Bespoke Art: Created Tiny Woman

As an interlude between chapter of Invisible Girl, Heroine and a slight change of pace, some mad science art created for this site by digital make. A mad scientist has created a tiny woman in his flask — a tube-girl variant.

A mad scientist has created a tiny naked woman in a flask

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Mad Science Created Woman commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by digitalmake is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Squick or Squee 2012 II

Our second entry for Squick or Squee Week 2012 was created by Niceman, the CG artist who thrilled me by doing work that got featured by Violet Blue. In this dark work here, Niceman comes up with a scenario in which a lady mad scientist has no choice but to take refuge in a laboratory tube from her angry creations.

A lady mad scientist hides in a tube from her creations.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Niceman’s Squick or Squee Entry 2012 commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Niceman is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

I might have been the first person to place a commission with Niceman, and he’s now publishing his work not just on the Internet, but on the covers of actual books, so if you’re a member of the DeviantArt community, be sure to leave a comment of congratulations.

Possible earliest cinematic tube girls

They make their appearance all the way back in 1907.

The source is Wikipedia, and ultimately a ten-minute silent short called Satán se divierte (Satan amuses himself) made by the cinematic pioneer Segundo de Chomón (1871-1929). The film is a showcase for early special optical effects. There isn’t much of a plot there — just Satan, apparently bored, fooling around in hell that involve playing around with a couple of scantily-clad (by 1907 standards) actresses, including making tube girls. Some fine person has uploaded the short to YouTube, so I can embed it here.

The tube girls show up at about the five-minute mark. There are some other mad-sciency things going on if you wish to watch it.

A tumblr for real thaumatophiles

As an aficionado of a certain kind of erotic imagery I can (and have) spent time browsing through the vast space of image sites known as tumblrs until I burn out monitor pixels and make my eyeballs bleed.  My persistence has been rewarded with at least one tumblr I most definitely recommend to any thaumatophile, to wit Fifi-Feeling Is First.  Intrepid proprietress Fifi has put a <em>ton</em> of relevant imagery up there, so I rate it a definite must look-in if you like the content on this site.

Two appetizers to get the juices flowing:  a most unusual take on the tube girl meme.

A pulp tube-girl illustration involving drug use, etc.

And quite recently, an appealingly weird sex machine illustration.

A sex machine from Fifi-Feeling Is First

(Click through for a lot larger.)   And naturally there is much more, neatly arranged under a great variety of tags (“Bride of Octopus” being one of my personal favorites.)

But it’s not just imagery that makes this tumblr so appealing.  Fifi has a way of integrating the imagery into a narrative of topoi, a palace of imagination analogous to the palace of memory used by classical rhetoricians .  It’s something that ought to be read first hand but, okay, one hint:  another popular tag is “miskatonic.”

So Faustus says, check it out.

Holiday weekend bonus 1: Promotional Poster

Another of Lon Ryden’s promotional posters, this one with a tube-girl theme. Because this is part of an advertising campaign and used in different places around the web, our experimental subject gets a little more modesty than would be usual at

A swimsuited coed dissolves in a tube

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Tales of Gnosis College Promotional Poster 2 written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

The Transaction

I’m pleased to announce a new piece of bespoke art that has four pretty tube girls all in a row, with Dr. Strangeways and Frau Kupler engaged in…some sort of obscene business negotiation? It appears in the script for Invisible Girl, Heroine which I hope to have here in comics form in late 2012. It’s the work of the Argentine artist who publishes at DeviantArt under the name Felox08, and I’m sure you can agree he has an appealing style for tube girls.

Four naked tube girls are dickered over by Kupler and Strangeways

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
The Transaction written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and executed by Felox08 is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Drake does mad science!

It’s a great pleasure to be able to announce that Drake at Medusarrific, whose work as a CG A.S.F.R.-themed comics creator we have celebrated here before at Erotic Mad Science, will be publishing a new issue of his comic with a mad science theme. And Drake has graciously provided a preview of two pages.

We start with a standard mad-science scenario.

Drake knows his tropes. Labcoated scientist? Check. Comely and restrained naked subject? Check. Weird control panel? Check.

Of course the subject did sign a waiver. I appreciate the observance of such formalities. And also that of making the subject comfortable, and with finding appropriate ways of dealing with the subject’s doubts and making her comfortable through the course of the procedure.

I for one just can’t wait to see how this turns out, and I’ll bet you can’t either, so starting tomorrow Update: it’s up now, I’ve seen it and yes, much enjoyed it, so do drop in at Drake’s place and download the new issue.