Köder 017

Reiche rassistische Texaner, die ihr Ding auf einer Südseekreuzfahrt machen.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 17 (Four panels)

(Note: More Super 8 camera “footage.”)

Panel 1: Barron Sr. and a WEALTHY FRIEND (another corpulent middle-aged man), both wearing sunglasses, tacky Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts, sitting on deck chairs sipping drinks.

Wealthy Friend (1): President Reagan sure did a number on those air traffic control thugs and their union, eh?

Translation (1): Präsident Reagan hat diese Fluglotsen und ihre Gewerkschaft ganz schön beschissen, was?

Barron Sr. (2): Here’s hoping he takes on the coons and the spics next.

Comment (2): “Coons” is a highly derogatory term for African-Americans, “spics” a highly derogatory term for Latino Americans. The use of them in dialog here is to show Petrobux as a nasty racist – something hardly unusual for a man of his social position and geographic origin. Translate them with discretion.

Translation (2): Hoffentlich nimmt er sich als nächstes die Afros und Latinos vor.

Panel 2: Wealthy friend is sitting up peering over his sunglasses, while Barron Sr. is waving Barron Jr. and his camera away with a gesture of his hand (indicate with motion lines).

Barron Sr (3): Move along, son. This is grown-up talk.

Translation (3): Verschwinde, Junge, hier reden Erwachsene.

Panel 3: Phoebe is in her bikini, leaning slightly backwards with her hands on the rail, looking forward, enjoying the sun and sea. She is also wearing sunglasses and her body glistens a bit from her having put on sunscreen.

Panel 4: Same as before, but now Phoebe is looking into Barron Jr.’s camera with an admonitory expression.

Phoebe (4): Barron…

Translation (4): Barron…

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Toozie’s Sacrifice 16

Within the creature, Toozie is digested and brain incorporated into the creature's nervous system.  The scientists continue their monitoring.

The sixteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

If you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Köder 016

Barron Petrobux Jr. ging dort hin, wo er mit seiner Filmkamera nicht hin sollte.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 16 (Four panels)

Note: There should be some sort of framing around the panels on this and some succeeding pages to indicate that they’re “footage” taken with Barron Jr.’s Super 8 camera.

Panel 1: Barron Jr.’s hand pushing open a cabin door somewhere below decks on the Yellow Rose.

SUBTITLE (1): Camera footage taken by Barron Jr., son of Barron Sr.

Translation (1): Filmmaterial von Barron Jr., Sohn von Barron Sr.

Panel 2: We see past the door into the interior of a cabin. Phoebe, evidently surprised while changing into a bikini, is holding her as-yet-unfastened bikini top over her breasts with one arm, while charging forward and reaching for the door with her other. She wears an appropriately angry expression.

Phoebe (2): Get out of here, you little pervert!

Translation (2): Raus hier, du Kleiner Spanner!

Panel 3: View of a gangway, leading up to the deck.

Panel 4: View off the deck of the Yellow Rose. We can see the rail on the side of the deck, beyond that the ocean, and beyond that in the distance the trees and hills of the Island of Motofupo.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Toozie’s Sacrifice 15

The rest of an ecstatic Toozie is sucked down the maw of the tentacle beast.  Her "progress" is monitored by scientists behind a glass panel.

The fifteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Köder 015

Barron Petrobux hatte eine schöne Frau und Tochter und mehr Geld, als ihm gut tat.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 15 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A family picture of the Petrobuxs, Texas oil billionaires, taken around 1980. At the center are BARRON PETROBUX SR. (“Barron Sr.”), and his wife PEONY. Barron Sr. is a corpulent man in a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, string tie with a diamond slider. Peony is a woman dressed in overly expensive clothes for the period, clearly once very beautiful and now someone who spends time fighting oncoming middle age and it shows. Flanking them are the Petrobux daughter Phoebe, a beautiful and well-developed girl of about 16 in this photograph, smiling brilliantly, and BARRON JR., a somewhat sullen-looking boy about ten years old in this picture who is holding his most-prized possession, a high-end Super 8 movie camera (camcorders not being commercially available before 1984). Barron Jr. should have a Distinctive Feature that will enable us to identify him as the same person at later ages than he is in this photograph. What it is can be up to the artist, but should be reasonably recognizable: a scar, a cowlick that won’t go away, a droopy eyelid, something like that. There should be labels indicating the names of the four people in the photograph.

CAPTION – PSUEDO-NARRATION (1): In 1981, Barron Petrobux Sr. was a Texas oil and real-estate billionaire and an important figure in state and national Republican party politics. He had a famously beautiful wife, Peony and daughter, Phoebe, and a young son passionately interested in making movies, Barron Jr.

Translation (1): Im Jahr 1981 war Barron Petrobux Sr. ein texanischer Öl- und Immobilienmagnat und eine wichtige Persönlichkeit der Republikanischen Partei. Er hatte eine bewundernswert hübsche Frau, Peony, und eine Tochter, Phoebe, sowie einen jungen Sohn, der sich sehr für das Filmemachen begeisterte, Barron Jr.

Panel 2: A view of the Yellow Rose, the Petrobux family yacht, a big, expensive, tastelessly well-appointed vessel, traveling through the sea.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): Petrobux was also the proud owner of one of the largest private yachts in the world at the time.

Translation (2): Petrobux war zudem der stolze Besitzer einer der weltweit größten Privatjachten zur damaligen Zeit.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): The beautiful waters and beaches around Motofupo had been declared a restricted zone by the U.S. Navy, but exceptions to the restrictions would be made for a man of Petrobux’s political influence.

Translation (3): Das wundervolle Meer und die Strände von Motofupo wurden von der US Navy zum Sperrgebiet erklärt, doch für einen Mann von Petrobux’ Kaliber wurde eine Ausnahme gemacht.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Toozie’s Sacrifice 14

Toozie begins to be sucked down the maw of the tentacle creature.

The fourteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Learning from Elders: Chapter 11, Page 19

Royston Hawkins explains to Raz, Millie, and Stan the creation of a trust for their benefit.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

If you want or need to, you can catch up on the entire story to date by either going to the first page and navigating through page-by-page using the arrows at the top, or you can read the story ten pages at a time by opening the Learning from Elders category on this site.