Study Abroad teaser I: Bridget O’Brian character design

The Tales of Gnosis College only begin with The Apsinthion Protocol, and while those later stories are reaching their conclusion here, Lon and I are already hard at work on the next set, a four-story anthology called Study Abroad. To whet your appetites for those stories, I’m presenting some preview materials, including some of Lon’s rather luscious character design work.

Here we have Bridget O’Brian, a self-described “nice Irish Catholic girl” who finds herself in dressed in a way the nice nuns at her parochial high school might have looked askance at.

Bridget O'Brian as harem dancing girl

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Bridget O’Brian Character Design written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

A bit more of Bridget coming early next week!

Mad Science Steampunk Tavern

I knew I’d be gratified at having Niceman and Asian Dyna back for another round of live-action poses in a 3D world…

Many gorgeous Dynas play various roles in a mad science steampunk tavern!

(Click on the image for full-size version.)Creative Commons License
Mad Science Steampunk Tavern by by Niceman and Asian Dyna, commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

This rather complicated image has a backstory. It began with my desire to have a bar scene, beginning with a place that I frequent in the real world.

I’ve blogged about it at ErosBlog, but kudos to you if you can identify it without peeking!

Mischievous fellow that I am, I set a constraint for Niceman: he would have to incorporate a design suggestion of Dyna’s.

Dyna’s suggestion: how about multiple me-s?

Well that was way too much fun to pass up, because if there’s one thing that we mad scientists love, it’s the idea of duplicating beautiful women.

And so Nice went to work, and made a mad science bar. How many Dynas can you spot? We’ve got a tube girl, a reference to Invasion of the Bee Girls, a shrinking woman reference and…in the background…one more.

Dynawash, alternate version

A few weeks back I was delighted to present a live-action/3D art hybtid image, in which the lovely Asian Dyna provided the live model and talented artist (and frequent Erotic Mad Science contributor) Niceman provided the 3D setting. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be able to present another such image — same theme, different take:.

Lovely Asian Dyna gets naked and gets washed by robots...again!

(Click on the image for full-size version.)Creative Commons License
Dynawash Version 2 by by Niceman and Asian Dyna, commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

The image is a variant of a contest image created by Niceman as part of the 2011 Alien Invasion Contest (!) over at Renderotica, and if you have a Renderotica login (or want to create one, which is well worth the effort) you can see Niceman’s contest image here.

Dynawash by Niceman and Asian Dyna

Every now and then it just doesn’t seem like enough to imagine mad science.  You want to do it, even if just a bit.

So, in between scenes in The Apsinthion Protocol a little extra in the form of a mad artistic experiment that combines two different techniques for making erotic mad science images.  Lovely Asian Dyna, who has spontaneously created her own live-action mad science images in the recent past, graciously modeled for an image, and was then transported into the world of my own mad-science imagination through the 3D art wizardry of Niceman, who has created all sorts of remarkable imagery for this site.

The result was truly striking.

Asian Dyna gets washed by mad science robots!

(Click on the image for full-size version.)Creative Commons License
Dynawash by by Niceman and Asian Dyna, commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

The specific Gnosis College universe reference is to a story-within-a-story that I discuss in this post, (and more indirectly here) for those who are interested.

I think this was an eminently successful experiment, and am greatly pleased with Dyna and Nice’s work here.

Tentacle Fantasia

Since this April has marked Moira Weir’s extended introduction to Howard the tentacle beast, I think it’s fair to declare that April is Tentacles Month here at Erotic Mad Science.  Since I would not want the 3D art community to feel that only traditional artists were getting in on the fun, I commissioned KristinF to create a tentacle fantasia, an imagined happening in the South Seas whence Howard presumably comes.

Kristin was commissioned to go wild.  She did.

naked women engulfed in an underwater tentacles nest

(Click on image for full size. Creative Commons License
Tentacle Fantasia by KristinF and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

The image reproduced in blog size cannot possibly do justice to the amount of fetishy detail that Kristin has worked in here, so by all means please click though to see the large image. It looks like an underwater expedition gone horribly wrong. Or horribly right. It depends on your perspective. I must note, however, that the fearsome shark in the upper-right hand part of the illustration has come to his own conclusion and appears to be fleeing the whole happening in terror.

You’ll never be disappointed asking Kristin to go wild.

Edith Sterling’s Transformation Begins

KristinF has worked up a doozy of a bespoke art set-piece from a bit of comics script I was once working on, coming up with a gritty, scary, sexy, dieselpunk environment in which something very mad science is taking place.

Naked crucified Edith Sterling begins a mad science transformation

(Click on the image for full size. Creative Commons License
Edith Sterling’s Transformation Begins by KristinF and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

The script is Teuthology and the basic story is that Edith Sterling an assistant professor of inveterate biology at Gnosis College, summoned by the government to help clean up after a mad-science experiment disrupted by the authorities, has agreed to undergo a version of the experiment in hopes of being able to reverse its effects on the mad scientist’s previous victims.  She’s naked because she needs to soak up a lot of special radiation that will effect her transformation from woman to octopus (note the receiving tank of fluid beneath her).  And she’s crucified because…well, that’s the way the mad scientist did his other victims, and you don’t want to tamper with mad science procedures more than you have to!

Edith is being watched here by a naval officer and his chief scientist, neither of whom appears to have had the courage to show up naked for the proceedings.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, Edith in the script takes a pretty dim view of being on display here.


View up Edith, ¾ behind, upper half. We can see her head slumped down.

Caption (1): Great Cthulhu, this hurts.

Caption (2): Small wonder crucifixion is associated with matrydom.


View of Edith’s bare midsection. Two “ray-gun” like objects are in the frame, pointing at her. (SFX: WHRRR)

Caption (3): It wasn’t even obvious that this part of the ordeal was necessary. It might just have been sadism on Dr. Sin’s part. But I don’t want to deviate unnecessarily from…


View of Shackleford and Chen. They are both wearing radiation suits and dark goggles.

Caption (4):  Aw, crap.

Shackleford (5):  Everything all right, Professor Sterling?


Close-up on Edith’s face.  She is showing an expression of grim determination.

Caption (6):  He isn’t here out of scientific interest. Or out of compassion for me.

Caption (7):  He likes seeing me like this.

Caption (8):  Asshole.

We can but sympathize.  (It should be noted, though, that Edith is actually looking forward to becoming an octopus, even if no one else in the story knows this.)  Though perhaps if Edith had read this rather remarkable blog entry and picked up the right fetish, she might have had a different hedonic take on the mad-science proceedings…


Steampunk Chimera Genesis

Back when I first commissioned the Chimera Genesis image for this site’s first anniversary post, 3D artist Niceman thoughtfully suggested that he could do a steampunk variant on the same theme.  I put that in the mental folder of “interesting idea, must think more about it.”  Chimera Genesis proceeded to storm to triumph, being featured not just here but also in a post by überblogger Violet Blue.  Around that time, Niceman’s proposal swiftly departed the limboland of “interesting idea” for the blessed region of “I’d be a fool not to do this.”  I told Niceman, in effect “I won’t even ask exactly what you’ve got in mind, I’ll commission the steampunk version.”

And I would have been a fool not to have, to, seeing the stunning image Niceman came up with.

(The in-post version really can’t do it justice, so click on the image for full-size version.)Creative Commons License
Steampunk Chimera Genesis by by Niceman, commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

The story here is the same, but the historical setting is different.  Mad science is being used to turn two women into one with the memories and skills of both.  There’s a lot to love about this image:  the fact that a lady mad scientist seems to running the show here, and the shocked “I didn’t sign up for this” look on the faces of one of the experiment’s subjects.  Even the nineteenth-century underwear has a nice fetishy appeal, somehow.

You know, given how much fun steampunk and dieselpunk and all that are, I really ought to do more with the history of Gnosis College.  I mean, as you can see from the college seal (recently worked up for me by Lon Ryden, thanks Lon!) the college was supposedly founded in 1844 (the year that Nietzsche was born and Marx wrote his Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts), and those Victorians could get pretty darn kinky when you looked closely at them.

Must write more…ever more…

Willie and Rayna Dungeon Sequence IV

The penalty for voluntary frolics is…forced copulation. In an elaborate dungeon sex machine, at that. Don’t ask me what insane troll logic got the nuns there. It’s not my religion.

I will note that the Mother Superior has a most unusual approach to manipulating the controls on the machine.

At least Willie will get out of this and head back to Gnosis. Rayna has a somewhat more complicated fate in store…

(Click on the image for full size. Creative Commons License
Willie & Rayna Dungeon Sequence IV by KristinF and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Willie and Rayna Dungeon Sequence III

The good sisters of Mary Magdalene, showing their familiarity with the grand tradition of European pornography, maintain a dungeon in the basement precisely for the purpose of dealing with miscreants like Willie and Rayna. The unlucky (?) pair are being teased and taunted, and doubtless unfavorable remarks are being made about Willie’s willie.

You didn’t think the big ruler was just for smacking people, did you?

(Click on the image for full size. Creative Commons License
Willie & Rayna Dungeon Sequence III by KristinF and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Willie and Rayna Dungeon Sequence II

.It turns out that the nuns who run Mary Magdalene college do not take kindly to unsupervised frolics taking place on their real estate and resolve to deal with Willie and Rayna but good.

(Click on the image for full size. Creative Commons License
Willie & Rayna Dungeon Sequence II by KristinF and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)