As is self-evident from the artwork, this is a movie poster for a movie called Girls Girls Girls. Somewhat difficult to research due to a 1962 Elvis Presley movie by the same name, the poster refers to an entirely different movie, the details of which are tricky to pin down.
The most comprehensive and detailed (ha!) information on this Girls Girls Girls movie comes from German-language DVD seller Tabu Film, which offers a postage-stamp view of the DVD clamshell art and a brief synopsis of the movie:
Ein Sex-Road-Movie der Sonderklasse! Exklusive Drehorte, ungeheure Aufnahmen, ein Spitzenaufgebot neuer, wunderschöner und hemmungsloser Mädchen sowie eine Spitzenstory von Alan Vydra – das ist “Mädchen, Mädchen, Mädchen”!
The German machine-translates to:
A sex road movie of the special class! Exclusive filming locations, tremendous shots, a top cast of new, beautiful and unrestrained girls and a top story by Alan Vydra – that’s “girls, girls, girls”!
Tabu Film gives the production date as 1981. (However, I do note that the copyright date on the movie poster is 1979.)
Encylo Ciné (a French-language source) says that the movie was a hotbed of aliases and alternate titles, including Teenager In Love, Amies de papa (les), Deux Américaines à Paris, and Flocons d’amour. The Teenager In Love poster:

Although none of this is living up to the psychedelic disco alien space biker glory of the original poster, the new title leads us inexorably to videotape cover art and screenshot thumbnails:

What any of this has to do with striding above the fogs of the Golden Gate with an armload of blonde, I am powerless to say.
This image is a reblog from a 15 November 2013 post at Infernal Wonders. Its original source was a Tumblr named JD Kickstart: Bikes, Chicks, & Rock n’ Roll, now defunct but fragmentarily preserved by the Internet archive.