Appât (Bait in French)

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Autres versions et matériels pour cette BD

Tentacle Sexing A Space Pirate

[For the month-ending post we turn to some more high-quality image research by Bacchus. — F.]

Where originally found on Tumblr, this animated .gif had tags that included these: #sylvia #von #bernstein #spacepiratesara. And, indeed, there is a hentai anime series called Uchuu Kaizoku Sala or Space Pirate Sara which io9 calls totally awesome:

space pirate sara dvd cover from japan

Space Pirate Sara is also a video game, where we see the face of a character (right) that looks a lot like our dangling tentacle-sex girl:

space pirate sara video game

A helpful dreamer on DeviantArt who busily listed all the girls in his anime harem confirms that there is indeed a “Sylvia von Bernstein from Space Pirate Sara” character. From there, a quick walk over to Rule 34 and we quickly find lots more Space Pirate Sara and Sylvia Von Bernstein porn, including this additional bit of suspended tentacle action:

sylvia tentacle fucked in suspension

This post is a reblog with added provenance from a 12 July 2015 post at Infernal Wonders. Its original source was this post at the No Fan Service No Life tumblr.

Bait now has a really permanent home

I am pleased to announce that my (very) graphic novella Bait has a permanent Internet Archive home:

Here is the link to the archive page, where you can download the whole graphic novel and all of its pendant art in either CBZ (a comic book archive format similar to ZIP) or as a single big PDF document. You can also read the comic in a nifty screen reader the archive provides (also embedded in small size above). The archive has also auto-converted my uploads into a variety of other formats. The completeness or reliability of these versions is a bit uncertain, but I would welcome reports from anyone who wants to look at them.

At 113 pages and with no fewer than five contributing artists, the assembly and uploading of this version of the comic was an unusual challenge, and it pleases me no end that this particular phase of the Bait project is now complete!