Dynawash by Niceman and Asian Dyna

Every now and then it just doesn’t seem like enough to imagine mad science.  You want to do it, even if just a bit.

So, in between scenes in The Apsinthion Protocol a little extra in the form of a mad artistic experiment that combines two different techniques for making erotic mad science images.  Lovely Asian Dyna, who has spontaneously created her own live-action mad science images in the recent past, graciously modeled for an image, and was then transported into the world of my own mad-science imagination through the 3D art wizardry of Niceman, who has created all sorts of remarkable imagery for this site.

The result was truly striking.

Asian Dyna gets washed by mad science robots!

(Click on the image for full-size version.)Creative Commons License
Dynawash by by Niceman and Asian Dyna, commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

The specific Gnosis College universe reference is to a story-within-a-story that I discuss in this post, (and more indirectly here) for those who are interested.

I think this was an eminently successful experiment, and am greatly pleased with Dyna and Nice’s work here.

Rachel Maines on new sex technology

Many readers of this blog, I hope, will be familiar with a certain work by historian of technology Rachel P. Maines called The Technology of Orgasm:  “Hysteria,” the Vibrator, and Women’s Sexual Satisfaction. If you’re not familiar with it, you might owe it to yourself to head down to your local library and check it out.  Short summary:  in 1970s, when Dr. Maines was reading turn-of-the-century women’s magazines in the course of researching a rather different topic in social history, she kept coming across advertisements for what were clearly (gasp!) electric vibrators.  What was going on here?  Well, it turns out that physicians for a long time had a lucrative practice in performing massages of women’s genitals for the treatment of “hysteria,” which in reality meant that they were manually stimulating women to orgasms that they presumably weren’t getting by other means in their repressive Victorian and Edwardian environments.  (Cf. Honoré de Balzac:  “The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin.”)  It had to be physicians, because of course no one could just come out and admit that women were paying for sexual pleasure.  No indeed:  must honor those puritanical sexual norms by providing what Dr. Maines calls “social camouflage,” here by pretending that women’s lack of orgasms was a medical condition requiring treatment by a doctor.  The only catch was that doctor’s didn’t actually like performing this service all that much, and so once someone finally invented a small electric motor, it was technology to the rescue in the form of the vibrator!

All an excellent read:  I commend it to your attention.  It’s a real science analog of something we’re really into here at Erotic Mad Science.

So it was a great pleasure for me when I stumbled across a bit of video of Dr. Maines recently discussing recent advances in sex technology, like Real Dolls and newfangled sex toys.  (Link here in case the embedding doesn’t work for you.)

What struck me most of all his just how funny much of this came across as being.  Especially the bit in which Dr. Maines comments about how “you’ve got something hot and something wet and…electronics and those are not a good combination.”

Well, that’s also a subject we’ve got covered here.

Girls and washing machines

Apropos of the excessive woman-washing machine short, I can say that I had seen images of women interacting at least somewhat erotically with washing machines:  the one featured in this ErosBlog post is a particularly amusing example.    And of course, sex-tech maven Violet Blue has at least one post on humping the washing machine.  But I was rather surprised, when I did an image dive on the topic, just how many images I came up with.  (On all of them you can click through for links back to the original context).  Here is one example:

And another:

And yet another:

And of course, one suggested by my friend Bacchus:

And finally another, this one with a slightly vintage feel.  Beware the spin cycle!

I haven’t yet found one that ends in the bizarre way that Waldron Lee’s short does, but I’ll keep looking.

Waldron Lee’s inspiration

The bizarre satirical short film that Aloysius appropriates for erotic-dream fodder, “Hygiene and You,” has its own inspiration. albeit one more funny than erotic.  It’s a real short called “Body Care and Grooming,” which got razzed but good by the Satellite of Love crew on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

The short was part of MST3K episode 510, The Painted Hills.  Later in the episode the two robots staged a debate on whether the short’s college-girl protagonist was more appealing as a clean girl or a dirty girl.