad excluded, raise their hands.


Now suppose we have cases where we add more and more bullets to the revolver. Two bullets — still play the game? Three? Or what about six?


Look, even if I were to concede that you had a right to play the game with one bullet — which I don’t, but I guess many people don’t agree with me — six is just plain suicide.


Where does the magic happen, Chad? Between Coal Road and one bullet? At two bullets? Three?


I find this math game inappropriate.


That’s a cop-out.


Your life does not belong to you to throw away.


I submit my life is not the sort of thing capable of belonging to anyone.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Köder 091

Und dann gibt es noch einige Sonderschauen.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 91 (Four panels)

Panel 1: More interview position. Chiba looks a bit more serious.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): あなたがやったこのようなショーは、あなたが唯一担当しているものですか?

Chiba (2): いいえ、他にもあります。

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (3): Are shows like the one you just did the only ones you do?

Translation (3): Sind das die einzigen Shows, die Sie so machen?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): No, there are others.

Translation (4): Nein, es gibt noch andere.

Panel 2: Chiba in the tank again. Two of the creatures tentacles are pulling down the straps of her one-piece swimsuit. Chiba is not resisting this action.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (5): 時々、海事センターの一般客向けの公開が終わった後に…

SUBTITLE (6): Sometimes, after the Marine Center closes to the general public…

Translation (6): Manchmal, nachdem das Marine Center für die Öffentlichkeit geschlossen hat…

Panel 3: Chiba now naked in the tank, a sucker tentacle attached to one of her nipples, her arms and legs snaked around with tentacles. Her eyes are open wide and she is looking down as if in wonder at the tentacle on her breast.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (7): ..裕福な寄付者のために、非常に特別なショーを行うことがあります。

SUBTITLE (8): …we put on some very special shows for wealthy donors.

Translation (8): …bieten wir spezielle Shows für reiche Geldgeber an.

Panel 4: A couple of middle-aged to old rich Texas dudes staring in amazement, their faces illuminated by light from the tank, the background otherwise dark.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (9): この特別なショーのために、巨額のお金を支払う人もいます。

SUBTITLE (10): Some people pay huge amounts for these special shows.

Translation (10): Manche Leute zahlen viel Geld für diese Shows.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 018

Toozie, next to her friend Miranda, begins her bojection.

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There is a round of brief and polite applause from the undergraduates. Professor Lee nods at Chad.


Excellent presentation, Chad.

(turning to Toozie)

Toozie, you are this week’s respondent. How do you respond?


Thank you, Professor Lee

(clears throat delicately)

There’s a great deal I found rather abstract in Chad’s presentation. Rather than try to rebut some of his theses directly, I think I might best be able to respond by offering a series of thought experiments.


Please do.


Scenario One: A terrorist has taken this entire freshman seminar hostage.

There is a round of nervous giggles at Toozie’s premise.


He’s standing there with his gun and he tells you in a voice that makes it clear that he really, really means it, that if no one volunteers to cross Coal Road and come back that he will execute everyone in the seminar.

(looks pointedly at Chad)

So Chad, would you volunteer?


Just to go across Coal Road and back? Sure.


Pretty easy, except that you know that there is at least some risk you will be killed by a careless driver.


I’d say the risk is less than small.


But if I may intervene for just a moment, certainly real. Just three years ago, at the Main Street crossing, poor Professor Morris lost his life in exactly that way.

There is a moment of awkward silence.


I’m sorry, Professor, I didn’t mean…


No, please go on.




Sure. I’d cross the road.


Okay. Scenario Two: Just like Scenario One except that this time the terrorist hands you a revolver.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Köder 090

Chiba Moe erklärt ihren Job

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 90 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Chiba, standing at the top of the tank, quite wet still in her one-piece bathing suit, being interviewed.

Chiba (1): 私は海事センターでショーを演じるために、私の県出身の別の若い女性と一緒に雇われました。

SUBTITLE (2): I was hired along with other young women from my prefecture to put on shows at the Maritime Center.

Comment (2): If the target language for translation is Japanese, the translator need not provide translations of Japanese dialog unless he or she wishes to make suggestions for improvement (the existing Japanese dialog is translated from the “subtitles,” which were what was actually written.

Translation (2): Ich wurde zusammen mit anderen jungen Frauen aus meiner Präfektur angeheuert, um im Maritime Center Shows zu veranstalten.

CAPTION (3): Chiba Moe, Marine Center show worker.

Translation (3): Chiba Moe, Marine Center Show-Mitarbeiterin.

Panel 2: Incorporated photograph from http://www.erosblog.com/2008/12/16/nude-pearl-diver/

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (4): 私たちはみな、海女 (真珠貝を採る女性潜水士) の村の出身なので、水中で働く素晴らしい伝統があります。

SUBTITLE (5): We are all from villages of ama (women pearl divers), so we have a great tradition of working underwater.

Translation (5): Wir kommen alle aus den Dörfern der Ama (Perlentaucherinnen), daher haben wir eine große Tradition der Unterwasserarbeit.

Panel 3: “Still photograph” of a group of other divers, also attractive young Japanese women in swimsuits just like Chiba’s, standing at the base of the tank and posed in a group. All are smiling, and one has raised her hand in a “V” sign.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (6): 私たちのグループがあり、餌やりショーを行うために、一緒に働いています。とても人気です。

SUBTITLE (7): There is a group of us. We work together to put on feeding shows. They’re very popular.

Translation (7): Wir sind eine Gruppe. Wir arbeiten zusammen an den Fütterungsshows. Sie sind sehr beliebt.

Panel 4: Back to the interview. Chiba is grinning.

Chiba (8): 私は本当に自分の仕事が好きです。

SUBTITLE (9): I really like my job.

Translation (9): Ich mag den Job wirklich sehr.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 017

Seminar time with Professor Lee.

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PROFESSOR LEE and about twelve undergraduates sit around a massive wooden table in a college room that bespeaks generations of wealthy alumni. The walls are mostly lined with old books in glass cases.

A seminar is in progress. On a blackboard behind Professor Lee are written the words MORTALITY AND MORALITY, WEEK 5. Student books and papers cover the massive table.

Professor Lee sits sphinxlike at the head of the table. Across from each other at the middle are LUCY CHEN TU (“TOOZIE”) and CHAD. MIRANDA sits next to Toozie. Chad is wrapping up a student presentation.


So we should conclude that if human life is a fundamental moral value, a sacrifice of human life, even if undertaken with the noble purpose of saving other lives, cannot be countenanced by a just society. Thank you.

There is a round of brief and polite applause from the undergraduates. Professor Lee nods at Chad.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.