Panel 1: Daphne standing in a different cabin. She’s wearing a comparatively modest black one-piece swimsuit. She is wearing a pair of swimmer’s goggles, now dangling around her neck. She’s holding one of the capsules between her thumb and forefinger and examining it with a skeptical expression. Hiram stands to one side, his face wearing a bit of a smirk.
Daphne (1): So, this has been recalibrated, has it?
Translation (1): Quindi, questo è stato ricalibrato, vero?
Hiram (2): Yes. To much higher sensitivity settings.
Translation (2): Sì. A impostazioni di sensibilità molto più elevate.
Panel 2: Daphne in the act of downing the capsule with a glass of water.
Daphne (3): Well, here’s hoping you got it right this time, Hiram.
Translation (3): Bene, ecco sperando che hai capito bene questa volta, Hiram.
Panel 3: Daphne walking down a narrow ship’s corridor with Claudia.
Claudia (4): The drones will follow you and not be far away.
Translation (4): I droni ti seguiranno e non saranno lontani.
Daphne (5): I’m glad of that.
Translation (5): Mi fa piacere.
Panel 4: Claudia and Daphne walking on deck, past a number of men who look a little grimmer than they did before.
Panel 1: Eliza, in her typical shirt and skirt getup, being interviewed in a cabin aboard the ship.
Eliza (1): Will I really go through with it? Of course I’m going through with it!
Translation (1): Ci riuscirò davvero? Certo andrò fino in fondo!
Panel 2: Eliza in another part of the ship, lifting a glass of water to her lips, presumably to help her down the capsule which Hiram, who is standing off to the side and leering slightly, has just given to her.
CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (2): This is the ride of a lifetime. I’m not giving up that chance.
Translation (2): Questa è la corsa di una vita. Non rinuncio a questa possibilità.
Panel 3: Eliza getting an injection from Professor Turpentine.
CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (3): I get to be the first woman to tell the world what this experience feels like.
Translation (3): Sarò la prima donna a dire al mondo cosa si prova in questa esperienza.
Panel 4: Eliza and Claudia walking down a narrow ship’s corridor. Claudia is explaining something to Eliza.
Claudia (4): Use your inner voice when you’re under, just like we practiced in the tank. The recording drones will be with you, but not too near.
Translation (4): Usa la tua voce interiore quando sei sotto, proprio come durante l’allenamento nel serbatoio. I droni di registrazione saranno con te, ma non troppo vicini.
Panel 1: Eliza standing at the boarding counter for an international flight, with Daphne behind her. A GATE AGENT is checking Eliza’s documents prior to her boarding.
CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): At long last the preparations were made. The volunteers boarded a flight for Southeast Asia…
Translation (1): Finalmente sono i preparative sono pronti. I volontari si sono imbarcati su un volo per l’Asia sud-orientale…
Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting side-by-side in large, first-class seats in a first-class cabin. Eliza is holding a flute of champagne and Daphne is reading a book.
CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): The benefactor behind the exhibition arranged for them to travel first class.
Translation (2): Il benefattore dietro l’evento ha organizzato per loro un viaggio in prima classe.
Panel 3: Claudia in coach class, crammed into the middle seat of three between Hiram and another passenger. Hiram looks like he’s trying to get Claudia’s attention, perhaps even hitting on her. The other passenger, a FAT MAN, has gone to sleep. Claudia stares forward with Stoic resignation.
CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): Most of the other specialists on the exhibition had to travel in coach.
Translation (3): La maggior parte degli altri specialisti dell’evento dovranno viaggiare in seconda classe.
Panel 4: Eliza, followed by Daphne, followed by Claudia, walking up the gangway to the RV Seagoon. Eliza is wearing her typical thin cotton shirt and skirt, Daphne is in denim shorts and a T-shirt, and Claudia is in a conservative white button-down short-sleeved shirt and a dark skirt. All three are carrying bags, with Claudia’s being by far the largest.
CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (4): After arriving in Singapore, volunteers and crew board the research vessel RV Seagoon for their venture in the South Seas.
Translation (4): Dopo l’arrivo a Singapore, volontari e membri dell’equipaggio si sono imbarcati sulla nave da ricerca RV Seagoon per la loro avventura nei mari del sud.
PAGE 40 (Three panels, with Panels 1 and 2 probably stacked on the left-hand side of the page, with Panel 3 taking up the right-hand side of the page. Do Panel 3 in color.)
Panel 1: Professor Turpentine, holding up a syringe which he is pointing to.
Turpentine (1): Of course, we are taking measures to reduce any possible distress in our subjects. For example, we intend to give them an injection of this…
Translation (1): Certo, stiamo prendendo delle misure per ridurre ogni possibile pericolo per i nostri soggetti. Ad esempio, intendiamo fargli un’iniezione di questo…
Panel 2: Eliza, her sleeve rolled up receiving an injection from a NURSE.
CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (2): …a solution of nanocytes that are thousands of times more efficient than human blood cells at storing and transporting oxygen.
Translation (2): …una soluzione di nanociti che è migliaia di volte più efficiente dei globuli umani nella conservazione e nel trasporto dell’ossigeno.
Panel 3: Eliza, sitting in a crossed-legs position at the bottom of cylindrical tank wearing a one-piece bathing suit, with a number of sensors attached to wires attached to her. She has her eyes closed.
CAPTION TURPENTINE NARRATING (3): With this injection, an inactive human subject can remain submerged for up to four hours.
Translation (3): Con questa iniezione, un soggetto umano inattivo può rimanere immerso fino a quattro ore.
Panel 1: Probably long on the side of the page. Close up view of Eliza in the giant tank wearing the “tentacle swim suit.”
Eliza (balloon with watery lines) (1): … … …
Panel 2: Close-up on a speaker on a control panel.
Eliza (radio balloon coming from speaker) (2): bzzt crackle hoff iss cocks bign faat like dis zz-pop!
Comment (2): Eliza’s underlying internal monologue here is something like “Yes! Cocks [that is, penises] big and fat like these” but obscured by transmission noise. The translation should include appropriate representations of “noise” and distortion.
Panel 1: Claudia, in coveralls and wearing goggles, sitting at a high-tech workbench making adjustments to a tiny (about the size of a toaster) submersible drone.
CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Ethical objections aside, preparations for an expedition are laid in.
Translation (1): A parte le obiezioni etiche, sono in corso i preparativi per una spedizione.
Panel 2: Claudia now being interviewed in the lab. She has pushed her goggles up on her forehead, and her face has some sooty smudges on it.
Translation (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Ingegnere del Progetto di Robotica.
Claudia (3): The creature will probably be able to block communications with our expedition ship, but we think a tightly focused beam from our subjects to a submersible might be possible. We can capture and retrieve data from it later.
Translation (3): Probabilmente la creatura sarà in grado di bloccare le comunicazioni con la nostra nave di spedizione, ma pensiamo che sia possibile un raggio strettamente focalizzato dai nostri soggetti a un sommergibile. Da questo, in seguito, potremo acquisire e recuperare i dati.
Panel 3: A somewhat cleaned-up Claudia showing the submersible to Daphne and Eliza. Daphne seems interested, Eliza almost enchanted.
Claudia (4): Okay, ladies. So, one of you at least is going to be talking to this.
Translation (4): Ok, signore. Quindi, almeno una di voi parlerà con questo.
Claudia (6): This sensor will transmit biometrics. It will also scan your brain’s speech center and allow you to provide some narration of your experiences.
Translation (6): Questo sensore trasmetterà dati biometrici. Eseguirà anche la scansione del centro del discorso del tuo cervello e ti consentirà di fornire una narrazione delle tue esperienze.
Eliza (7): I really want to try that…
Translation (7): Voglio davvero provarlo…
Claudia (8): You will. We need testing.
Translation (8): Lo proverai. Abbiamo bisogno di testarlo.;p>
Panel 1: Professor Turpentine, sitting in a cramped academic office. Behind him are shelves stacked with books and papers. He’s wearing a rumpled tweed jacket and being interviewed behind his desk.
Turpentine (1): This creature, whatever it is, is highly intelligent. It can evade ordinary capture methods with ease. It also generates electromagnetic and subsonic fields that interfere with underwater communications. And it even cuts control cables.
Translation (1): Questa creatura, qualunque cosa sia, è altamente intelligente. Può facilmente eludere i normali metodi di acquisizione. Genera anche campi elettromagnetici e subsonici che interferiscono con le comunicazioni sottomarine. E arriva a tagliare anche i cavi di controllo.
SUBTITLE (2): Professor Eustace Turpentine, Innsmouth Institute for Marine Research.
Translation (2): Professor Eustace Trementina, Istituto di Innsmouth per la ricerca marina.
Panel 2: CLAUDIA HONEYWOOD (“Claudia”) holds in her hands a submersible drone – and underwater swimming robot about the size of a toaster, in her hands, holding it forth for the camera to take a picture of. Claudia is a very attractive woman, but she downplays her attractiveness, being here in a set of coveralls, her long brown hear drawn back in a bun, and here wearing heavy safety glasses. (When Claudia is not wearing these glasses she wears other glasses that make her look a bit dorky, or at least as dorky as a beautiful person can be.)
CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (3): But recently, artificial intelligence has advanced to the point where we can make effective autonomous underwater drones.
Translation (3): Ma di recente, l’intelligenza artificiale è avanzata al punto da poter produrre efficaci droni sottomarini autonomi.
Panel 3: Claudia on board ship in another cramped control room, this time also looking at a monitor. Claudia is now dressed in a white coat and is wearing glasses with heavy dark frames.
CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): The creature leaves the drones alone for some reason. These drones can also penetrate the deep trenches where the creature likes to lurk.
Translation (4): La creatura lascia i droni da soli per qualche motivo. Questi droni possono anche penetrare nelle profonde trincee dove la creatura ama nascondersi.
Panel 4: A murky image of the creature, a sort of giant squidlike thing with one large siphon (big enough for someone to fit down) and a large number of tentacles of all sorts and shapes.
CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (5): Thanks to these clever little machines, we now have a good sense of the gross morphology of the creature.
Translation (5): Grazie a queste piccole macchine intelligenti, ora abbiamo un’idea della morfologia grossolana della creatura.