The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter One, Page Twelve

Nanetta might be starting to panic at what is happening to Anwei, but Anwei seems to be experiencing something other than fear…

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Apsinthion Protocol Chapter One, Page Twelve written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Asian Dyna and the New Prometheus

A little while back I enjoyed a pleasant exchange with blogger and FHM Philippines model Asian Dyna when she left a comment here at Erotic Mad Science.   As so much of my correspondence does, it left off with my petition “…and if you ever do something mad science, do let me know.”

Well, whaddya know.  Just today:

Hot damn!  What’s especially appealing here (above and beyond Dyna herself, of course) is that not only has she successfully played into the Frankenstein legend, but she’s used the placement of the metal hoops to achieve an appealing implied nudity effect more usually associated with the tube girl meme.

I’m touched…so let me encourage you all to surf over to Dyna’s site and show her some blog love.  Which, given her fetching original content, shouldn’t be hard.


Girl outside the tube II

Here is an advertising poster for what I believe was a dance performance.

It was in 2005 as part of something called “The Moral Values Festival,” and while the post is mad-science-y enough to merit a mention here, the description of the play makes it even  more so.

This is High School, USA: tough classes, changing bodies, complicated relationships… Teenage life is hard enough without mad-scientist guidance counselors and twisted brain-switching experiments!  Chock full of Fifties music, slapstick ballet and raging hormones, “The Perfect Girl” is the latest installment in the acclaimed Bizarre Science Fantasy dance-theatre series.

Brain-switching experiments and raging hormones?  Well, I’d have bought a ticket.

I was a little curious about the image provenance and a little nosing about provided what I think was one of the sources, from the ever -helpful .


Piercing the unknown?  I’d buy a ticket to that, too.  As for the use of the poster?  More evidence, as if any were ever really needed, that everything really is a remix.

Girl outside the tube I

This splendid steampunk-inspired illustration has lots of interesting things in tubes (or at least globes) but here the girl mad scientist seems to be in charge of the tubes.

You can click through for slightly larger to see the amazing detail.  The girl’s left arm suggests the occupational hazards of mad science.  Found in a gallery here.

Fairy tale tube girl

Someone with whom I’ve corresponded (and I’m very sorry to have lost track of who you are — berate me in e-mail or comments if you ‘cuz I deserve it) pointed out to me once that the casket of glass in which Snow White was temporarily held might make the tube-girl meme older than generally thought.   It seemed like a good thought to me at the time.

Someone else out there evidently thought so as well:

Although they do appear to be one dwarf short.  (Oh, stop…)  In addition to European folk tales and the tube-girl meme, it would appear that Wally Wood‘s immortal parody Disneyland Memorial Orgy was a key inspiration.

The image crops up at various places on the Internet, but I found it in this post at Janitor of Lunacy.

New Marie Art I: Decanting Marie

Back in September we saw a pair of the first pieces of bespoke art at Erotic Mad Science, Russkere‘s renderings of the abduction of Marie from Gnosis College via a sinister sphere thingy.  I’m pleased to report that KristinF has now risen to the challenge of producing two new pieces of 3D art depicting some of Marie’s experiences at the other end of her long journey away, a story recounted in the Gnosis parascript Commencement.

The first of these is Decanting Marie.  Marie has finished her journey as a tube girl and is being tipped out into a bath.  (Who wouldn’t like a bath after a long journey?)  In the background, other tube girls (including Bridget O’Brian) await their own decantings.  In the foreground, three bathing slaves prepare to help Marie get nice and clean (and thus ready to be put on display).

(Click on the image for full size. Creative Commons License
Decanting Marie by KristinF and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

All those sparkly water effects sure take a lot of computation to render, so (no joke) be sure to click through to appreciate Kristin’s fine computer work.

Tube doll

Some people are living out the most amazing things in virtual worlds, and some of them have a kind of mad-science feel.  My initial thought on seeing this one was that it was yet another manifestation of the ubiquitous tube girl meme.

Oh, but it’s still more than that.  It’s a Second Life render on a quite-kinky-thank-you blog called Doll’s Realm “A place full of news and information for people who love the idea of becoming a living doll.”  And it’s accompanied by a provocative bit of fantasy:

i’m locked in a tube, slowly undergoing mind and body conversion in SL at the Theodora Countrol Couture Main Store doing my model thing again. it suits me. i love tube as i’ve stated before. it maybe an old sci-fi or transformation mannequin fetish that i’ve detailed before.


Uncanny Tales Tube Girl

I guess it will take a long time for the subject to get old:  this particular piece of pulp art which appeared on the cover of a short-lived pulp magazine called Uncanny Tales (1939 – 1940) has an unusual appeal, in part because of how explicitly it uses structural elements to make implied nudity possible, but more (for me, anyway) of the “OMG what is happening to me” expression on the face of the model.

Found in this post (with more tube girls) at the very cool blog It’s Dark in the Dark, which has lots of art relevant to thaumatophiles.