Aprender español XXXIV: Carnada 033

Las dos "ganadoras" del concurso para ser carnada se conocen.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 33 (Two panels)

Panel 1: Probably smaller inset above. Eliza and Daphne meeting in an office somewhere, shaking hands somewhat tentatively.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (1): Eventually, we were down to two candidates, one to serve in the principal attempt and the second as an alternate.

Translation (1): Finalmente, nos quedamos con dos candidatas, una para el intento principal y la segunda como suplente.

Eliza (2): Uh, hi!

Translation (2): Oh, ¡hola!

Daphne (3): How do you do?

Comment (3): The English phrase “how do you do” is often conflated with “how are you?” but this is incorrect. “How do you do” is not an inquiry after someone’s health or metnal state the way “how are you?” might be. Rather, it is a form of greeting used by someone of formal manners or high social status when introduced to someone for the first time. One responds to “how do you do” with “how do you do.” It should be translated accordingly.

Translation (3): ¿Qué tal?

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting at a table in a richly-appointed conference room of a major law firm. Across from them sit some serious-looking lawyers. Eliza is signing something.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): We had them sign agreements of various kinds: consents to the procedure, agreements to prominent mention in all publications related to the project, and also contracts with compensation of a sort: a charity of each’s choosing would get a contribution of $1,000,000 upon each’s completion of her…contribution.

Translation (4): Les pedimos que firmaran acuerdos de varios tipos: consentimiento para el procedimiento, acuerdos para mencionar su nombre en todas las publicaciones relacionadas con el proyecto, y también contratos con algún tipo de remuneración: una organización benéfica de su elección recibiría una donación de US$1.000.000 cuando cada una lleva a cabo su… contribución.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español X: Carnada 009

La idea de la experiencia erótica más elevada excita a Eliza Fanshaw.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 9 (Three panels)

Panel 1: Eliza in her wicker chair, being interviewed. She looks like she’s listening intently to to the interviewer’s question.

Unseen interviewer (1): I suppose I can understand your interest in…unusual experiences, but still, this would be your last such experience.

Translation (1): Supongo que puedo entender tu interés por las… experiencias inusuales, pero aún así, esta sería tu última experiencia.

Eliza (2): That’s right.

Translation (2): Así es.

Panel 2: Eliza stretched out on her wicker chair, one leg extended long, her hand settled between her legs.

Eliza (3): But perhaps instead of a long string of experiences, a string that’s just going to diminish in quality as I get older and older, I might want to have one experience that surpasses them all.

Translation (3): Pero quizás, en vez de una larga serie de experiencias, cuya calidad simplemente disminuirá con la edad, me gustaría vivir una experiencia que las supere a todas.

Panel 3: Close-up on Eliza’s face. Her eyes are closed.

Eliza (4): It sort of gets me hot just thinking about it.

Comment (4): “Gets me hot” is a colloquial expression meaning “causing me to be sexually aroused.”

Translation (4); Simplemente pensarlo me excita un poco.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español IV: Carnada 003

Hay algo que le encanta a Eliza Fanshaw por encima de todo: ¡el sexo!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 3 (Four panels)

Panel 1: ELIZA FANSHAW (“Eliza”) sits in a big wicker chair in a kind of hippie-ish apartment. She’s a bubbly-sexy blond girl. She wears thin cotton tie-dyed shirt that stretches a bit over her breasts (she’s obviously braless) and a floral skirt and sandals. Her posture indicates she’s being interviewed.

Eliza (1): People ask me, “What on earth do you think you’re doing, Eliza?” and “Don’t you know you have your whole life ahead of you?”

Comment (1): The material in quotation marks are things that Eliza has been hearing about her plans and which she is quoting back to the interviewer. The expression “what on earth” is a figurative expression meant to express incredulity or surprise. It shouldn’t be translated literally – substitute an equivalent expression if one exists in the target language.

Translation (1): La gente me pregunta: “¿Qué demonios crees que estás haciendo, Eliza?” y “¿No sabes que tienes toda la vida por delante?”

Eliza (2): And I see their point but, the thing is, about me…

Translation (2): Y entiendo su punto de vista pero, lo cierto es que yo…

SUBTITLE (3): Eliza Fanshaw, prospective subject.

Translation (3): Eliza Fanshaw, sujeto potencial de estudio.

Panel 2: Close-up on Eliza’s smiling face, which should emphasize that she has a cute little snub nose.

Eliza (4): …is that I think thing that the most amazing about being alive…

Translation (4): … creo que lo más maravilloso de la vida…

Eliza (5): … is sex!

Translation (5): … ¡es el sexo!

Panel 3: View of Eliza (in very soft focus, to the point that we can scarcely identify her as Eliza) naked, seen from behind on top of a guy).

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (6): I’m not supposed to say things like this, but ever since I was fifteen, I have been seeking out sexual adventure.

Comment (6): “Ever since I was fifteen” is short for “ever since I was fifteen years old.”

Translation (6): Se supone que no debo decir cosas así, pero desde que tená quince años, he estado buscando aventuras sexuales.

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (7): I’ve even acted in some experimental adult films, just to see what it would be like.

Comment (7): “Adult films” here is a semi-euphemism for pornographic films, or at least films with explicit sexual content.

Translation (7): Incluso he actuado en algunas películas experimentales para adultos, sólo para probar cómo sería.

Panel 4: Eliza, back in the same pose as in Panel 1.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (8): And what was it like?

Translation (8): ¿Y qué tal, cómo fue?

Eliza (9): It was awesome!

Translation (9): ¡Fue maravilloso!

Eliza (10): But I don’t think anything could compare with those movies I saw in Anthro.

Comment (10): “Anthro.” This is a colloquial way for Eliza to say that she saw the movies in a college-level class in Anthropology.

Translation (10): Pero creo que no hay nada que pueda compararse con esas películas que vi en un curso de antropología de nivel universitario.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Apprendre le français LI: Appât Page 54

PAGE 54 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Closer-up view of Eliza. Almost all the tentacles are gone from her now, leaving just her being sucked still further into the feeding siphon. Her breasts are pushed up, compressed by the comparative narrowness of the siphon.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICTING RECOVERED SPEECH (1): …I love it zzt love it…pop…I love it…fwwwt…

Translation (1): …c’est bon…j’adore zzt pop…oh oui…fwwwt…

SUBTITLE (2): Magnified and enhanced drone footage.

Translation (2): Film en mode zoom.

Panel 2: Final close-up view of Eliza. Only her head now protrudes from the feeding siphon.


Translation (3): …au revoir…

SUBTITLE (4): Magnified and enhanced drone footage.

Translation (4): Film en mode zoom.

Panel 3: Eliza’s head had just been sucked into the feeding siphon. A largish bubble has erupted forth from the siphon’s end.


Translation (5): Bloop!

SUBTITLE (6): Magnified and enhanced drone footage.

Translation (6): Film en mode zoom.

Panel 4: A panel shaded from light to dark top to bottom (indicating light being filtered out as the ocean gets deeper). At the very bottom of the panel we can see the creature’s feeding siphon protruding.

SUBTITLE (7): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (7): Film récupéré du drone.

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Apprendre le français L: Appât Page 53

PAGE 53 (Four pages)

Panel 1: Close up of Eliza’s legs being pulled apart and another large, fat, penile tentacle snaking up between them.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATED RECOVERED SPEECH (1): …zzschfwee…yeth…yeth…fug meeee…stk…

Comment (1) : Eliza’s monologue here is a noise-distorted “yes, yes, fuck me!” Sorry for the vulgarity, but it is the way people actually talk sometimes.

Translation (1): …Zzschfwee…ouhi…ouhi…baise moiiiii…stk…

SUBTITLE (2): Magnified and enhanced drone footage.

Translation (2): Film en mode zoom.

Panel 2: View drawn back showing Eliza in the midst of a writing mass of tentacles coming in from out of the frame. At the lower right of the frame, the creature’s siphon appears.


Translation (3): …YETH…UETH…YETH…FWWW oui oui oui oui…

SUBTITLE (4): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (4): Film récupéré du drone.

Panel 3: Same view, with the feeding siphon now extended so that Eliza’s feet are beginning to be sucked into it.


Translation (5): …YETH…OH MANGE MOI OUI… OUI… ZZT

SUBTITLE (6): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (6): Film récupéré du drone.

Panel 4: Same view. Eliza is not about half-sucked into the feeding siphon. Many of the tentacles have retreated from her body so as not to get sucked in with her.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (7): …feels so good going into you…zztt pop!…

Translation (7): …tellement bon d’aller en toi..zztt pop !…

SUBTITLE (8): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (8): Film récupéré du drone.

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Appât (Français/Version slider)

Apprendre le français XLVIII: Appât Page 51

PAGE 51 (Single panel page – color)

Single panel: Eliza assumes a position, vertical in the water, the sun shining down from the surface, the water blue around her, her arms outstretched, her hair streaming in the water, her eyes closed, her expression blissful.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (1): rrrzz…so peaceful and calm…pop!

Translation (1): rrrzz…si paisible et calme…pop !

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (2): Film récupéré du drone.

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Appât (Français/Version slider)

Apprendre le français XLVII: Appât Page 50

PAGE 50 (Four panels)

Panel 1: View view of Eliza jack-knifing off the side of the RV Seagoon, seen from the point of view of a camera on the Seagoon.

Panel 2: A splash in the water off the side of the Seagoon where Eliza went in.

Panel 3: View of Eliza swimming through the water, viewed from a point below her.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (1): Fzzt Bzz supposed to swim out about a hundred yards or so.

Comment (1) : Material like “fzz” “bzz” etc in this and other balloons labeled RECOVERED SPEECH are onomatopoeia for noise in the transmission.

Translation (1): Fzzt Bzz censée nager sur une centaine de mètres environ.

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage. Translation (2): Film récupéré du drone.

Panel 4: Eliza swimming downward, below the surface.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (3): crackle don’t even have to breathe…fantastic zzt

Translation (3): crac même pas besoin de respirer…zzt fantastique

SUBTITLE (4): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (4): Film récupéré du drone.

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Appât (Français/Version slider)

Apprendre le français XLVI: Appât Page 49

PAGE 49 (Single panel page – do in color)

Single panel: Eliza, in full pin-up mode, sits naked on the railing facing out to sea. She’s turned her head around and is smiling and waving at the men.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): There doesn’t seem to be much hesitation in this moment of truth.

Translation (1): Ce moment de vérité ne semble souffrir d’aucune hésitation.

SFX – STILL MORE MALE VOCAL EXCITEMENT (2): Cheers, whistles, and applause.

Translation (2): Félicitations, sifflets et applaudissements.

Apprendre le français XLV: Appât Page 48

PAGE 48 (Four panels)

Panel 1: View down the deck. A bunch of men, sailors and science guys, are lined up a few feet from the rail, leaving a path between themselves and the rail for Eliza to walk along. Eliza is emerging up onto deck from a gangway to below decks, just coming into view in the panel.

Panel 2: Same view as in Panel 1, Eliza walking down the deck toward the viewer of the panel, past the lined-up men, still a bit distant from the P.O.V. of the viewer.

Panel 3: Eliza, a bit closer to thew viewer of the Panel, in the act of lifting off her cotton shirt (which, at the discretion of the artist, can read GNOSIS COLLEGE), exposing her breasts. This elicits a reaction of mounting excitement from the men lined up. The lifting-off of Eliza’s shirt shows that she wasn’t wearing any bra.


Translation (1): …murmures…

Panel 4: Eliza, now quite close to the viewer of the panel, in the act of whipping off her skirt, which reveals that she wasn’t wearing any panties either. The men around her are reacting quite excited by now.



Apprendre le français XLIII: Appât Page 46

PAGE 46 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine has lifted away his right hand and is now looking down at the back of his left, where the coin is now resting.

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting next to one another, both wide-eyed in anticipation.

Panel 3: Extreme close-up of the coin resting on the back of Turpentine’s hand. It is Lady Liberty-side up.


Translation (1): C’est face.


Translation (2): C’est donc Eliza.

Panel 4: Daphne and Eliza leaning over, giving each other a hug.

Daphne (3): Congratulations!

Translation (3): Félicitations !

Eliza (4): Thank you!

Translation (4): Merci !

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