Auto-Icon Storyboard 026

Miranda and Toozie find a way to enjoy each other's company and even get a little food on Thanksgiving night.

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Miranda sits on her bed, Toozie sits at the desk.


Thanksgiving sorta sucks when you have to stay at college.


Everyone goes home and the dining halls close, as does everything else.


And I was hungry and lonely and thought you might be as well, so I came by and brought what food I could.

Toozie reaches into her sweatshirt pocket and pulls out two sardine cans, which she hands to Miranda to inspect.


What is this, Toozie?


Fish of some kind, beyond that I don’t know.


What language is this label printed in?


I’m afraid I don’t know that either.

Miranda LAUGHS.


Well, it’s protein anyway. Look…

Miranda takes down a can of some kind and a hot pot from a shelf.


I have one can of soup, and I have some crackers which I hope aren’t too stale, and we can pool our resources and have our own little thanksgiving dinner.


Sounds good to me.


I’ll fetch what’s necessary.

The women speak as the action goes on: Miranda fetches two bowels and spoons and a box of crackers. She plugs in the hot pot, pops the lid off the can of soup, and pour it in to heat.


So why didn’t you go home like everyone else?


Scholarship student. My financial aid only pays for two trips home a year, and I’d rather go home at Christmas. You?


Well, I…

(contemplates for a moment)

I don’t have parents to go home to. They died in a car accident when I was twelve.

Miranda stops her preparations, shocked, genuinely sympathetic.


Oh, Toozie, I didn’t know! I’m so sorry…


It was hard, but for me it’s just something I’ve grown to accept. And I suppose at least now the loss of my parents is over. It’s not something I ever have to spend time dreading.


Still, that’s terrible.


I get to spend my Thanksgiving with you.

Miranda looks deeply moved, and almost as if she is about to cry.


After Mama and Baba died I was brought up by an aunt and uncle who I don’t think liked me very much. Enough was left from my parents’ estate to pay for my schooling, so aunt and uncle packed me off to boarding school and I didn’t see very much of them.


That’s really sad.


The point is, I guess, that I don’t really feel like going “home.” I have plenty of studying to do.

Toozie pulls a lid off one of the cans of fish, sniffs it.


It is…fish?

(looks up at Miranda)

Do you want to know something, Miranda?


Yes, sure.


This might be a very meager and humble meal, had by us in this big empty lonely dorm on a dark November night and yet…this is the first Thanksgiving in a long time when I’ve actually felt thankful for something.


Oh, Toozie.

Miranda gives Toozie a big hug.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Auto-Icon Storyboard 025

On a lonely Thanksgiving Day, Toozie stops by to visit Miranda.

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The hallway is empty and quiet. Toozie, in stocking feet and wearing a big oversize sweatshirt with pockets, pads down the hallway and KNOCKS on one of the doors.

The door opens. It is Miranda, who breaks into a smile on seeing Toozie.


Oh, hi!


Mind if I come in?


I’d love to have you come in.

Toozie goes in.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Köder 097

Und so taucht Chiba ein.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 97 (Three panels)

Panel 1: Underwater robot removing the cuff from the Creature’s feeding siphon.

CAPTION (1): And so, within a few days…

Translation (1): Und nach wenigen Tagen…

Panel 2: Chiba standing naked on a diving platform over the tank.

Panel 3: Chiba in mid-air in her dive into the tank, just about to break the surface of the water.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 024

Dr. Eddie explains the creature's strange desire.

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Ernie gets up and takes the place of Rosalie as well as her pointer ticker. Rosalie sits down. Ernie clicks to an animation of flashing and throbbing tissues inside the creature.


The thing is, the creature is generating a frequently repeated signal consisting of what analysis shows to be packets of binary information conveyed via a modulating and demodulating carrier wave at a consistent frequency of two-point-four gigahertz. Do you realize what this means?


I’m a doctor, Ernie, not an electrical engineer.


Well, I’m not sure exactly how to say this, Dr. Lal, so I guess I’ll just say it.

(looks at his shoes for a second)

The Creature is trying to connect to WiFi.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Köder 096

Unvermeidlich kommt das bizarre Angebot.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 96 (Two panels)

Panel 1: Chiba and three other Japanese aquarium girls (GIRL #1, GIRL #2, and GIRL #3) are sitting around a table eating lunch. Chiba is reading a letter.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): A few days later, Chiba receives a special-delivery letter.

Translation (1): Einige Tage später erhält Chiba einen besonderen Brief.

Chiba (2): 手紙には、とても裕福な寄付者が、観客1人の一度限りのとても特別なショーのお返しとして、海事センターに新館を提供すると書かれています。

Girl #1 (3): チバ、本当にはいと返事するつもりですか?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): The letter says that a very wealthy donor will give the Marine Center a new wing in return for a very special, one-time-only show with an audience of one.

Translation (4): In dem Brief steht, das sein sehr reicher Spender dem Marine Center einen neuen Flügel stiften wird, wenn er eine ganz besondere Privatshow erhält.

SUBTITLE – GIRL #1 (5): Chiba, are you really going to say yes?

Translation (5): Chiba, willst du das wirklich tun?

Panel 2: Chiba, holding the letter to her breast and her eyes closed, looking very happy.

Chiba (6): はい。

Girl #2 (7): あなたには、本当にワクワクさせられま!


Translation (8): Ja.

SUBTITLE – GIRL #2 (9): We are so excited for you!

Translation (9): Wir freuen uns so für dich!

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 023

Tentacles, tentacles.

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Rosalie clicks again. A graphic appears on the screen showing the ends of five kinds of tentacles: “Grabber,” “Mouth,” “Eye.” “Claw,” and “Phallus.”


The external tentacles are remarkably sophisticated structures, arranged in pentagonal patterns at nine sites around the creature’s body, for forty five tentacles in all. The ones we designate “eyes” and “mouths” appear to contain various sensory organs. The grabbers allow the creature to manipulate objects in its environment, and the “claws” probably have a defensive purpose. The last category, which for want of a better term we are calling phalloi, are mysterious as to exact function.


(half under his breath)

I could imagine a function…



Keep it professional, Joe.


Sorry, Dr. Lal.

(turning toward Rosalie)

You were saying, Dr. Quisp?


But the most mysterious anatomical feature at all are broad bands on neuromuscular tissue located beneath and around the brain.

Rosalie clicks to animation showing this.


These tissues are in many ways similar to those found in electric fish, but they have some properties never before seen in the natural world. These are why I invited Dr. Albertson to join this presentation. Ernie?

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Köder 095

Was für eine erstaunliche Anwendung von Mitgefühl!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 95 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Still being interviewed, Chiba is smiling, reaching out with her right index finger to touch the tip of a tentacle that is protruding above the surface of the water.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): 本気で言っているとは思えません!

Chiba (2): どうしてですか?

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (3): You can’t be serious!

Translation (3): Das ist nicht Ihr Ernst?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): Why not?

Translation (4): Wieso?

Panel 2: Chiba is standing up, pulling her tank-top off so that her arms and the inside of the top are lifted up over her head. She is braless underneath.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (5): だって…

Chiba (6): 本当に単純なことです。


Translation (7): Aber…

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (8): It is really very simple.

Translation (8): Das ist ganz einfach.

Panel 3: Chiba dropping her shorts. In the panel they are still around her ankles but she is now otherwise naked.

Chiba (9): 思いやりの心に従って行動できないのなら、我々は生きるに値しません。

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (10): If we cannot act on compassion, then we do not deserve to live.

Translation (10): Wenn wir nicht unserem Mitgefühl folgen dürfen, dann verdienen wir das Leben nicht.

Panel 4: A column of water on the surface of the tank where Chiba has just jumped in.

SFX – CHIBA JUMPING IN (11): Splash!

Translation (11): Platsch!

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 022

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Rosalie clicks on her device. On the screen appears a sort of animated cutaway showing food moving through the creature’s top siphon into a stomach.


The gross anatomy of this creature is bizarre, though, as if some latter-day Frankenstein stitched it all together as some sort of prank. The top siphon serves as a breathing and feeding organ leading to a simple stomach.

Geometric shapes move down the animated siphon.


The stomach contains various internal organs of manipulation, almost an internal mirror image of the tentacles it has on its outside. After some experimentation we discovered that the creature seems to have a preferred diet of live animal protein.




It seems to especially like eating whole goats, Dr. Lal. Fortunately for the company, goats are cheap.

Rosalie turns to the screen and clicks.


The brain is a toroidal structure that surrounds the lower end of the feeding siphon. It’s probably at least ten times the mass of a human brain.

The brain appears on the screen, a giant doughnut around the siphon inside Gynophage.


We’re not really sure what the creature needs all those neurons for.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.