Auto-Icon Storyboard 159

Bad tentacle monster.  Bad!

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Two grabber tentacles shoot forth with great speed, and each grabs Toozie by one of the arms. They yank her upwards, about a foot off the floor.

Toozie GASPS and WHIMPERS. She opens her mouth as if to scream, but a phallic tentacle shoots its way forward and into her mouth. It thrusts back and forth in a rape-like act. Toozie GURGLES as if trying to speak but gagged.

A cutter tentacle stabs Toozie in the lower abdomen above the right hip, then slices across her abdomen, making a deep incision across Toozie’s body. Blood and then viscera spill out of Toozie, their redness vivid against the white surroundings.

A hard gurgle as Toozie fights but fails to scream.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 14-a paĝo

La malapero de belaj flegistinoj estis kovrita de la Mararmeo.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 14 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Hazel in interview pose, now slumped backwards.

Hazel (1): And she wasn’t the only one. Two more of us also disappeared in almost exactly the same way.

Translation (1): Kaj ŝi ne estis la sola. Du pliaj inter ni ankaŭ malaperis laŭ preskaŭ samaj cirkonstancoj.

Panel 2: A fat folder containing official reports, sealed and with a large stenciled word CLASSIFIED stamped across it

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (2): The Navy ordered us not to talk about it. They said it would be bad for morale.

Translation (2): La Mararmeo ordonis, ke ni ne parolu pri tio. Ili diris, ke tio estos malbona por la etoso.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (3): People asked fewer questions about orders back then, you know.

Translation (3): La homoj tiam malpli demandis pri ordonoj, vi scias.

Panel 3: A panel showing the Bride’s dive in the water, as if taken from the Scelleratini film of 1905, a split second after the scene on Page 5, Panel 4 above, such that the Bride has broken the surface of the water, and has submerged down to her waist.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (4): I tried not to think of it much myself, but in the late 1970s, I think, I saw a film clip of film made by some Italian people of the same place from long, long ago. I think it was on PBS late at night.

Translation (4): Mi provis ne pensi tro multe pri tio, sed en la fino de la 1970-aj, mi kredas, mi spektis pecon de filmo farita de italoj en tiu sama loko, multajn, multajn jarojn antaŭe. Mi kredas, ke tio estis ĉe la publika kanalo PBS, malfrue en la nokto.

Panel 4: A panel showing a front page of the Dallas Morning News for Tuesday, October 6, 1981. A large part of the front page would be a posed formal picture of PHOEBE PETROBUX (a very pretty and probably blond teenager, who we’ll see more of below) under the headline TEXAS TEEN STILL MISSING IN SOUTH PACIFIC. (Possible filler headlines, taken from real world history for that day that could be included for verisimilitude, could be RAOUL WALLERBERG MADE HONORARY U.S. CITIZEN and REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON INDICTED FOR TAX EVASION).

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (5): And then we all read that terrible story about the poor girl from Texas.

Translation (5): Kaj tiam ni legis tiun teruran historion pri la kompatinda knabino el Teksaso.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 158

Tentacle kiss.

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Toozie stops near the outer edge of the tentacles’ range. A grabber tentacle reaches out and gently pulls her veil aside.

A mouth tentacle comes forward and “kises” Toozie on the lips. She returns the kiss.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Two grabber tentacles shoot fort

Logaĵo — 13-a paĝo

La Mararmeo aranĝis naĝotempon por seksallogaj flegistinoj.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 13 (Four panels)

Panel 1: A pretty Navy nurse in the act of taking off her uniform shirt, exposing her brassiere. She is standing on the beach next to a sign which reads BEACH STRICTLY OFF LIMITS TO ALL MALE PERSONNEL.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (1): The Shore Patrol would close the beach off once a week just for us nurses.

Translation (1): La Bordo-Patrolo fermis la plaĝon unu fojon en la semajno nur por ni, flegistinoj.

Panel 2: The shirt of the nurse in Panel 1 flying toward the viewer. The panel should imply that it is part of a movie being filmed and that Panel 1 was an earlier frame in the same, but the nurse has noticed that she was being filmed an, in chagrin, has tossed her shirt at the camera lens, which it is about to cover.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (2): Since it was only us girls, we didn’t bother putting on bathing suits. It was wonderful to be out in the water like that.

Translation (2): Ĉar estis nur ni, knabinoj, ne ĝenis nin vesti bankostumojn. Estis mirinde tiel ĝui la akvon.

Panel 3: Another interview shot of Hazel, whose expression has darkened a bit over that in Panel 1

Hazel (3): But then the disappearances began. This was in 1943. One of them was my cabinmate, Willa Congerman.

Translation (3): Sed tiam komenciĝis malaperoj. Estis 1943. Unu el ili estis mia ĉambrokunulino, Willa Congerman.

Panel 4: Head-and-shoulders shot of WILLA CONGERMAN (“Willa”) in the dress uniform of a Navy nurse (shoulder epaulets indicating that she has has the rank of Ensign). If possible it should be taken as a detail from Page 10, Panel 1 above.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (4): She just went swimming one day and…disappeared. She was a really strong swimmer, and it was a perfectly calm day with no tides. No one heard her call in distress.

Translation (4): Ŝi simple iris naĝi unu tagon kaj… malaperis. Ŝi estis vere bona naĝanto kaj estis perfekte trankvila tago, sen tajdoj. Neniu aŭdis ŝin voki pro problemo.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (5): Some said it might have been a cramp, but no one ever found a body. And there weren’t any sharks in the area.

Translation (5): Iuj diris, ke ŝi eble spertis kramfon, sed neniu iam trovis la korpon. Kaj ne estis ŝarkoj en tiu regiono.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 157

The Bride and the Groom.

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The warehouse space is lit incredibly bright and white. Toozie is wearing a white wedding gown and carrying a bouquet of flowers as she walks toward the Gynophage. Toozie’s face is veiled.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 12-a paĝo

Usona mararmea bazejo signifas belajn usonajn mararmeajn flegistinojn.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 12 (Two panels)

Note: This page will probably work best is laid out in landscape format, with the second panel an inset in the lower right.

Panel 1: A “group photograph” panel of about a dozen U.S. Navy nurses in dress uniform, smiling and facing the camera. The hair, makeup, and uniforms should be in a style appropriate for 1943. Of them is a 20 year-old Hazel Gluck (see panel below). Her smiling face is surrounded by a circle to distinguish her from the rest of the nurses.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): And the presence of a U.S. Navy hospital meant the presence of U.S. Navy nurses. We were able to interview one of the survivors.

Translation (1): Kaj la ĉeesto de Usona Mararmea hospitalo signifis la ĉeeston de mararmeaj flegistinoj. Ni sukcesis intervjui unu el la postvivintaj.

Panel 2: An “interview pose” panel, showing HAZEL GLUCK (“Hazel”). In this panel she is a very aged, frail old lady with thick eyeglasses.

Hazel (2): I remember how when we were first posted to Motofupo, there was this lovely beach with beautiful water to go swimming in.

Translation (2): Mi memoras, ke kiam ni unue servis en Motofupo, tie estis aminda plaĝo kun bela akvo por naĝado.

SUBTITLE – IDENTIFYING TAG (3): Lt. Hazel Gluck, USN, Ret.

Translation (3): Leŭtenanto Hazel Gluck, Usona Mararmeo, emerita.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 156

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A tour?


The point being that any story Ms. Chen will tell out of school about us will inevitably mix in details she learned while working here with those she deduced before working here, which will make it far easier for us to invoke the non-disclosure agreement.


The three men laugh, then Harry turns serious as he opens the leather folder on his desk.


We have a complete report here, and in its way it does not make our lives any easier.

Harry pulls a pair of reading glasses out of a desk drawer and puts them on, then begins reading.


Ms. Chen is in excellent physical health, no significant issues noted. Her finances were actually pretty good even before she was employed here. And our screens turned up no mental health issues. Her only major life trauma is the loss of her parents at the age of twelve and she appears to have gone through a normal cycle of bereavement and acceptance about that. She’s not depressed, not bipolar, does not have anxiety disorder, shows no indicators of suicide risk, and has no substance abuse issues.


Must be nice to be some people.


Certainly we can’t just write this girl off as a madwoman.


So what do we do now?


Ordinarily I’d just say we sit on her, but…




The future of humanity is at stake.

(takes off his reading glasses)

We are owed a favor by someone very high up. So it is time to call the favor in by asking them to read a report and its recommendation.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 11-a paĝo

La imperiismo de la usona militistaro forigas la loĝantojn de Motofupo el ilia insulo.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 11 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A group of Motofupo people, looking grim, are walking up a gangway onto a ship, guarded by some U.S. Marines.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): No historical record discloses what happened nineteen years after the Scelleratini brothers made their movie.

Translation (1): Neniu historia registraĵo informas tion, kio okazis dek naŭ jarojn post la filmo de fratoj Scelleratini.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): During World War II, the Motofupo people were compelled to leave their island.

Translation (2): Dum la Dua Mondmilito, la motofupa popolo estis devigita forlasi sian insulon.

Panel 2: A helicopter shot showing a space with quonset huts and the tiny figures of busy Navy personnel scurrying around doing important wartime tasks.

CAPTION – PSUEDO-NARRATION (3): The United States Navy established a base and a field hospital there.

Translation (3): La Usona Mararmeo tie starigis militistan bazejon kaj kampohospitalon.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 155

At last Toozie gets to meet the tentacles.

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We then arranged for a little “new employee tour” for Ms. Chen.

Toozie, again in office causal dress, is standing near the edge of tentacle range of the Gynophage, watching its tentacles waving with fascination, She is being guided by DR. LAURA MOORCOCK, who wears a white labcoat with a nameplate.


And these ones that look like…


(cutting Toozie off)

We call them phalloi.


And they’re for…


We believe their function is to inject into a prey object various biochemicals, either sedatives that will make it struggle less or enzymes that will aid in its digestion or both.


(turning to Dr. Moorcock)

And it uses them on the goats you feed it?


(reddening slightly, taken aback)

We have only noted their use on its…human prey.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 10-a paĝo

Eliza Fanshaw venkas la mortotimon per filozofio.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 10 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Still in the same apartment where the interview is taking place, but Eliza is now on tiptoes taking a heavy book down from a high shelf.

Unseen interviewer (1): Seriously, aren’t you afraid?

Translation (1): Serioze, ĉu vi ne timas?

Eliza (2): I have something to make the fear go away. Have you heard of the Roman poet Lucretius?

Translation (2): Mi havas ion por forigi la timon. Ĉu vi jam aŭdis pri la romia poeto Lukrecio?

Panel 2: Close-up around some text, the following lines from Lucretius’s De rerum natura, set in a very old typeface or (better if possible) as medieval manuscript: “respice item quam nil ad nos ante acta vetustas/temporis aeterni fuerit, quam nascimur ante./hoc igitur speculum nobis natura futuri/temporis exponit post mortem denique nostram.”

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (3): He explains that we didn’t exist for an eternity before being born, and that wasn’t bad. So why should it be bad once we stop existing?

Translation (3): Li klarigas, ke ni ne ekzistis dum eterneco antaŭ la naskiĝo kaj tio ne estis malbona. Do kial estus malbone ĉesi ekzisti?

Panel 3: Eliza, now sitting cross-legged in her big wicker chair. She has the large book she brought down in Panel 1 resting open on her lap. She’s pointing down at something on a page.

Unseen interviewer (4): And you buy that?

Translation (4): Kaj ĉu vi samkredas?

Eliza (5): It’s what David Hume told James Boswell as Hume was wasting away, about to die. But Hume was calm and even told jokes.

Translation (5): Tion David Hume rakontis al James Boswell dum Hume velkis, preskaŭ morte. Sed Hume estis trankvila kaj eĉ rakontis ŝercojn.

Panel 4: Eliza looking down at the page of the book open on her lap, reading.

Eliza (6): From Boswell’s account: “I asked him if the thought of annihilation never gave him any uneasiness. He said not the least; no more than the thought that he had not been, as Lucretius observes.”

Translation (6): Laŭ la rakonto de Boswell: “Mi demandis lin ĉu la penso pri neniiĝo iam kaŭzis al li malkomforton. Li diris, ke eĉ ne la plej malgrandan; ne pli ol la penso, ke li ne ekzistis, kiel Lukrecio rimarkis.”

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)