The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter Three, Page Fourteen

The discussion between Corwin and Moira turns philosophical, touching on issues of personal identity and ethics. Derek Parfit, please call your office.

naked girls foreground a philosophical discussion

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Apsinthion Protocol Chapter Three, Page Fourteen written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Post-Chapter One Liquid Girl III

So how far back does the whole liquid girl/Apsinthion Protocol thing go?  One of the odd but surpassingly charming aspects of being a pervert infovore is that you can keep finding astonishing antecedents for your own thing.  And wouldn’t you know it but one popped up for me just as I was putting together this little post sequence.

It came from reading Deborah Lutz‘s new Pleasure Bound:  Victorian Sex Rebels and the New Eroticism, in a passage about John Everett Millais‘s (1829-1896) painting Ophelia (1852)

Ophelia’s body dissolves into the glittering water that surrounds her.  Woman becomes nature in an epiphanic transformation…With her hands and wrists held above the water in a kind of passive supplication, her parted lips and tilted head show a willingness to be ravished.  Death appears as the ultimate ecstasy, its climax reaching a similar intensity as the sexual orgasm.

You’re not kidding, Professor Lutz — take a look at the painting.

You can click on the image for larger or, if you want lots of detail and have lots of bandwidth, you can find a giant (7087×4280 pixels) version of it here, courtesy of the Google Art Project.

Not only is there dissolution and orgasm going on here, but there’s an awful lot of green…which seems appropriate, somehow.

Something that strikes me as curious, by the by.  The pre-Raphaelites (an artistic brotherhood of whom Millais was one of the founders) would seem to be unlikely candidates for generating mad-science art, given their thematic focus on an imagined pre-industrial (and therefore low-tech) past.  But they seem to show up again and again and again here at  Must be all that eroticism.  Even before I had the benefit of Professor Lutz’s guidance, I already knew those Victorians were all pervy.

The model in the painting, by the way, was Elizabeth Siddal, who would eventually meet a fate worthy of a second-tier character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  But I’ll just suggest you get a copy of Pleasure Bound to find that one out…

Post-Chapter One Liquid Girl II

Some more variants on a popular theme, probably an example of someone making ver own.  I wish I had exact provenance; although I can’t find it, I suspect that it’s the creator behind this site.

A pretty girl turning to liquid girl wonders at her situation.

I am beguiled at her bemusement.  And then there’s this:

I’ts so sweet that she doesn’t seem to feel she’s in a predicament at all, and flirts with the viewer instead.

Post-Chapter One Liquid Girl I

Even if a lot of posts over the next several months will be taken up with posting out the first volume of Tales of Gnosis College, I have by no means given up on my fetish fuel mining mission, as three little posts prior to the beginning of Chapter Two shall now show.

Astute and alert reader Hug in a recent comment brought my attention to an episode of the 1987 anime Ladius, with an indication that liquid girl-making was to be found therein.  Ve told true.

A plot summary, in so far as my not-so-great-at-anime mind is able.  Young hero guy Riot, accompanied by two very hot but not-really-human girl sidekicks is in pursuit of some sort of mystical energy source, opposed by a Big Bad and his army of unattractive and none-too-capable minions.  Riot wants the energy source to revive his not-quite-alive sister, while the Big Bad wants it to rule the world.  Conflict!  Along the way Riot picks up an even hotter human girl who tags along providing swimsuited fanservice.  Since human girl also happens to be the last descendant of a priestly line somehow related to the energy source the possessor of some important artifact also pertaining thereto, she is natural kidnap fodder for the Big Bad.  (Showing that whatever the creators of this anime otherwise did or did not know, they at least understood how to steal plot elements from the very best.)  More conflict!  Angry posturing!  Collapsing ruins!  Narrow escapes!  At this point you or I, dear reader, might have just submitted the whole matter to arbitration and hoped for the best, but principle characters in anime series do not think like you or I so instead what we get is a hero-versus-villain showdown involving humongous mecha.

Things don’t go so great for Riot humongous mecha-wise, but just when it looks like he’s in for a by-proxy giant metal asskicking he calls on the powers of the two hot but not-really-human girls in a scene which made your host Dr. Faustus at first sit up and take notice, then reach for his trusty demuxer to extract screenshots to remember the experience by.

The two girls enter Riot’s humongous mecha via some curious liquid entry ports:

They are suspended in liquid — and what’s happening?

There is a cloud of bubbles:

Into which each girl disappears

Leading to easily pipeable liquid girl!

Well that is impressive.  The purpose of the exercise is to allow the not-human twins now in liquid form to improve control of Riot’s humongous mecha.  Result:  victory for the good guys!  Not that I was really thinking too much about who won at this point.

I can’t guarantee that the video will always be there, but with a little persistence and patience you can download it here.  The key scene occurs at about the 42-minute mark.

The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter One, Page Sixteen

Corwin has a strange explanation for the events that Nanetta has just witnessed, and responds to a threat with what looks like a rather rash act.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Apsinthion Protocol Chapter One, Page Sixteen written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)