Metrobay II

A favorite thesis of mine is that we kinky people will always be able to find loads and loads of fetish fuel in popular culture, and that since as kids we began getting kinky but didn’t have access to porny stuff (well, usually) most of our early erotic memories are going to be tied to pop-cultural experiences of the “innocent” material we did have access to.

There are two reasons we can always expect this to be true, having to do with the twin facts that we’re all hypersexual primates and many of us are kinky in some way, so therefore

  1. The people who create all this popular culture are going to work their kinks into it, intentionally or not and;
  2. Whether any creator put anything there or not, we will find our kinks in their material anyway.  There’s a reason why there’s a Rule 34, after all.

I wrote the first part of my Thaumatophile Manifesto so that my readers could have a sense of my formative pop-cultural experiences, and naturally when I started corresponding with Dr. Robo I just had to ask whether he could point to a similar class of material in the formation of his own thing for mind control and sexy robots.

Boy, could he ever.  Here are some things he was able to point out to me.

He began with an episode of Gilligan’s Island, of all things, in which Ginger gets mind controlled by a mad scientist.  I can’t embed the video, but you can see it here.  (Well, if you were living on a tropical island with Ginger and Mary Ann, would you fix the damn boat?)

Another example, from the TV series of Wonder Woman, in which a toymaker played by Frank Gorshin builds a life-size duplicate of the heroine.

And another example, the 1982 sci-fi film Android, in which a somewhat mad scientist builds two androids, one of whom is a pretty blonde.

Dr. Robo pointed to some influences he has in common with me, such as Robotrix and The Bride of Frankenstein and also Weird Science, although actually had something in mind from the 1990’s television series rather than the 1985 movie which so influenced me. In the version pointed to by Dr. Robo, a mad scientist tries to drain created woman Lisa’s energy to power his own “bride.” Again, I can’t embed, but you can see the episode on Hulu here. And there’s also a scene in Superman III in which a henchwoman gets sucked into a machine and cyborgized.

But the best overlap we had was Metropolis. You know the scene. Everybody knows the scene.

Can’t see it too many times, and that thought will take us to tomorrow’s post…

Update: Some of the video embeds in this post were crushed by WordPress for the first few hours it was up. I hope it’s fixed now.

Metrobay I

I’ve always thought that one of the cardinal virtues of making your own erotica is that you have an extraordinary opportunity to make friends, and I’m pleased to have a bit of confirming evidence for that hypothesis just recently.

For many years there has been someone else making his own erotic mad science under the handle Dr. Robo.  His core focus is a little different from mine, centered on the themes of erotic mind control and sexy robots (and human beings who’ve been made into them).  Oh, and voluptuous superheroines: let’s not forget that!  Together with his artist and creative partner Finister Foul, Dr. Robo has produced and published a hundreds-of-pages long series of 3D comics are set in a fictional setting called Metrobay.  They got their start in publication from a gentleman working under the handle Jpeger, the proprietor of (that is, “Mind Control Comix”) and (that is heroines in peril comix, not hipster comix), and have  since advanced to doing their own distribution. In addition to this principal art, both the series and the setting have benefited from the contributions of a talented group of additional artists attracted to the project over the years, including Trishbot, Uroboros, MCtek, Northern Chill, Akonkid, Dumbtime, and Sir Willoughby.

Yes a little different.  There are no super-powered individuals in the Gnosis College fictional setting, and I’ve touched only a little bit on the theme of erotic mind control (remember Dr. Strangeways’s obscene hedonic machine from Invisible Girl, Heroine?).  There are a lot of sex machines of various kinds, and there’s an A.S.F.R.-related theme often touched on.  And of course, both Dr. Robo and I seem to enjoy working the visual tropes of mad science — of the subject stretched out upon the table, whether volunteer or victim, awaiting some extraordinary offense-unto-God transformation.  Certainly all this was enough to answer Dr. Robo’s friendly hail.

It was time well spent, believe me, for it was a chance to discover still more in common, such as

(1) Origin stories.  Dr. Robo reports that his thing for erotic mind control began when he was a kid.  I experienced the first stirrings of my thing just as early, it seems.  These sorts of things go deep for those of us who really have them.

(2) A common trope:  the tube girl.  I think I might use it more frequently, but Dr. Robo clearly understands its power.  Here is an example, from his dieselpunk-era Metrobay story Original Sin.

(3) And another common trope: the scanner! For me it started with Looker, and I first wrote about Iris Brockman getting scanned to set up some fun personal identity porn. Dr. Robo also knows the trope and knows it well. Consider this scene from another of his comics, Adult Toys:

Yes, I can really relate.

(4) A lust for world-building.  It seems that neither Dr. Robo nor I just want sexy images that reflect our thing, or even characters or stories that reflect our thing.  We want whole worlds, places, fictional universes geared to the logic of what it is that we’re into.  And so we set out to create them.

Main building of Gnosis College, the center of a different erotic fictional world.

(5)  And an understanding of popular culture as a never-ending source of fetish fuel… Well, that’s tomorrow’s post.

But if I’ve intrigued you enough about Dr. Robo’s project (or if you, like he, really like erotic mind control and robots), you can and should show him some appreciation even now.  The Metrobay site at DeviantArt can be reached here, and there’s a whole site called the Metrobay Encyclopedia here.  But probably best of all would be if you were to buy Dr. Robo’s work, which you can do at his Ebay store here.  Happy browsing!

The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter One, Cover

For a long time I’ve wanted to try to realize some of my script material in comic book form, and now with the help of artist Lon Ryden that vision is beginning to come true.  Today we launch the first chapter of the comic book adaption of The Apsinthion Protocol. I’ll be serializing Chapter One through much of the month of March here at Erotic Mad Science, and hope that you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Any self-respecting comic book starts with a cover, and Lon came up with a gorgeous allegorical one for the launch:  une fée verte embracing…well, you’ll have to follow the action to understand just what.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Apsinthion Protocol Chapter One, Cover written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

The action gets underway tomorrow!

Announcing: Adventure to Nowhere

Although it might be high fantasy rather than mad science, it is nonetheless a privilege and a pleasure to be able to announce that Lucy Fidelis, who drew the first micro-comic ever to appear here at Erotic Mad Science, Shrinking Stacey, is now launching a new webcomic of her own, Adventure to Nowhere, with new updates available in English and Portuguese ever Friday.  It will be a fine chance for all of us to enjoy new installments of Lucy’s appealing style.

I’ll be tuning in to support Lucy in her new venture and hope that many of you readers will too.  Click on the image (or title) above to get to Lucy’s new site.


Apsinthion II: Page One

It’s a great pleasure to be able to present another short comics series, this time adapted from The Apsinthion Protocol. Over the next five days we follow Nanetta Rector on her (impliedly) second trip through Professor Corwin’s Apsinthion device, and even get to follow some of her thoughts through the process.  She’s supported in this curious enterprise by her friend and roomate Moira Weir and Corwin’s assistant Li Anwei.  Orgasmic dissolution…For Science!

The artist here is Lon Ryden, whose work on Penelope Pornstarr we’ve seen before here at Erotic Mad Science.  I’m impressed with Lon’s work on this brief bit of adapted script and hope you are too.  Here is Page One.

(Click on the image for full size. Creative Commons License
Apsinthion II: Page One by Lon Ryden and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

If you like Lon’s work, I strongly encourage you to visit his site here and his DeviantArt page here.

Erotic Mad Science Invades Wholesome American Comic

Or it did back around 2000 anyway.  Chris’s Invincible Superblog has a post pointing out that the Archie spin-off comic book to Archie’s Weird Mysteries in which Archie Andrews dates a sexbot named Lisi.

Lisi was created by a local mad scientist to have the best features of both Betty and Veronica, I believe as some sort of very-necessary research into teenage sexuality.  She thus interestingly represents an attempt at sort of erotic chimera, like Jireen who was created out of Jill Keeney and Maureen Creel.  Although as far as I know, neither Betty nor Veronica had to be dissolved in the process of making Lisi.  (Darn!)

Squick or squee, I guess.  Though perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that something like this was going on somewhere in the Archie fictional universe.  I mean, Don DeCarlo did a lot of its art for a long time, and we know that DeCarlo definitely had a thing for sci-fi cheesecake and I’d wager he’d have ventured into erotic mad science given free rein…

Glad I’m alive now, rather than back then.