Sunday Special: Undersea Surrender

As a special treat for this November Sunday, I’m including a new piece of Bespoke Art, this one created by the artist AmourVorer and depicting, appropriately, an act of consensual undersea consumption.

Squid-tentacle monster eats ecstatic luscious girl.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Undersea Surrendercommissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by AmourVorer is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

The scenario is connected with a mad-science story not directly part of the Tales of Gnosis College, involving serial acts of consensual vore. I only have a fragment of the project, which you can read here if you would like. Not sure where it’s going, exactly, but sometimes coming up with the art helps create the inspiration.

Squick or Squee 2011, #11

Halloween is here, and it would be quite right if we didn’t have some specific Halloween art.  Dr. Robo has obliged, with a “Halloween Havoc” story in his Metrobay universe, a tribute to The Bride of Frankenstein.  There’s a lot to enjoy there, but two images struck me, one being this madlab scene as part of the creation of the Bride:

Three captured lovelies strapped to lab benches. And zappy lightening stuff?  Be still me beating heart!

Will I show the Bride?  Can’t give that away — Dr. Robo needs to make a living!  But I encourage you to get a copy of the story yourself if it’s the sort of thing that appeals.

Though I can’t quite help myself about another image, which contains an artistic quotation which warms my little mad-science heart.

Both images used by kind permission of the artist.

Squick or Squee 2011, #10

For my money, one of the finest images made by KristinF definitely belongs in this series, although the “squee” here is for me mostly aesthetic.  Its title is My View of the World.

Used with the kind permission of the artist.  The head in a jar could be either a mad scientist’s memento mori, or a reference to the fate of a certain Benjamin Raspail.  Don’t feel you have to choose!