Tumblr favorite #267: Another bad octopus

What is it with dudes firing guns at octopuses underwater? Original post here.


Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

As the style and artist’s signature make clear, this image is by famous fantasy artist Frank Frazetta:


It turns out to have been the cover art for Famous Funnies #215 (1955), as seen here:


There is a whole series of these Frazetta covers:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #263: Another creature role reversal

Original post here.

Sourced to Adnan Kondakçı via bleedingbetty1960. Original text:

Goggles girl (and creature companion…)

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

As soon as I saw this I thought it might be another artwork by Carlos Valenzuela. Sure enough, it’s on his DeviantArt gallery and is called “The Creature Exposed”:


Here’s another nice gallery of Carlos Velanzuela art that includes this image:


It is also available as an artist-signed print on eBay:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #214: Monster sex galore

Original post here.

Sourced to Old Erotic Art.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

According to this page, your image is “Cosmic Sex” by French artist Guido Buzzelli, appearing in a 1980 album called Buzzelliades:


This album of art from Buzzelliades confirms the sourcing and contains other images of potential interest:


See, e.g., the unicycle-android with erect penis:


One copy of Buzelliades itself appears to be currently available on the Canadian version of eBay:


More information about Guido Buzzelli is available here:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #213: Terror from Outer Space!

Original post here.

Originally from a LiveJournal called Retro-Futurism, sourced on tumblr to Am I as much being seen? via spacebitches.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

The source information in the tumblr stream leads back to this “Retro-Futurism” Russian-language LiveJournal, which is I think relevant to your interests:


(See, e.g., Sigourney Weaver in space helmet and panties, or this Sputnik stripper)

The specific source post for your image is here:


The comments on that post source the image to Carlos Valenzuela (*Valzonline) on DeviantArt, where the image is titled “Cosmic Thrills”:


http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/300/2/5/2591d6159f95df6325b8334436b4d899-d31mk73.jpg (larger 692x1200px version)

Valenzuela seems to do a lot of fictitious retro movie posters and pulp magazine covers:


He has more information and another gallery online here:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #208: The lady and the tiger

Let us hope that our hero can choose wisely. Original post here.

Sourced to Tomorrow and Beyond via littlebunnysunshine.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

The originating post for this image in your tumblr stream is:


Your image there is tagged “emsh” which is a reference to pulp artist Ed Emshwiller:


This LiveJournal post identifies your art as “Arena of Decisions” by Ed Emshwiller, and says that it was the cover of the March 1964 Amazing:


Here’s a Blogspot blog post with a copy of the Amazing cover where you can see the art as cover art:


There’s some information about the physical format of the original art at this 2008 auction page:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #198: Liquid green fairy

Absinthe does inspire. Original post here.

Sourced to Old Erotic Art.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

This image is signed “clo” and captioned “Clochette The Green Fairy CHOW 158”. You’d think it would be easy to atribute with all that, but in fact it was surprisingly tricky to track down, in large part because the “CHOW” acronym refers to a “CHaracter Of The Week” contest at a forum (conceptart.org) that is currently offline. Most Google references were to the defunct 2009 thread (link does not work and is not in the Internet Archive, but Google snippet is entitled “Chow 158 :: VOTING :: The GREEN FAIRY)”:


I finally found this DeviantArt page explaining that “CHOW 158” was a character-of-the-week contest about absinthe:


Pursuing the artist name, I found this YouTube video of a quite-fetching female French artist named “Aurélie Neyret (Clochette)” giving a lesson on character illustration:


At the very bottom of a considerable bit of “about the artist” information below that video, there are links to her portfolio site and French-language blog:


This blog post identifies your image as her work: “My entry for the last chow on conceptart, the absinthe Green Fairy.”


Her French-language description, if I am not mistaken, calls the character “absinthe personified”.

You can also see this art in her online portfolio with the title “La fée verte”:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #197: Metamorphosis comic

I wish I knew more about the story that this panel would have originally been a part of. Original post here.

Sourced to Cold Rare Steak Sandwich, via capsep.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

The originating post in the tumblr stream for your image tagged it “Sukia #15”:


“Sukia 15” appears to be the name and issue number of an 1978 Italian “fumetto per adulti” comic published by Edifumetto:


A cover for the same issue number in a Spanish language edition (different cover image, cover says “comic para adultos”) can be found here, along with a different sample image from your “insect woman” storyline:


Here is another link attributing your image to Sukia #15:


I was able to find an apparently well-seeded but exceedingly sluggish torrent file that includes the Spanish-language version of Sukia #15. (File name is: Sukia 015_Esp_AdComic.pdf) That allowed me to conclusively confirm that your image is indeed from Sukia #15:


In the Spanish edition, the story your image is from is called “La Devoradorah de Cerebros” which Google Translate renders as “Brain-Eater”. And indeed, after waking up in her insect state after eating some sort of insect-egg contaminated fish, our heroine does indeed eat the brains of at least three different people, starting with her mother…

Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #177: Reconstitution animation

Original post here.

Sourced to transethnic japanese via suspectunknown.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

Hi! The earliest post in the tumblr stream for your image tagged it “battle royale high school”, which is a one-off one-hour anime movie featuring a high school that becomes “a battleground for demon slaying samurai, interplanetary law enforcement” and “well-animated fight scenes”:


My inital “confirmation” that your animated .gif is from this anime takes the form of two different “sauce request” (attribution request) threads archived from 4chan:


(That latter thread also contains an exceptionally entertaining foul-mouthed all caps screaming rant and lesson on how to use Google’s reverse image search.)

Armed with that, I found a copy of Battle Royale High School on Youtube. The reanimation sequence from which your .gif was made begins at about 47:56:


At least one copy of the anime is available via Amazon as well:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Rule 34 Report: Slime Transformations

A while back I commissioned KristinF to do a sequence called Goo Girl Genesis, in which a human woman was transformed — via mad science, naturally — into a a living gel or goo in a female shape. I was playing with a trope known as the “goo girl” or “slime girl.” Since I have a healthy curiosity abot the weird, I naturally wondered whether there were any other examples of this sort of narrative out there. Well, if it can be found out there is a man who can find it out, and that’s Bacchus at ErosBlog with his unique, human-driven Rule 34 searches. For a very modest commission I was able to get the following lengthy report, which I have made into a post with a little bit of editing and illustration and present for your perusal and enjoyment. Bacchus’s original text (except where hyperlinked) is in red, and my occasional glosses are in black.

You asked for a full treatment on the topic of human women being transformed into slime creatures or “goo girls”, providing one example of your own:

Naked coed turned into blue goo girl

As you already know, this sort of thing is not extremely common. I was not able to come up with any organized communities of fans of this particular transformation. However, the “goo girl” and “slime girl” communities more broadly are very large and searches on these terms (plus “transformation”) have been somewhat useful. Below are some resources for those communities; these links are likely to be fruitful places for ongoing search and monitoring, and were among the starting points for finding the specific goo-girl transformation links listed later in this report:

Slime girl groups at DeviantArt:

Slime girl art at e-hentai galleries: http://g.e-hentai.org/tag/slime+girl/0

[Faustus notes: an eye-catching example of the genre, attributed to the artist “Kaboozle,” at the link provided above is here:]

Slime tag at tentaclerape.net: http://tentaclerape.net/post/list/slime/

See also a discussion thread about various methods of transforming into slime girls, with reference to various slime characters from gaming and other sources:


I looked hard for, but did not find, fanfic or erotic stories with slime girl transformation elements. It’s out there; I just failed to find it I think. Nor did I have much success finding relevant movies or television.

Specific human-to-slime/goo transformation links:

Nice transformation sequence: http://chronorin.deviantart.com/art/Claire-the-Slime-Girl-sequence-200914471

She’s just chugged a potion that turned her to slime, and she’s delighted: http://lorddragonmaster.deviantart.com/art/Gooey-Goodness-341587035

Female slime creature is transforming a girl to be like herself:

[Faustus: an unusually appealing transformation!]

Two relevant images on this pageA furry girl gets absorbed by “the living latex” and three furry girls get transformed into a “pleasure slime.”

A sequence, girl meets slime, is turned liquid, does not survive?
http://tentaclerape.net/post/view/14692#search=slime (best)

Nice photo-manipulation of a girl dissolving into a puddle on the floor.

[Faustus: Liquid girl by ~jese-mx. Nice indeed!]

Simple drawing, nude girl shocked to be transforming into slime.

Description and art of a sort of slime succubus who envelopes victims and converts them into slimes.

Cartoonish slime girl drawing, artist backstory involves error by mad-scientist father and her volunteering to be his test subject.

Slime girl drawing, artist backstory includes detailed prose transformation scene involving a broken crown of goo.

Sketch of a woman getting “zapped” into slime (4 views).

A few paragraphs in this prose story about a slime girl non-consensually converting her sister to a “slime neko cat girl” by rubbing slime on her.

Backfiring spell turns both target and caster into goo girls.

Notional “slime girl” person with fixed human form loses that form and starts to ooze during sexual arousal.

Bear rug turns gooey and tries to absorb girl lying on it. [Faustus: I read this as a guy.]

Slime girl in human form has sex with male person, turns him to slime and absorbs him.

Slime person of uncertain gender — female pronoun, visible penis — turns liquid, bites and liquifies sex partner, infiltrates same.

More slime person conversion/merging during sex.

Two girls are seduced and turned to slime girls by other slime girls (physical form stays fairly fixed).

[Faustus: this Spanish-language manga sequence is quite fetchingly drawn. Here is a sample:]

Slime queen eating people who will eventually be birthed into more slime girls.

Not porn, but there appears to have been a sequence in The Daring New Adventures Of Supergirl (##1-3) in which a villain named “Decay” gets turned into a brown oozing slime villain by psionic attack, before eventually being turned back again. Haven’t hunted down the comics, but you can see him in slime form on the cover of #3.

Not porn, but there’s an episode of the Power Rangers TV show that seems to feature people being transformed into slime by a potion.

Apparently there is a horror movie called Slime City in which a man eats the wrong thing and is transformed into slime, which process can be reversed (or slowed) when he murders people.

Off-topic but related links:

Slime girl transformation of a different type, namely a sped-up video of a slime girl being drawn with photoshop.

Video of the play of a Japanese slime monster video game (Monster Girl Quest) in which text prompts tell the tale of how the male hero is seduced, enveloped, and enslaved by a slime girl.

Slime inflation/explosion scene — video game fight scene where female character is pumped full of slime.

She’s assaulted by slime from her bathtub tap, but not transformed.

A pretty slime girl bottled in lab glassware.

[Faustus: Bottled Slime by ~buttercupbabyppg, which is a neat combination of mad science and slime girl themes. And she’s just adowable, too!

Tube girl/monster transformation.

I hope this is enough slime/goo/liquid transformation links for you!

Tumblr favorite #160: Giantess

Original post here.

Original text:



Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

Your image is the work of Japanese artist “Teston”, whose rudimentary home on the web appears to be here:


A thematically similar work can be found in one of his galleries:


And older verson of his website, now gone 404 but still in the Internet Archive, shows some additional images:


Again, thematic similarities:


Although there aren’t all that many artworks in his own galleries, it wasn’t hard to find additional galleries of Teston giantess artwork (including in some cases your image) in many of the usual places, with confirming “Teston” tags or description:




Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.