Logaĵo — 39-a paĝo

Virino estas manĝita, digestita kaj eksplodas.

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PAGE 39 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Something like a giant beach ball blowing up into the tank where Hiram dropped the capsule.


Translation (1): FUUUUM!

Panel 2: Hiram pointing to a projected slide. It shows a silhouette of a woman in profile. In the middle of the silhouette, mapped out in white space, is a representation of her digestive tract. A dotted line from her mouth down to her stomach indicates the path that the capsule has presumably taken. Hiram is pointing at a little capsule shown resting in her stomach.

CAPTION – UNSEEN INTERVIEWER (2): How is that supposed to help you capture the creature?

Translation (2): Kiel tio povos helpi vin kapti la kreitaĵon?

Hiram (3): Simple, really. Our subject swallows the capsule at the start of the exercise.

Translation (3): Simple, vere. Nia kandidatino englutos la kapsulon en la komenco de la ekzerco.

Panel 3: Hiram pointing to another projection. It is a large silhouette of the outline of the creature (or what the research team thinks it looks like anyway). There is a similar white space representing the creature’s digestive tract, and in the middle of that tract, another silhouette of a woman. There is also another dotted line showing the path that the woman took from the mouth of the siphon down to the creature’s stomach.

Hiram (4): In the course of her interaction with the creature, the subject will be ingested and then subsequently digested.

Translation (4): Dum ŝia interagado kun la kreitaĵo, la kandidatino estos englutita kaj sekve digestita.

Panel 4: Another projection, this time showing the creature, change will be detected by but with a FWOOM in the middle of its digestive tract.

Hiram (5): At a sufficiently advanced stage of the digestion of the subject, the chemical change will be detected by the sensors, setting off the explosive charge.

Translation (5): Post sufiĉe da tempo en digestado de la kandidatino, la ĥemia ŝanĝo estos detektita de la sentiloj, ŝaltante la eksplodilon.

Hiram (6): We believe the resulting explosion will both stun the creature and, by changing its buoyancy, force it to the surface, where it can be collected.

Translation (6): Ni kredas, ke la rezultanta eksplodo kaj nokaŭtos la kreitaĵon kaj devigos ĝin iri al la surfaco, pro ŝanĝo en ĝia flotebleco. Tie ĝi povos esti kolektita.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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A CHIME goes off in the room.


It’s almost time.

The four friends stand up. Toozie embraces Miranda first, who now visibly has tears running down her cheeks.


I will always love and never forget you, Toozie.

Toozie then embraces Sherman.


May your story end well.

Toozie then approaches Chad, pausing before she embraces him.


I wanted to say something which I hope you won’t take the wrong way. A lot of people do, and it’s not their fault because I have to say to my shame what I have to say is often used the wrong way.


What’s that, Chad?


I’ll pray for you.


I don’t take that the wrong way.

Chad and Toozie embrace.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 38-a paĝo

Mirakla eksplodkapsulo de Hiram Worthinglock.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 38 (Four panels)

Panel 1: HIRAM WORTHINGLOCK (“Hiram”), a rat-faced little man who wears thick round spectacles and a labcoat, sitting on a stool in another laboratory. He is being interviewed.

SUBTITLE (1): Hiram Worthinglock, assistant to Professor Turpentine.

Translation (1): Hiram Worthinglock, helpanto de Profesoro Turpentine.

Hiram (2): Of course, we have our bait, but you can’t just stick a hook through this bait, heh heh.

Translation (2): Kompreneble, ni havas nian logaĵon, sed oni ne povas simple trapasigi hokon tra tiu logaĵo, he he.

Hiram (3): So we have a more elegant solution.

Translation (3): Ni do havas pli elegantan solvon.

Panel 2: Close-up of Hiram’s hand, in which he is holding up something that looks like a Tylenol capsule at the end of a pair of tweezers.

CAPTION – HIRAM NARRATING (4): This capsule contains nano-sensors and a tiny but very powerful explosive charge wrapped in ultra-strong membranes.

Translation (4): Tiu ĉi kapsulo entenas nanosentilojn kaj malgrandan sed tre povan eksplodaĵon pakitan en fortegaj membranoj.

Panel 3: Hiram standing over an open cylindrical metal tank about one meter across and one meter high. He has just dropped the capsule in the tank, as can be seen by a small drop of fluid rebounding back up and some ripples around it.


Translation (5): Plup!

Hiram (6): The capsule’s sensors are programmed to be sensitive to chemical changes in the capsule’s environment, as we can see by dropping it in this tank…

Translation (6): La sentiloj de la kapsulo estas programitaj por esti sentemaj al la ĥemiaj ŝanĝiĝoj en la ĉirkaŭaĵo de la kapsulo, kiel ni povas vidi lasante ĝin en tiun ĉi basenon…

Panel 4: Hiram pouring a flask of some sort of liquid into the tank.

Hiram (7): …and then inducing a chemical change.

Translation (7): …kaj tiam provokante ĥemian ŝanĝon.

Hiram (8): You might want to back up a bit.

Translation (8): Vi eble volos iri iomete malantaŭen.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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Toozie, now comfortably dressed, sits with her college friends Miranda, Sherman, and, perhaps surprisingly, Chad. The three friends all wear lanyards with security badges; Toozie does not. Chad is a bit more formally dressed.


I’m glad you all came to see me off, guys.


I couldn’t think of being anywhere else.


No, me neither.


You can always…not do this, you know.


They’ve made it entirely clear to me that I can back out.




I just don’t think I will.


I know why you think you have to do this, Toozie, and I’m sure we’re all behind you but..

…we’re going to miss you so much.

Toozie reaches out and comforts Miranda.


Oh, Miranda. It’s important. You make me feel like I have to play Socrates here.

(releases Miranda)

Remember when we read the Phaedo all together as first-years?


You and I argued about that for three hours.


Yes. I’m still not sure who won.


Toozie seems at least seems as imperturbable in the face of…extinction as Socrates was.


Socrates didn’t see his cup of hemlock as extinction, necessarily.


Nor do I, necessarily. Socrates at one point suggests that his death was possibly a sort of pilgrimage, and perhaps that what I’m about to go on as well.



And if extinction?


To paraphrase Epicurus, where death is, I am not, so there is no harm. But as you all know I’ve long suspected that I not only will not be, but that I am not and I never have been.


You still think that you’re just a fiction?


That’s the one thing I could never really accept.


I’ll grant the body you are looking at exists. But can you find Toozie? Look at Toozie under the most powerful of magnifiers, and you won’t find Toozie. You’ll only find so many cells and organelles and molecules. Hook the most powerful machines Toozie’s brain and you won’t find Toozie. You won’t find her memories, or her desires. You’ll just find so many neurons. Take Toozie apart atom by atom, and you will only have a pile of atoms. Twenty or so dollars worth of stock chemicals. If there’s a Toozie, it’s because she’s a character in the story of the world you carry around in your heads.


And now the story is ending.


Every story ends. All we can hope for is a good ending. Or at least an interesting one.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 37-a paĝo

Ni renkontas la senvualan menson de Eliza.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 37 (Three panels)

Panel 1: Probably long on the side of the page. Close up view of Eliza in the giant tank wearing the “tentacle swim suit.”

Eliza (balloon with watery lines) (1): … … …

Panel 2: Close-up on a speaker on a control panel.

Eliza (radio balloon coming from speaker) (2): bzzt crackle hoff iss cocks bign faat like dis zz-pop!

Translation (2): Bzz krak hhhf kacoj granaj ka dkaj kel tiiuj bzzz!

Panel 3: Claudia and Turpentine, both dressed in coveralls, monitoring progress on a panel.

Claudia (3): Don’t you think we should tell her she has no internal censor going?

Translation (3): Ĉu vi ne kredas, ke ni devus rakonti al ŝi, ke ŝi ne havas internan cenzuron?

Turpentine (4): No! The more we get for science, the better!

Translation (4): Ne! Ju pli ni havigas al la scienco, des pli bone!

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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Harry, Arthur, and Joe again. Harry behind his desk, Arthur and Joe facing him. Harry is on the phone.


(into phone)

Yes. Yes. Thank you, Madam President.

Harry hangs up, addresses the men in his office.


They’re backing us.


They saw the polls, and now they’re backing us.


Why do you have to be such a cynic, Joe?

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 36-a paĝo

Klaŭdja Honeywood faras tre inteligentajn robotojn.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 36 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia, in coveralls and wearing goggles, sitting at a high-tech workbench making adjustments to a tiny (about the size of a toaster) submersible drone.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Ethical objections aside, preparations for an expedition are laid in.

Translation (1): Etikaj obĵetoj flanken, preparoj por ekspedicio estas farataj.

Panel 2: Claudia now being interviewed in the lab. She has pushed her goggles up on her forehead, and her face has some sooty smudges on it.

SUBTITLE (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Project Robotics Engineer.

Translation (2): D-rino Klaŭdja Honeywood, robota inĝeniero de la projekto.

Claudia (3): The creature will probably be able to block communications with our expedition ship, but we think a tightly focused beam from our subjects to a submersible might be possible. We can capture and retrieve data from it later.

Translation (3): La kreitaĵo probable sukcesos bloki komunikojn kun nia ekspedicia ŝipo, sed ni pensas, ke eblos streĉe fokusita fasko el niaj kandidatinoj al la submarveturilo. Ni povos kapti kaj elŝuti datumojn el ĝi poste.

Panel 3: A somewhat cleaned-up Claudia showing the submersible to Daphne and Eliza. Daphne seems interested, Eliza almost enchanted.

Claudia (4): Okay, ladies. So, one of you at least is going to be talking to this.

Translation (4): Okej, fraŭlinoj. Do almenaŭ unu el vi parolos al tio ĉi.

Eliza (5): Ooh, it’s so cute!

Translation (5): Ho, tiel bele!

Panel 4: Claudia fitting something behind Eliza’s ear.

Claudia (6): This sensor will transmit biometrics. It will also scan your brain’s speech center and allow you to provide some narration of your experiences.

Translation (6): Tiu ĉi sentilo elsendos biometriajn informojn. Ĝi ankaŭ skanos la parolcentron de via cerbo kaj ebligos al vi liveri raportojn pri viaj spertoj.

Eliza (7): I really want to try that…

Translation (7): Mi vere volas provi tion…

Claudia (8): You will. We need testing.

Translation (8): Vi provos. Ni bezonas testadon.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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Charlie, the manager, is taking a break from his busy work and looking up at the screen, shaking his head.


What times we live in.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 35-a paĝo

Kompreneble, estas akademiulo, kiu naŭziĝas de la ideo de tiu eksperimento.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 35 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CHRISTA MARXALOT (“Marxalot”), a severe-looking middle-aged woman professor, being interviewed in her academic office.

SUBTITLE (1): Christa Marxalot, Professor of Applied Ethics.

Translation (1): Krista Marxalot, Profesoro pri Aplika Etiko.

Marxalot (2): Effective altruism? Appalling!

Translation (2): Ĉu efektiva altruismo? Terure!

Panel 2: Same interview, but Marxalot looking angrier.

Marxalot (3): Here we see the bitter fruits of a century of consumer culture and decades of escalating economic inequality.

Translation (3): Ni vidas en tio la amarajn fruktojn de jarcento da konsumisma kulturo kaj jardekojn da kreskanta ekonomia malegaleco.

Panel 3: Same interview, with Marxalot now angry enough to be shaking a fist.

Marxalot (4): Young people have such a bleak sense of their own futures that the best they can conceive of for themselves is to try to get a good price selling themselves as playthings for some billionaire.

Translation (4): Junuloj havas tiel nebulan sencon pri sia propra estonteco, ke la plej bona afero, kiun ili sukcesas ellabori por si estas ricevi bonan pagon por vendi sin kiel ludilojn por iu miliardulo.

Marxalot (5): Have we no decency anymore? No sense of human dignity or the value of human life?

Translation (5): Ĉu ni ne plu havas dececon? Ĉu neniu senco pri homa digno aŭ la valoro de la homa vivo?

Panel 4: Marxalot now sitting back in her chair, looking offended.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (6): Are you proposing to retire to let a younger academic move up the career ladder, or perhaps get a job at all?

Translation (6): Ĉu vi proponas emeritiĝi por lasi pli junan akademiulon supreniri karieran ŝtupon aŭ eble entute ekhavi laborpostenon?

Marxalot (7): Are you insane?

Translation (7): Ĉu vi frenezas?

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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The thing that amazes me is that they’re not making a Black person do it.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.