Maureen enters a contest

A ComicCon a few weeks ago, artist SelkieSium participated in a portfolio review and received the following comment on a Batgirl image.

Her breasts are much too small and do not have the lift that superhero women should have. Her jawline is fat and her neck much too long. The style of her hair is clunky and does not flow in a sense that a super human would. Her hips, waist and thighs are too big and she honestly looks fat. No one is going to want to read a comic with a fat female protagonist. I honestly recommend looking at issues of Sport’s [sic] Illustrated to get the right anatomy. Those women are the peak of human perfection, and that is what we want in this industry.

Extended comment on such a remark dignifies it more than it deserves, but over at DeviantArt at least other artist, Kxhara, has come up with a creative response: a drawing contest.

Based on a recent submission to Eschergirls, I am hosting a contest!

– Draw or write a fat female superhero who defies the “industry standard” body conventions

– “Olympian” athletic musculature is also allowed, the point is to escape the typical stick-with-boobs body type

– Also accepting redesigns of existing superheroines with more proportional, realistic bodies (Powergirl with the body of a female weightlifter, etc)

You can follow this link for full details. The important thing here is that Lon was on the job, and created his own entry for the contest, based on the closest thing we have to a qualifying superheroine in the Gnosis College fictional universe, the zaftig and resourceful Maureen Creel. (The characters in the background are newly designed inmates of the State Home for Wayward Girls, who will be important in the upcoming volume of Tales of Gnosis College.

The contest runs into September, and you can see all the entires so far here. So head on over and show our girl some love.

Millie in Trouble! Andy’s Dames bespoke commission

I’ve long admired the femme peril/girls in bondage work of Andy LaRoy, and so I’m delighted to have had him successfully complete a commission for Erotic Mad Science.  In this work, my favorite of his rotating cast of characters, the glasses girl Millie, plays the part of the Hot Librarian who delves into a book perhaps better left alone.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Millie and the Forbidden Book written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Andy LaRoy is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

I’m crossing my fingers and hoping Andy can be persuaded to illustrate one of the Women of Gnosis sometime!

Reminder: John Villalino at Comic-Con this week

Although I’ve blogged on this before, just a quick reminder that John Villalino, the creator of the mad-sciencey Pretty Vacant comic and friend to Erotic Mad Science will be at San Diego Comic-Con International, where he’ll be greeting fans and walking out the latest edition of his comic.  Another quick taste for all of you in the audience, artfully explained by John here:

If you’re going to be at Comic-Con, be sure to head over and give a big mad-science hello to John.  He expects to be at Bare Bones Studios Booth E-7 most of the time. Tell him Dr. Faustus sent you!

Progress in Research: Chapter Five, Page Six

Scientific progress will not be denied.

Waite comes on to Willie as a means of gaining his assent to more research.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Progress in Research: Chapter Five, Page Six written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

This is no ordinary radio.

Image of a “Crosley Giant Radio” (built in 1936, I believe) found here.

Migration continuing

Some readers might be noticing a bit of lost page design or screwed-up formatting. These appear to be a consequence of the necessary host migration…I am hoping all will be well in a few days. Thanks for your patience.

Pretty Vacant: Final Repose v. 2 preview

John Villalino continues rolling out Pretty Vacant: Final Repose, and I am delighted to be able to offer Page Nine as a teaser:

John’s imperiled heroine Gigi is being rotated in a tube and scanned for the purpose of making a 3D computer model, a procedure which tickles me because it has a clear antecedent in a favorite mad-science movie Looker (1982), in which a character played by Susan Dey underwent a similar procedure:

The whole book is expected to be published in time for Comic-Con (July 12-15), and John expects to be around, mostly at Bare Bones Studios Booth E-7, although he may be on panels or otherwise just enjoying himself part of the time. Stop by and say hello and pick up a copy of Pretty Vacant. For extra credit, tell John that Dr. Faustus sent you!

Progress in Research: Chapter Four, Page Sixteen

Maureen likes what she sees while she is not seen.

Kareem fellates Larry watched by the invisible Maureen.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Progress in Research: Chapter Four, Page Sixteen written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

And while it’s probably immature of me, it brings to mind Frederic Leighton’s Athlete Wrestling with a Python (1888-91).

Source is Wikipedia.

Publication editions of Progress in Research, Chapter Three now available

Yes, it’s that time of the month again.

I think this is actually Caxton, not Gutenberg

You can get direct download versions of the whole chapter either in Comic Book Archive/.cbz format (the highest available resolution) or as a neatly packaged PDF document, or as a .mobi e-book which you can read on your Kindle or (I hope) other e-book reader. Just click on the appropriate icon out of the set below.

I haven’t done torrents yet this month and might not — the service that serves them appears to be having problems with broken link syntax in its description editing, and it’s not worth the effort to me until this is fixed.

And as a reminder, if you’d like to get notices whenever a new chapter is available, and perhaps also receive occasional (I promise only occasional) updates about what is going on here at Erotic Mad Science, feel free to drop me a line at and I’ll add you to the mailing list (and I promise your e-mail address won’t be sold or even given away without your permission).

I’m looking forward to next month. Things start to get a little wild…

Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Twelve

Maureen gets a few aural slices of life at Gnosis College before getting on the trail of her quarry.

Maureen chasing something using hearing alone.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Twelve written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Maureen manifests Diana the Huntress…

Jean-Antoine Houdon (1741-1828), Diana the Huntress

…only with a shotgun microphone rather than a bow.

Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Nine

Lola clearly takes her salvation seriously, as well she should, for what are our earthly lives but the tiniest speck against the vast ocean of eternity?

Lola Belt buttfucked by invisible Jesus.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Progress in Research: Chapter Three, Page Nine written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

I have it on good authority from at least one community of religious believers that Lola is doing it the right way.

Found at Geek Girl Smash.